
  1. 预防机制主要有两种:商标公告监测和市场监测。

    Prevention mechanisms are mainly of two types : trademark monitoring and market monitoring .

  2. 第十九条对初步审定的商标,自公告之日起三个月内,任何人均可以提出异议。无异议或者经裁定异议不能成立的,始予核准注册,发给商标注册证,并予公告;

    Article 19 . Any person may , within three months from the date of the publication , file an opposition , the registration shall be approved , a certificate of trademark registration shall be issued and the trademark shall be published .

  3. 第十九条对初步审定的商标,自公告之日起三个月内,任何人均可以提出异议。

    Article 19 . Any person may , within three months from the date of the publication , file an opposition against the trademark that has , after examination , been preliminarily approved .

  4. 集体商标、证明商标的初步审定公告的内容,应当包括该商标的使用管理规则的全文或者摘要。

    The publication on the preliminary approval of a collective or certification trademark shall include the full text or the summary of the rules on the administration of use of trademarks .

  5. 集体商标注册人的成员发生变化的,注册人应当向商标局申请变更注册事项,由商标局公告。

    Where any change occurs to any member or members of the registrant of a collective trademark , the registrant shall apply to the Trademark Office for registration of such change , and the re-registered issue shall be publicized by the trademark office .