
  • 网络la times;The Los Angeles Times;Los Angles Times;Los Angels Times
  1. 《洛杉矶时报》称,该行业正处于现金流大幅增长的时期。

    The Los Angeles Times reports that the industry is in the midst of an intense increase in cash flow .

  2. 在《洛杉矶时报》的一篇报道中,一位员工将排行榜称为“数字鞭子”。

    In a Los Angeles Times article , one employee referred to the board as a " digital whip . "

  3. 《洛杉矶时报》的格伦·威普称,这部电影“在当下能给心灵带来抚慰,这个温和、真实而柔情的故事讲述的这个家庭里都是全心全意爱彼此的善良的人。”

    Glenn Whipp in the Los Angeles Times says that the film " feels like a balm right now , a gentle , truthful11 and tender story of family filled with kind people trying to love one another the best they can . "

  4. 戴双光眼镜的瘦女人(b洛杉矶时报)

    The thin , bifocaled woman ( bLos Angeles Times )

  5. 被压迫的三位黑人女学生的人生经历(b洛杉矶时报)

    The truncated herstory of three black female students ( bLos Angeles Times )

  6. 然后又出现了Quakebot,《洛杉矶时报》(TheLosAngelesTimes)利用这种算法分析地质数据。

    Then we have Quakebot , the algorithm The Los Angeles Times uses to analyze geological data .

  7. 上星期,《洛杉矶时报》(TheLosAngeles)发布了这条世纪新闻。

    Last week , The Los Angeles Times broke the news of the century .

  8. 她的长期宣传人员爱德华•洛齐(EdwardLozzi),告诉《洛杉矶时报》(LosAngelesTimes),死因是心力衰竭。

    The cause was heart failure , her longtime publicist Edward Lozzi , told the Los Angeles Times .

  9. 《洛杉矶时报》(LosAngelesTimes)报道称,洛杉矶联合学区的一位董事会成员收到威胁。

    A threat was called into a board member of the LA Unified School District , the LA Times reported .

  10. 今年春天,一个软件算法编写了一条关于地震的突发新闻稿,并发表在了《洛杉矶时报》(TheLosAngelesTimes)上。

    Last spring , a software algorithm wrote a breaking news article about an earthquake that The Los Angeles Times published .

  11. 在截至今年9月份的6个月里,《洛杉矶时报》(LosAngelesTimes)日发行量下降8%,至775766份。

    For the six-month period ending in September , the Los Angeles Times ' daily circulation fell 8 per cent to 775,766 .

  12. 白宫方面也谴责了这一行为。帕内塔还批评了率先公布这些照片的《洛杉矶时报》(LosAngelesTimes)。

    The White House also condemned the activity portrayed . Mr. Panetta also criticized the Los Angeles Times , which first published the images . '

  13. 目前已知的对couchpotato这个短语的最早使用纪录是1979年《洛杉矶时报》的一篇文章中,他说。

    The first known recorded use of the expression couch potato was in a1979 Los Angeles Times article , Simpson said .

  14. 该公司开始时将通过《奥兰多前哨报》来验证这一理论,然后于今年12月或明年1月,把它用在发行量最大的报纸《洛杉矶时报》(LosAngelesTimes)上。

    It will begin to test that theory in Orlando , and then in December or January at its largest paper , The Los Angeles Times .

  15. 在《洛杉矶时报》质疑扎克伯格能力的文章刊登后,一位推特用户写道“马克-扎克伯格应该立刻辞去CEO。”

    Following the LA Times article questioning Zuckerberg 's abilities , one Twitter user posted ' Mark Zuckerberg resign as $ FB CEO immediately . '

  16. 有一天,洛杉矶时报的专栏作家SteveLopez走在洛杉矶大街上

    One day , Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez was walking along the streets of downtown Los Angeles

  17. 《洛杉矶时报》(LosAngelesTimes)和彭博社(Bloomberg)一项调查显示,55%的被调查者表示,他们认为不应该把纳税人的钱用于拯救金融集团。

    In a poll by the Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg , 55 per cent of respondents said they did not believe taxpayer dollars should go to rescue financial groups .

  18. 在《洛杉矶时报》(losangelestimes)上,政治评论员詹姆斯基希克(jameskirchik)猛烈抨击了对奥巴马“今年春天的盛大全球道歉之旅”。

    In the Los Angeles Times , the political commentator James kirchik lambasted Mr Obama for his " grand , global apology tour this spring " .

