
  • 网络Rockies;rocky mountain;Rocky Hill
  1. 在洛基山公园的门户城镇伊斯泰斯公园(EstesPark),一年前,本地官员发布了对开放啤酒厂和烈酒厂的规定,现在这些酒厂已经有很多活动了。

    Just a year after local officials eased regulations on opening breweries and distilleries in Rocky Mountain 's gateway town , Estes Park , a number of operations are in the works .

  2. 但是随着安德森飞的越来越高,飞到了洛基山国家公园的久久峰,这里的地形开始变化。

    But as Anderson climbs higher to Longs Peak in the Rocky Mountain National Park , the terrain changes .

  3. 在上月召开的奥斯陆能源论坛(OsloEnergyForum)上,我听到洛基山研究所(RockyMountainInstitute)的艾默里•洛文斯(AmoryLovins)恰巧描述了这样一场革命。

    At the Oslo Energy Forum last month , I heard Amory Lovins of theRocky Mountain Institute describe just such a revolution .

  4. 加拿大洛基山壮丽的景色。

    The majestic scenery of the Canadian rockies .

  5. 在这种季节去爬洛基山,那一定是件令人兴奋的事。

    It 'll be an exciting experience to climb the Rockies at this time of year .

  6. 萨利:在这种季节爬洛基山,一定是件很兴奋的事,对吧?

    Sally : it 'll be an exciting experience to climb the Rockies at this time of year , won 't it ?

  7. 现在西部在引诱他,但不是依阿华州或南达科他州的平原地带,而是洛基山以西的奇景。

    The West now ' allured'him , not the flat land of Iowa or South Dakota , but the spectacular Rocky Mountain West .

  8. 秋季你怎样度假?比尔:今年秋天我想去洛基山旅行四天。

    How will you spend your holiday this fall ? Bill : I 'd like to have a four-day trip to the Rockies this fall .

  9. 与以往不同的是,为了营造一种轻松的氛围,会场还增加了洛基山滑雪场式的布置。

    The Roundup adds an extra dimension to the OpenSpace format with the Rocky Mountain ski town setting , helping to create an extra laid back atmosphere .

  10. 在洛基山国家公园露营的比尔哈斯一家带着11个孩子在帐篷中醒来后,他们需要去附近的溪流洗漱、喝水。

    After the Beilhartz family awoke with their 11 children in their tents at the Rocky Mountain National Park , they needed to walk to a nearby stream to wash themselves and drink water .

  11. 每个人都是扶轮社员,并且每个人都安排了他或她,他们的第一次来到洛基山盐湖城镇结成国际友谊的国际扶轮年会之旅。

    Each is a Rotarian and each makes his or her first trip to an RI convention where they have come to forge international friendships in the Rocky Mountain town of Salt Lake City .