
  1. 将基于Web的网管技术、基于分布式处理的网管技术和基于主动网概念的网管技术有效地结合在一起,提出基于WebServices的网络管理的新模式。

    Combined with the network management technology of based on Web , distributed and intiative . putting forward the new network management mode based on Web Services .

  2. 论全球企业危机管理的新模式&业务持续管理(BCM)

    On New Mode of Global Enterprise Crisis Management-Business Continuity Management ( BCM )

  3. BOT是现代经营管理的新模式,是政府为了吸收资本进行基础设施投资而采用的投资融资方式。

    BOT is a new model used in modern management and it is a kind of investing and financing model widely used by governments at all levels in the construction of infrastructure .

  4. 供应链管理的新模式&第四方物流

    New Pattern of Supply Chain Management & the Fourth Distribution Channel

  5. 检验质量、检验速度与一种检验科管理的新模式

    Demonstrating a New Management Mode of Laboratory Quality and Laboratory Celerity

  6. 社会书签是信息资源管理的新模式。

    Social bookmarks is a new model of information resources management .

  7. 现代图书馆管理的新模式&情理管理

    A new pattern of modern library management & On rational management

  8. 论地方性高校编外聘用人员管理的新模式

    A New Mode of Management on Uncompiled Staff in Local Universities

  9. 信息生态学&现代企业信息管理的新模式

    Information Ecology & A New Mode of Modern Enterprise Information Management

  10. 项目建设管理的新模式&代建制

    New Model of Project Construction Management & Construction Agent System

  11. 探索电教设备管理的新模式

    Discussion the new mode of the Educational Technology equipment management

  12. 港口散货装卸成套工艺设备系统建设管理的新模式

    New Construction Management Mode for Port Complete Bulk Cargo Handling Equipment System

  13. 企业业务外包风险管理的新模式:价值网战略

    A New Risk Management Mode of Enterprise Outsourcing : Value Network Strategy

  14. 论述了充分利用网络资源构建高校实验室管理的新模式。

    An innovative management mode for college laboratory and equipment is discussed in this paper .

  15. 病理资料管理的新模式

    New modality of pathological data management

  16. 知识经济时代政府人力资源管理的新模式&柔性管理

    New mode of government 's human resources management in era of knowledge-driven economy & Flexible management

  17. 在此基础上,创造性地提出计划管理的新模式&项目化计划管理。

    It creates the mode of new management - " business planning by project management " .

  18. 目的探讨母婴分离产妇护理管理的新模式。

    Objective To explore the new model of nursing management for puerperal women apart from their newborns .

  19. 因此,必须探索和研究社会主义市场经济条件下人事档案管理的新模式。

    The new mode of the personnel files management under the socialist market economy should be explored and studied .

  20. 以单病种临床路径为基础进行成本核算研究是医院成本核算管理的新模式。

    Cost accounting research on the basis of single-disease clinical pathway is the new pattern of hospital cost accounting and management .

  21. 重视对体育设施建设投入,探索体育场馆经营管理的新模式。

    Besides attention should be paid to input in the construction of sports facilities and explore new model for stadium management .

  22. 网络化制造是企业经营管理的新模式,是未来制造业发展的必然趋势。

    Network-based Manufacturing which is a new mode of the enterprise production and management , is one of the inevitable development trends .

  23. 论文的第四部分是本研究的创新之处,即运用治理理论构建高校学生管理的新模式。

    The third part of the paper is a feasibility report on the application of the theory of governance to student management in universities .

  24. 谈我馆编目管理的新模式&一条龙作业

    Discussion on the New Model in Cataloging Management in Our Library & The Coordinated Process in the Library of the Shangdong Agriculture University Doing Homework

  25. 医院设备科采用超市化仓储代理实现零库存的仓库管理的新模式。

    In this article we introduced a new administrative model using " the supermarket " storage and realizing " The zero stock " in equipment department of hospital .

  26. 在分析计划预修制不足的基础上,提出了依据点检信息来决策设备维修管理的新模式。

    Basis on analysis the insufficency of plan maintenance system in advance , the decision new pattern of equipment maintenance management is put forward according to inspection information .

  27. 通过研究,作者认为建设统一战线人力资源管理的新模式,有利于构筑大统战格局,也必将对提升统一战线事业发展水平起到重要的推动作用。

    Through the study , the authors argue that human resources management construction of united front , to construct a new mode of united front pattern , will also played an important role .

  28. 如提出备件联合库存管理的新模式,用所有权总成本的理念来分析备件联合库存管理的有效性,将博弈论模型用于备件联合库存的成本分摊问题等。

    For example , a new mode of spare parts ' inventory management is put forward . We analyze the validity of the jointly managed inventory of spare parts using the concept of TCO .

  29. 提出湖南慈善组织的发展应当采取政府主导、民间运作、社会参与、科学管理的新模式。

    The new pattern of " leading by government , practicing by non-governmental organizations , participating by the society and scientific managing " should be adopted as the tendency of developing of Hunan charity organization .

  30. 如构建以财务公司为平台资金集中管理的新模式;完善相关的配套措施,如实现全面的预算管理、加强内部审计、理顺投资关系等;并对实行新模式的效果进行了测算。

    To strengthen the definition of centralized capital management ; to establish the framework of financial company platform ; to consummate the relative policy , for example achieving total budget , reinforcing internal audit , straightening relation of investment .