
  • 网络This Is America;US Today;america today;The USA Today
  1. 我从街角的自动售卖机买了一份《今日美国》。

    I bought a copy of ' USA Today ' from a street-corner machine

  2. 《今日美国》(USATODAY)说,对大多数城市来讲,就业复苏即使能实现,也得是在好几年过后。

    Any ' jobs recovery is years away in most cities , ' says USA Today .

  3. 《今日美国》(USAToday)推出了一个特别版,介绍这项活动。从周五开始,就能在星巴克门店里看到。

    USA Today has produced a special section on the initiative that will be available in Starbucks stores starting on Friday .

  4. 墙上还有剪报包括珍妮弗13年前在参加《今日美国》(usatoday)访谈时第一次见到史密斯的报道。

    There are newspaper cuttings on the wall including the interview Jennifer did for USA today when she first met Smith 13 years ago .

  5. 今日美国/盖洛普(usatoday/gallup)最近一次民意测验显示,59%的美国人认为政府开支过度。

    A recent USA Today / Gallup poll showed that 59 per cent of Americans think government spending is excessive .

  6. 《今日美国》(USATODAY)称表演对他而言“轻而易举”。《纽约客》(TheNewYorker)评价詹姆斯是整部无聊透顶的影片中“最有趣的人”。

    USA TODAY called his performance " a slam dunk . " The New Yorker called James " the funniest person " in the whole dang thing .

  7. 完全通过网络,《财富》杂志App应用、AllThingsD、TechCrunch、《纽约时报》(NYT)、《今日美国》(USAToday)。

    Entirely the web , fortune app , Allthingsd , tech crunch , NYT , USA today .

  8. 据《今日美国》说,Legallo用一个由法国设计师JeanDousset的钻石戒指向她求婚了。

    Legallo popped the question with a diamond ring by French designer Jean Dousset , according to USA Today .

  9. CNN、《今日美国》说我们上升了两个百分点而福克斯新闻网说我们下降了六十个百分点

    CNN , USA Today , has us up by two . News has us down by sixty .

  10. 本周《今日美国》报的一篇报道上提到,游戏制造商unclemilton今年计划推出一款类似的游戏。

    In a report this week USA Today newspaper said game maker Uncle Milton plans to release a similar game this year .

  11. 创始人和老板LeslieKemmGudel告诉《今日美国》,公司在11月已经关闭了。

    The company shut down in November , founder and owner Leslie Kemm Gudel told USA TODAY .

  12. 《今日美国》报(USAToday)的一名专栏作家写道:“与吃苹果饼、开小卡车或者星期六下午手拿遥控器在电视机前消磨时光相比,仇视足球是更道地的美国风格。”

    Or as one columnist for USA Today wrote : " Hating soccer is more American than apple pie , driving a pickup , or spending Saturday afternoon channel surfing with the remote control . "

  13. 今年2月,《今日美国》(USATODAY)称牛肉的零售价已升至1987年以来的最高点,同时猪肉价格上涨了6.8%,家禽价格也比去年同期上涨了4.7%。

    In February , USA Today reported the highest average retail cost for beef on record since 1987 , while pork was up 6.8 % and poultry shot up 4.7 % over the last year .

  14. Perry是将于9月29日在圣弗朗西斯哥举行的今日美国变革代理商直播活动的四位嘉宾之一。

    Perry is one of four guests at USA TODAY 's Change Agents Live event Sept. 29 in San Francisco .

  15. NASA发言人向《今日美国》证实,一台摄像机的确记录下发射过程中青蛙被气流冲上天的景象。

    A NASA spokesperson confirmed to Universe Today that the frog was caught by one of its cameras as it was propelled through the air .

  16. 当然,麦迪是那一年麦当劳高中全明星赛的MVP,还是《今日美国》“年度最佳高中球员”。

    Sure , he was a McDonald 's All-American and USA Today 's National Player of the Year .

