
  • 网络santorini;Santorini island
  1. 这位年轻的女士参观的地方包括圣托里尼岛、克里特岛和雅典。

    Places the young woman visited included Santorini , Crete and Athens .

  2. 在圣托里尼岛东岸的佩里萨黑沙海滩享受远离都市竞争的休假。

    Time out of the rat race on the black sands of Perissa beach on the east coast of Santorini island .

  3. 圣安东尼奥的美食清淡自然,使用当地的原料,并配以精心挑选的希腊葡萄酒,体现了圣托里尼岛的地中海传统。你心动了吗?

    Using local ingredients and reflecting Santorini 's Mediterranean heritage , San Antonio 's cuisine is light and natural , perfectly accompanied by a carefully selected list of Greek wines .

  4. 圣托里尼岛上的圣安东尼奥城堡是一个浪漫动人的避世之所,它内部的极致美景把我们的生活方式文化引入了一个全新的时代&豪华洞窟时代。

    Introducing a new era in lifestyle culture , cave luxury , San Antonio in Santorini is a breathtakingly romantic hideaway with stunning vistas for the eyes of its guests only .

  5. 比如,圣托里尼岛上生长着的葡萄,一定是你见过的世界上最丑陋的同类植物,但是,你会觉得那是最顽强的生命的枝条和叶脉,最甜美的生命的果实。

    They must be the ugliest plant of its kind in the world . But , meanwhile , you couldn 't help feeling that they are the most vigorous branches and vines that produce the sweetest fruits in the world .