
  1. 赞成单一欧洲货币的人占多数。

    More people favour a single European currency than oppose it .

  2. 在货币市场上,美元不如欧洲货币坚挺。

    On the money markets the dollar was weaker against European currencies .

  3. 欧洲货币体系正在走向瓦解。

    Europe 's monetary system is falling apart

  4. 欧洲货币危机引起的连锁反应仍在影响着大多数的成员国。

    The ripples of Europe 's currency crisis continue to be felt in most of the member states

  5. 我们认为较低的德国利率到时候将容许欧洲货币相对于美元集团货币发生贬值。

    We think lower German interest rates in due course will allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc .

  6. III欧元和欧洲货币联盟的对外影响。

    III External aspects of euro and EMU ( European Monetary Union )

  7. 新成立的欧洲货币基金组织(emf)将充当第二个支柱。

    A newly created European Monetary Fund would form the second pillar .

  8. 英国后来提议的欧洲货币单位硬通货(hardecu)遭遇了同样的命运。那是一个复杂的构想,世界上也许只有六个人理解。

    The same fate awaited a later British proposal for a hard ecu , a complex idea that perhaps half a dozen people understood .

  9. 德国政府提出了一项看似行不通的建议:建立欧洲货币基金组织(EMF)。

    The German government has put forward a suggestion that appears unworkable : a European Monetary Fund .

  10. 欧洲货币单位(EuropeanCurrencyUnit)按固定比重的成员国货币组成的货币篮子试交易了几年之后,才于1999年1月1日更名为欧元。

    The European Currency Unit , a basket of fixed amounts of national currencies , traded for several years before its name was changed to the euro on January 1 1999 .

  11. 当欧洲货币联盟(emu)创立之时,不存在有关欧元区解体的计划。

    There was no plan for a eurozone break-up when the European Monetary Union was created .

  12. 欧洲货币联盟(emu)正进入诞生11年以来的最危险阶段。

    The project of European Monetary Union is entering the most dangerous phase in its 11-year history .

  13. 至于英国人,难怪乎英国首相戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)把欧洲货币联盟的危机视为一个巨大的政治机会。

    As for the Brits , small wonder Prime Minister David Cameron regards the crisis of the European Monetary Union as a huge political opportunity .

  14. 我们可以读出密码登录的OBD发动机由欧洲货币。

    We can read out the Login Code by OBD from Engine ECU .

  15. 在2001年试图获得欧洲货币联盟(emu)成员身份时,希腊提交了有关国内赤字的虚假信息。

    It presented faulty information about its deficits in 2001 when attempting to secure membership of the European Monetary Union .

  16. 汇丰(HSBC)宣布将开始对客户的一篮子欧洲货币存款收取费用,成为做出这一决定的大银行之一。

    HSBC has become one of the biggest global banks to say that it will begin charging clients on deposits in a basket of European currencies .

  17. BDM的100还允许创建后看了原ECU软件的一个欧洲货币单位(整个软件完美的副本)。

    BDM100 allows also to create perfect copies of the whole software of an ECU ( after having read the original ECU software ) .

  18. 由于欧洲货币体系中的汇率机制(ERM)是现实中最典型的汇率目标区制度,故其成员国汇率被选作为实证研究的样本。

    Exchange rates of member countries of the European Monetary System are chosen as sample in the empirical study , because the Exchange Rate Mechanism is one typical exchange rate TZ regime .

  19. 朔伊布勒观点的核心与未成定论的欧洲货币基金组织(EMU)无关&即使欧元区国家认同并建立EMU,它也不可能改变欧元区内部巨大的宏观经济失衡所产生的压力。

    The core of Mr Sch ä uble 's argument was not about the mooted European Monetary Fund , which could not , even if agreed and implemented , alter the pressures created by the huge macroeconomic imbalances within the eurozone .

  20. 公平而合乎逻辑的重估方式,将是推出一种新的欧洲货币单位(ecu-2)。

    The logical and fair way to rede-nominate would be to introduce a new European currency unit ( ecu-2 ) .

  21. 我今晚要谈论的话题是单一欧洲货币。

    My theme this evening will be the single European currency .

  22. 图22-3展示了目前欧洲货币持有额的大致数额。

    Figure 22-3 shows the approximate extent of Eurocurrency holdings today .

  23. 与一揽子欧洲货币相比英镑已下跌。

    The pound has fallen-en against a basket of European currency .

  24. 这对于欧洲货币一体化进程而言是一个灾难性的结局。

    That would be a calamitous outcome of European monetary integration .

  25. 昨天英镑相对其他欧洲货币升了值。

    The value of sterling increased against other European currencies yesterday .

  26. 英镑与其它的欧洲货币步调不一致。

    The pound is out of step with other European currency .

  27. 浅析欧元启动对欧洲货币市场的影响

    The Influence on European Monetary Market after the Operation of Euro

  28. 欧洲货币联盟是以国际条约中神圣不可侵犯的原则为基础的。

    Emu is based on rules enshrined in international treaties .

  29. 德法合作与欧洲货币体系的建立

    The Franco-German Cooperation and the establishment of European Monetary System

  30. 欧洲货币一体化是建立在欧洲经济一体化的基础上的。

    The Euro-currency integration is set up on the basis of European economic integration .