  17. 2月份,他在《今日美国》(USAToday)的评论版对页文章中表示,他庆幸自己能够在美国生活,而且他认为其他外国创业者也应该获得同样的机会。

    Kent outlined in a February USA Today op-ed how " lucky " he felt to be able to make his life in the U.S. and his belief that foreign entrepreneurs should have the same opportunity .

  18. 《今日美国》,美国第二大报纸宣布将重组并专注于媒体的新兴平台如iPad和iPhone。

    USA Today , the nation 's second largest newspaper has announced that it is dramatically restructuring to focus on emerging platforms like the iPad and iPhone .

  19. 《今日美国报》头版图片描述AIG商标被掷西红柿,这些都反映了美国人怒不可遏的民情。

    " USA Today " front-page picture described AIG trademarks are throwing tomatoes , which are a reflection of the American people furious .

  20. 麦迪高中毕业后便直接进入了NBA,当他被《今日美国》(USATODAY)选为年度最优秀高中生球员时还引起了不少轰动。

    McGrady had come straight out of high school and was the recipient of quite a significant amount of buzz after being named the High School Player of the Year by USA Today .

  21. 据《今日美国》报道,一个名为NeuroSky的公司修改了EEG技术,使其适用于这两款游戏。

    A company called NeuroSky adapted the EEG technology for both games , according to USA Today .

  22. 德拉蒙德能够入选是因为他是东部未入选全明星球员里得到教练投票最多的球员。今日美国NBA记者杰夫报

    Drummond was selected because had the most voting points from NBA coaches out of Easter Conference players who weren 't selected as reserves , reports USA Today Sport 's Jeff Zillgitt .

  23. 即使是最大的报业集团gannett市值也已减半,尽管它拥有《今日美国》(usatoday)这种为数不多的发行量有小幅上升的报纸之一。

    Even Gannett , the largest in the sector , has halved in value , in spite of it owning USA today , one of the few papers to report modest circulation increases .

  24. 据《今日美国》报道,《Clarity》,作为这位俄罗斯-德国混血DJ兼制作人2012年首专中的首支单曲,在美国已达到白金销量(销量突破100万),超过1200万。

    Clarity , the lead single from the Russian-German DJ / producer 's 2012 debut album of the same title , has been certified platinum in the US , selling more than 1.2 million copies , according to USA Today .

  25. 为帮助驴友们发掘超值之旅,我们综合借鉴了《今日美国》、美国有线电视新闻网CNN以及《孤独星球》上的相关内容,为您盘点出一系列超值旅行目的地。

    To help travelers in search of value , we 've assembled , with the help of professionals from USA Today , CNN and Lonely Planet , a list of destinations that are worth going to while they 're still cheap .

  26. 根据《今日美国》获得的一份警方声明显示,当地时间15:20分,纳瓦拉的Fitbit智能手环显示她心跳加速,而视频证据显示,艾洛的车当时就停在纳瓦拉家。

    According to a police statement obtained by USA Today , Ms Navarra 's Fitbit Alta device showed a raised heart rate at about 15:20 local time , when video evidence suggested Mr Aiello 's car was at her house .

  27. 本文采用Fairclough提出的批评性语篇分析框架,从转述方式和消息来源两个方面对比了《新华日报》与《今日美国》在报导法国骚乱这一事件时所使用的转述引语。

    The present study mainly draws on Fairclough 's three-dimensional framework of critical discourse analysis . The comparison between the speech reporting in Xinhua Daily and USA Today on the reporting of French unrest is conducted from two perspectives : modes of speech reporting and news sources .

  28. 1982年的今天,首期《今日美国》报纸由格纳特集团发行。

    1982-The first issue of USA Today is published by Gannett .

  29. 今日美国:男人为什么不愿道歉?

    Why don 't men say'I 'm sorry ' ?

  30. 今日美国大学的道德和公民教育&课程与教学

    University moral civil education on undergraduate level in USA today Curriculum and teaching