
  • 网络corfu;island of Corfu;Kerkyra
  1. 拜尼采斯是科孚岛上最热闹的度假胜地,满是酒吧、迪斯科舞厅和餐馆。

    Benitses is the noisiest resort on Corfu , with bars , discos and tavernas .

  2. 我们正处于科孚岛的同一纬度上。

    We are at the precise latitude of corfu .

  3. 游客来到之后可直奔几个渔村,比如位于科孚岛(Corfu)视野之内的Qeparo村,在这里,你可以划着小艇穿过冷战时期的潜艇隧道,或者游过荒废的古堡,在Riviera客栈一边饱餐鲜鱼,一边看潮起潮落。

    Head to villages like Qeparo , within sight of Corfu , where you can kayak past Cold War submarine tunnels , swim by abandoned forts and watch the tide rise during a dinner of fresh fish at an inn called the Riviera .

  4. 故事从科孚岛上开始。

    The story begins on the island of corfu .

  5. 1992年8月,我去希腊的科孚岛度了一个月假。

    I was vacationing on the Greek island of Corfu for about a month in August of1992 .

  6. 网友JoeyBulgaria评价科孚岛:“这是我去过的最一般的旅游城市。”

    JoeyBulgaria said of the place : ' It was the most generic touristy city I 've ever been to .

  7. 一个小镇或城市大受欢迎,似乎常常会带来声名的衰落。佛罗伦萨并非唯一,希腊的科孚岛同样被批为旅游陷阱。

    Florence isn 't alone - a town or city 's popularity can often be its downfall it seems , with Corfu in Greece also criticised for being a tourist trap .