
yìnɡ yònɡ wù lǐ xué
  • applied physics
  1. 化学联合会和国际纯粹与应用物理学联合会(InternationalUnionofPureandAppliedPhysics)共同将第113号元素的命名权授予了理化学研究所的研究人员,而一支俄美联合团队抱憾。后者也声称发现了该元素。

    The chemistry union , along with the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics , granted the Riken researchers naming rights to Element 113 over a joint Russia-United States team that had also claimed to discover the element .

  2. 应用物理学专业人才培养模式的探索与实践

    Study and Practice of Newly-constructed Cultivation Modes of Applied Physics Talents

  3. 这项研究已经在《应用物理学》杂志上发表。

    The research is in the Journal of Applied Physics .

  4. 应用物理学史革新物理教育

    Using the History of Physics to Innovate Physics Education

  5. 应用物理学中的迈克耳孙干涉仪知识,介绍其在精密尺寸测量中的运用。

    Appling Michelson interferometer knowledge in physics , its application of precise size measure is introduced .

  6. 应用物理学专业光电信息技术实验室建设的探讨

    The Discussion on the Construction of the Optoelectronic Information Technology Lab of the Applied Physics Major

  7. 理工融合教育理念与北邮应用物理学专业培养计划

    The education plan of applied physics speciality of BUPT with the concept of " science combined with engineering "

  8. 介绍了对应用物理学专业《原子物理学》与《量子力学》课程内容体系进行整合的情况。

    We give an introduction of how to incorporate atomic physics into quantum mechanics for the specialty of applied physics .

  9. 概率统计,优化,应用物理学,应用数学,数据挖掘,项目管理,软计算。

    Probability & Statistics , Optimization , Applied Physics , Applied Mathematics , Data Mining , Project Management , Soft Computing .

  10. 本文应用物理学基本定律修正了经典光伏理论,并建立了新的光伏模型。

    Used basic physics law , the classical theory of photovoltage is cor - rected , and a new photovoltage model is established in this paper .

  11. 以此为基础,应用物理学中的牛顿第二定律,建立了交通流的欧拉方程;得出了交通压力的定义;

    The Second Newton 's law is introduced into traffic flow to set up Euler 's equation , and the definition of the transportation pressure is obtained .

  12. 在结构形态学研究方面,应用物理学原理解释毛的微观结构形成的过程以及结构与功能、行为、生态的关系也很重要。

    Physical principles introduced probed into the interpretation of the mechanism that the hair microstructure forms and the relatedness between structure and function , animal behavior and ecology .

  13. 基于解析建模法,应用物理学、流体力学、动力学定律和方程推导其数学模型及传递函数,为其仿真实验奠定了理论基础。

    Based on physics , fluid mechanics , and dynamics , the mathematical model and transfer function are obtained , which is the theoretical foundation of the system simulation .

  14. 实际应用物理学成果的,并不全是、称为物理学家的那些人。这是因为,应用物理学原理的大多数人称之为工程师。

    Practical applications of physics are not all made by those labeled as physicists , for the majority of those who apply the principles of physics are called engineers .

  15. 虽然中国的篇均被引频次总体上仍低于日本,但在应用物理学等子领域上已经有所超出。

    Though the average number of citations per paper in total of China were still lower than Japan , the China had exceeded Japan in applied physics and some other subfields .

  16. 摘要本文介绍了按照“理工融合”教育理念制定的北京邮电大学应用物理学专业培养计划,主要介绍培养目标和课程设置。

    This article introduces the education plan of Applied Physics Speciality in Beijing University of post and Telecommunications according to the concept of " science combined with engineering ", primarily its educational goal and course program .

  17. 科学态度的本质是什么?那些研究并应用物理学,生物学,化学,地质学,工程学,医学或其他所有科学的男男女女们所具有的态度的本质是什么?

    What is the nature of the scientific attitude , the attitude of the man or woman who studies and applies physics , biology , chemistry , geology , engineering , medicine or any other science ?

  18. 应用物理学专业要培养合格的光电信息技术人才,必须建立起光学和光电信息技术实验课程新体系,同时建立起满足新体系要求的光电信息技术实验室。

    If the Applied Physics major wants to foster qualified optoelectronic information technology talented person , it must build a new system of experiment lessons of optics and optoelectronic information technology , and also a qualified lab according to those lessons .

  19. 应用物理学、数学、力学、信息论、统计学和管理学等理论方法,提出了管理力、管理功和管理复杂度的基本概念、定义、基本原理和研究范围;

    This article applies the theories and methods of the physics , mathematics , dynamics , information science , statistics and management science to put forth the concepts , definitions , basic theorems and Research scopes of the management force , energy and complexity ;

  20. ESR方法首先应用于物理学、化学、生物学等领域。

    First the ESR technology was applied to physics , chemistry and biology and other areas .

  21. 本文从GPS全球卫星定位系统中的时空测量及相对论效应的应用说明物理学理论在当代科学技术中起着重要的作用。

    Through the introduction of the measurement of time and space in GPS and the application of the relativistic effects , this article illustrates the importance of physics theory in contemporary scientific technology .

  22. 高分辨核磁共振(NuclearMagnetiCResonance,NMR)波谱是一种能够在非侵入性状态下获得生物组织分子信息的有效手段。现已被广泛应用于物理学、化学、生物及医药等领域。

    High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) spectroscopy , which has been widely used in many fields such as physics , chemistry , biology and medicine , offers an effectively noninvasive method to obtain molecular information in biological tissues .

  23. Jaynes提出的最大熵原理作为一种普遍的推理方法,受到各个学科越来越多的关注,已被广泛应用于物理学、生态学、通信科学、社会经济学,及其它相关学科。

    The principle of maximum entropy proposed by Jaynes as a general reasoning methods , attracting more and more attention , have been widely applied to physics , ecology , and communication science , social economics , and other related disciplines .

  24. 论扭秤的发明应用对物理学发展的贡献

    On the Contribution to Physical Development by the Invention and Application of Torsion Balance

  25. 这些研究促进了应用地球物理学理论和方法的深入发展。

    The researches in recent years have promoted the theory and methods in applied geophysics .

  26. 应用地球物理学中的数据采集系统

    Data Acquisition Systems in Applied Geophysics

  27. 本文专注于选择应用于物理学和物理研究的最好的开源软件。

    This article focuses on selecting the best open source software for physics and physics education .

  28. 本文综合讨论应用地球物理学中各种数据采集系统及其基本组成和特点。

    This paper sums up and discusses various data acquisition systems , their basal components and specificities .

  29. 总而言之,本文认为,如果应用在物理学、数学,归纳法可靠。

    In short , the inductive theory , which used in physics , mathematics , is reliable .

  30. 北欧应用地球物理学协会

    Nordic Association of Applied Geophysics