
  1. 在订阅《纪事报》以前,我看的是《卫报》。

    Before the Chronicle I used to take the Guardian .

  2. 那些文件目前在《卫报》手里。

    Those documents are now in the possession of the Guardian

  3. 土耳其局势将成为明天《卫报》的头条。

    The Turkish situation makes the lead in tomorrow 's Guardian

  4. 《卫报》的头版刊登了两国外交部长的一张合影。

    The Guardian 's front page carries a photograph of the two foreign ministers

  5. 卫报说此次经济赔偿和解的附带条件是获赔者不得再谈此案。

    The guardian said the financial settlements in Britain were accompanied by clauses that prevented the people receiving the money from speaking about the cases .

  6. 据《卫报》报道,试点最早将于今年秋天开始。

    According to the Guardian , it could begin as early as this fall .

  7. 英国《卫报》曾经说它藏有“当时世界上最为著名的探险家和学者的发现”。

    The Guardian5 has even said that it holds “ the discoveries of some of the most remarkable6 explorers and scholars of their time ” .

  8. 《卫报》的本杰明·李写道,多米尼克·库克导演的《信使》讲述了一个“引人入胜的”故事,但是让电影有看点的是康伯巴奇的表演。

    Directed by Dominic Cooke , The Courier has a " fascinating " story , says Benjamin Lee at the Guardian15 , but it is Cumberbatch 's performance that sells it .

  9. 这一试点项目将如何开展尚不明确。工业部的一名消息人士告诉《卫报》称,几乎每个细节都有待协商,包括这个项目将有多少公司参与以及试点将持续多久。

    Exactly what the pilot program will look like is unclear : An individual with the industry ministry , including how many companies will be involved and how long the experiment will last .

  10. 阿斯利康公司发言人表示,他们“不愿排除任何可能”有助于缓解接种疫苗后疼痛的事情,但他们“的确不清楚这么做有什么帮助”。辉瑞和强生公司也告诉《卫报》,他们没有足够的科学证据对此发表评论。

    A spokesperson for AstraZeneca said they were " loth to rule anything out " when it comes to helping with post-vaccine aches but they were " certainly not aware of it being helpful . " Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson both told the Guardian that there was not sufficient scientific evidence for them to be able to comment .

  11. 一个中年妇女因头上被击中而造成脑震荡(b曼彻斯特卫报周刊)

    A middle - aged woman concussed by a blow on the head ( bManchester Guardian Weekly )

  12. 首先是来自《卫报》的JonathanJones。

    So the first was Jonathan Jones from The Guardian .

  13. 《卫报》和《国家地理》没有马上回复有关与Facebook谈判的提问。

    The Guardian and National Geographic did not immediately respond to questions about talks with Facebook .

  14. 《卫报》(TheGuardian)刊登了两名女飞行员的照片。

    The Guardian has photos of both women here .

  15. ContentAPI可以把卫报的影响力和品牌扩展到我们自己力所不能及的范围。

    The Content API is able to extend the reach and brand of the Guardian into significant areas that we would otherwise not be able to reach .

  16. Roger说,曼彻斯特卫报在1978年使用了这个表达。

    Mister Rogers says the Manchester Guardian newspaper used it in nineteen seventy-eight .

  17. 《卫报》从之前出售所持AutoTrader杂志股份得到与石油相关的6.5亿英镑的资金支持。

    The Guardian is supported by a £ 650m oil-related endowment from its former stake in Auto Trader magazine .

  18. 哈维?C?曼斯菲尔德是哈佛大学最直言不讳的保守派教授,他也是《刚毅》一书的作者。曼斯菲尔德告诉《卫报》,他对这个决定存有质疑。

    Harvey C Mansfield , one of Harvard 's most outspoken conservative professors and the author of a book called Manliness , also told the Guardian he questioned the decision .

  19. 英国《卫报》(theguardian)昨日报道称,英国议会和外交部曾遭受黑客的攻击。

    The guardian yesterday reported that Parliament and the foreign office had been attacked by hackers .

  20. 还有四家欧洲媒体参与:《卫报》(TheGuardian)、BBC新闻(BBCNews)、《图片报》(Bild)和明镜在线(SpiegelOnline)。

    Four European outlets are also joining : The Guardian , BBC News , Bild and Spiegel Online .

  21. 这都是使用API的第三方和合作伙伴帮我们做到的,他们会投资某个领域,然后使用相关的卫报内容。

    This is helped by third parties and partners who use the API , as they can invest in an area and use the relevant Guardian content .

  22. 来源:Guardian(卫报)编辑:Vicki流失已久的格雷厄姆格林小说去年在得克萨斯州的档案馆面世,并在下周开始将在美国一犯罪杂志上连载。

    Lost Greene novel to be serialised in crime magazine

  23. 就像英国《卫报》(guardian)上个月指出的那样,每天核实15到20名来信读者的身份是可以做到的。

    As the guardian pointed out last month , checking the identity of 15 to 20 letter-writers a day is manage-able .

  24. 和《卫报》有联系的一个真正优秀的科学博客(网志)是BadScience,,它的作者是医学博士BenGoldacre。

    A truly great science blog , also connected to the Guardian , is Bad Science , written by the medical doctor Ben Goldacre .

  25. 他的推文听上去更庄重:《卫报》主编阿兰•拉斯布里杰将在2015年夏天离开,到斯科特信托(ScottTrust)任董事长。

    Alan Rusbridger steps down as Editor in Chief of the Guardian in the summer of 2015 becoming chairman of the Scott Trust , his more dignified tweet read .

  26. BobbieJohnson在《卫报》的这篇文章中写道,但是英特尔说它正在帮助改善这个局面。

    But Intel says it is helping the situation , writes Bobbie Johnson in this Guardian article .

  27. 前段时间,《卫报》(Guardian)主编阿兰•拉斯布里杰(AlanRusbridger)辞职,随后Twitter上上演了一幕奇观。

    When Alan Rusbridger resigned as editor of The Guardian last Wednesday , the following spectacle played out on Twitter .

  28. 英国的《卫报》报道说,联合国的科学家正在设法确定墨西哥的LaGloria是不是该病毒的起源地。

    UK newspaper The Guardian reports that UN scientists are trying to determine whether La Gloria , Mexico , is the virus 's source .

  29. 在接受《卫报》(TheGuardian)采访时,编剧之一大卫·克拉尼表示,两位主演在表演瑞秋和乔伊亲密的时候都很无语。

    In an interview with The Guardian , co-creator David Crane spoke of the costars " reticence in taking on a Rachel / Joey coupling .

  30. 被《卫报》称为卡夫卡最好的书之一,这本小说详细描述了无名主人公(K)同云雾缭绕的城堡展开的不朽的斗争,体现了不灭的人文精神。

    Hailed as one of the best books of Kafka by the Guardian , this novel details the unquenchable human spirit of the unnamed protagonist ( K ) in his monumental struggle against the mist-enveloped Castle .