
  • 网络University of LAUSANNE;Lausanne University
  1. 在同一期《自然》杂志上的一篇评论文章中,瑞士洛桑大学的IanSanders说,发现产生根瘤菌的基因能够有助于癌症研究者开发出新的药物。

    Identifying the genes that make rhizoxin could help cancer researchers develop new drugs , says Ian Sanders of the University of Lausanne , Switzerland , in a commentary in the same issue of Nature .

  2. 根据自己团队的研究,洛桑大学(UniversityofLausanne)组织行为学教授约翰褠东纳基斯(JohnAntonakis)说,学习了12种个人魅力特质——例如讲话声音生动活泼或者表达道德信念——的领导者变得“更具影响力、更值得信赖、更具有领袖气质”。

    Drawing from his team 's study , John Antonakis , professor of organisational behaviour at the University of Lausanne , says that leaders who learn 12 charismatic traits - such as using an animated voice or expressing moral conviction - become more " influential , trustworthy and leaderlike . "

  3. 但是瑞士洛桑大学的生物学家AndrijaFinka表达了一些担忧,即发展中国家的农民可能无法种植这些高技术植物。

    But Andrija Finka , a biologist at the University of Lausanne , Switzerland , expressed concerns that farmers in developing countries would not be able to grow the high-tech plants .

  4. 瑞士的洛桑大学医院周二已经开始在健康的志愿者身上测试疫苗。

    Lausanne 's University Hospital in Switzerland began testing the vaccine Tuesday on healthy volunteers .

  5. 在研究中,皮埃尔•安德烈•米肖博士和他在瑞士洛桑大学的同事一起,调查了7200名年龄在16岁到20岁之间的青少年的上网情况。

    For the study , Dr. Pierre-Andre Michaud and colleagues at the University of Lausanne , Switzerland , surveyed 7200 individuals ages 16 to 20 about their Internet use .