  19. 本文作者ChrisLee曾任《娱乐周刊》、《洛杉矶时报》、《新闻周刊》和《野兽日报》等媒体的特约撰稿人,主要报道洛杉矶地区与娱乐、文化和商业有关的话题。

    Chris Lee is a former staff writer forEntertainment Weekly , The Los Angeles Times , NewsweekandThe Daily Beast . He covers entertainment , culture and business in Los Angeles .

  20. 《洛杉矶时报》该报道的作者卡洛琳娜·A·米兰达(CarolinaA.Miranda)补充:我和凯蒂猫的各种产品一起长大,我得说,这太震惊了。

    Carolina A. Miranda , who wrote the Times story , added : I grew up with Hello Kitty everything and all I have to say is , MIND BLOWN .

  21. 夏威夷大学人类学家克里斯汀·R·矢野(ChristineR.Yano)正在为全美日裔国立博物馆的凯蒂猫艺术回顾展撰写文字说明,《洛杉矶时报》引述了她的考证。

    The Times quotes Christine R. Yano , an anthropologist from the University of Hawaii , who was preparing the written text for a retrospective of Hello Kitty art at the Japanese American National Museum .

  22. 《洛杉矶时报》该报道的作者卡洛琳娜·A·米兰达(CarolinaA.Miranda)补充:“我和凯蒂猫的各种产品一起长大,我得说,这太震惊了。”

    Carolina A. Miranda , who wrote the Times story , added : " I grew up with Hello Kitty everything and all I have to say is , MIND BLOWN . "

  23. 消息人士告诉《洛杉矶时报》记者TaniaGanguli和BradTurner,湖人一直试图把库兹马放在交易筹码之外。

    Sources tell Tania Ganguli and Brad Turner of the Los Angeles Times that the Lakers are attempting to keep Kyle Kuzma out of trade talks .

  24. 《洛杉矶时报》(TheLosAngelesTimes)不久前的一篇文章道出了一个从商业角度讲更合理的原因:白兰度的资产白兰度公司(BrandoEnterprises)“认为现在是时候”拍一部纪录片来向新一代介绍他。

    a recent article in The Los Angeles Times suggests a more commercially expedient reason : The actor 's estate , Brando Enterprises , " decided it was time " for a flick to introduce him to a new generation .

  25. 凯蒂猫(HelloKitty)茫然的脸蛋无所不在,全世界都以为它是一只猫,但《洛杉矶时报》却宣布她不是猫,而是一个名叫凯蒂·怀特(KittyWhite)的小女孩。

    The ubiquitous , blank-faced and , as the world assumed , feline cartoon character Hello Kitty is not in fact a cat , announced The Los Angeles Times . It 's a little girl named Kitty White .

  26. 阿理克斯·范洛杉矶时报科技记者E3是在零售商面前出现的巨大商机,这个机会告诉零售商为什么游戏者想要买这个游戏。

    ALEX PHAM , TECH REPORTER LOS ANGELES TIMES E3 is your big chance to get in front of retailers and tell them why gamers will want to buy this game .

  27. 周四,笔者和洛杉矶时报专栏作家MeghanDaum为低结婚率提供了另一种可能的解释:

    On Thursday , author and Los Angeles Times columnist Meghan Daum offered another possible explanation for low marriage rates :

  28. 不仅是一般人,实际上,洛杉矶时报也依靠Twitter发布信息,并在网站首页上放了一个Twitter订阅地址同时,洛杉矶消防部门以及红十字会也通过Twitter发布各种最新的消息。

    But it wasn 't just individuals . The L.A. Times actually turned to Twitter to dispense information as well , and put a Twitter feed on the front page , and the L.A. Fire Department and Red Cross used it to dispense news and updates as well .

  29. 华纳兄弟公司执行制片人昂纳尔威格拉姆对《洛杉矶时报》表示:J.K.罗琳的才华在于她讲述了在真实世界里,一个有血有肉的小魔法师是如何实现愿望的,你可以和它一同融入这个魔幻世界。

    The genius of JK Rowling was that she grounded the wish fulfillment of a real kid with magical powers in the context of the real world . You enter the fantasy with her , Lionel Wigram , a production executive at Warner Bros , told the Los Angeles Times .

  30. (译自《洛杉矶时报》,1983年2月18日)

    ( from Los Angeles Times , Feb. 18 , 1983 )