
  1. 它们是一类特殊的政策研究和咨询机构,是政策过程中一个重要的参与者。

    They are one of the special kinds of policy research and advise bodies , and important participants in the policy process .

  2. 承接各级政府及其职能部门委托的课题调研、政策研究、决策咨询。

    To conduct specific consultative services , project surveys and decision making advices entrusted by various governmental agencies .

  3. 哈尔滨市委政研室电子政务系统是政策研究与信息咨询互联网平台。

    Harbin Municipal Research Department E-Government System can be used as an Internet platform for policy research and information consultation .

  4. 三是建立完善的科技政策制定的制度安排,包括政策问题的提出、政策的研究与咨询、政策的审议与审查和政策的评价。

    Thirdly , establish perfect policymaking system arrangement including policy issue lodgment , research , consultation , consideration , checkup and assessment .