
  • 网络applied science;Applied disciplines
  1. MRPⅡ是一种集管理、计算机和制造工艺三种技术于一体的应用学科;

    MRP ⅱ is an applied science which incorporates management skill , computer and manufacturing technology .

  2. 它与文艺美学和审美教育相并列,构成了美学的三大应用学科。

    With literary aesthetics and aesthetic education in parallel , constitute the three major aesthetic applied science .

  3. 自20世纪60年代引入GIS以来,GIS技术的发展已日趋成熟,作为应用学科逐渐的被引入了各个学科领域。

    Since 1960s , GIS technology has been greatly developed and gradually introduced to many fields .

  4. 同时信息论也于1948年由Shannon创立,这些都为光学信息处理这门新兴的应用学科的发展创造了条件。

    At the same time , information theory also founded in 1948 by Shannon . The above-mentioned case has provided the conditions for development of the emerging disciplines of optical information processing .

  5. 之后,尤其进入90年代后期,随着计算机应用学科的发展,特别是通讯、交通等学科的发展需要,使得对SP问题的研究又一次成为国内外学者研究的热点。

    Until the end of 1990s , with the development of computer science , especially the development of communication and traffic and transportation science , the study on SP has become the focus of many researchers both abroad and at home .

  6. 因此,法律修辞学是一门综合性的法律应用学科。

    Therefore , legal rhetoric is a comprehensive legal discipline .

  7. 运动解剖学不仅属于体育专业的基础学科,而且也是一门体育专业的综合应用学科。

    Kinesic anatomy is a basic and generally applied course in physical educator .

  8. 应用学科的宏观问题和分支

    The Macroscopic Issues and Branches of Applied Disciplines

  9. 景观设计学是一门建立在自然科学与人文学科基础上的应用学科。

    Landscape Architecture is an applied subject based on natural science and humanistic subject .

  10. 经济学中数学应用学科的联系分析

    Relation Analysis of Applied Mathematics in Economics

  11. 基础学科与应用学科的协调是大学学科建设的重要内容。

    Coordinating basic discipline and applied discipline is an important content of university disciplinary construction .

  12. 术语学是一门综合性的应用学科。

    Terminology is a complex cross-disciplinary science .

  13. 图书馆评价也是一门理论与实践相结合的、不断发展中的应用学科。

    The library evaluation is also a subject that combined with scientific theories and objective practices .

  14. 旅游伦理是伦理学的应用学科,是关于旅游者和旅游利益相关者的道德学说;

    Tourism ethics is an applied discipline as well as a morality theory about tourists and stakeholders .

  15. 企业经营分析就是通过一定的方法,来分析和评价企业经营状况以及发展趋势的一门应用学科。

    Enterprise operation analysis is analyzing and estimating enterprise operation state and development trend through certain methods .

  16. 以事实说明学科交叉对应用学科发展和提高的重大意义。

    The facts show that the subject crossing is important to the development of the applied sciences .

  17. 作为一门极具工具属性的应用学科,《公文写作》还具有涵浑多边的文化意味。

    As an applied discipline of highly instrumental nature , Document Writing is also of multiple cultural implications .

  18. 近年来图论和许多应用学科结合,形成分支学科。

    In recent years graph theory is combined with the many application disciplines and the formation of branches .

  19. 创业教育背景下应用学科教学计划调整的研究

    Study on the Adjustment in Teaching Plan of Applied Subjects under the Background of Students ' Job-creating Education

  20. 《房地产投资与管理》是一门自然科学和社会科学相互渗透的综合性应用学科。

    Investment and Management in Real Estate is a natural and social sciences comprehensive mutual penetration applied science .

  21. 市场营销学是一门建立在经济科学,行为科学和现代管理理论基础之上的应用学科。

    Marketing is a application discipline which is on the basic of economic , behavior and modern management theory .

  22. 财务管理是一门综合性应用学科,其内容极其丰富,对我们在现代社会中生存有重要价值。

    Financial Management , as a comprehensive applied subject , is of great value for us in modern society .

  23. 这门社会学的应用学科将促进体育的健康发展和社会的良性运行。

    The applied discipline of this sociology will promote the healthy development of sports and social function running smoothly .

  24. 图像处理和识别是一个重要的应用学科方向,涉及很多基础知识。

    Image processing and recognition is an applied discipline , which is related to many disciplines and basic knowledge .

  25. 园林艺术是融入了各类艺术形式理论与实践的一门综合性的应用学科。

    Garden art is a comprehensively applied science which involves the theory and practices of all kinds of arts .

  26. 公共危机管理成为社会必需的一门具有实战性的应用学科。

    Public crisis management is to become a community must be of a door with a actual application disciplines .

  27. 它具有独立学科、综合学科和应用学科的性质。

    According to its nature it is , in fact , an independent , comprehensive and applied branch of learning .

  28. 保险企业管理学是保险学与管理学交叉而形成的一门边缘性、综合性的应用学科。

    The management of insurance enterprise is a fringed , all-around and applied subject across the insurance and the management .

  29. 本文回顾了控制理论及其应用学科十年来的发展和进步。

    The development and advances about control theory and its applications in China in the recent decade have been reviewed .

  30. 应用学科建设和具体的文艺批评工作,也是他的治学领域。

    Apart from aesthetics and literature , he is also committed to the construction of applied disciplines and literary criticism .