
  • 网络project consulting
  1. 基于CBR的工程项目咨询知识管理研究

    Research of Knowledge Management on Project Consulting Based on CBR

  2. ERP项目咨询与监理融合机制的研究

    Integrated System of Consultation and Supervision for ERP Projects

  3. 社区卫生项目咨询服务管理存在的问题与对策研究

    Problems and countermeasures in consulting service administration of community health projects

  4. 政府对建设项目咨询质量监督的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Governmental Supervision of Project Consultation

  5. 从事化工项目咨询评估(可行性方面)及工程设计。

    Consultative evaluation of engineering design ( for eligibility aspect ) for chemical projects . 3 .

  6. 税务、海关、进出口资格证等项目咨询后期代理服务。

    Complete consulting service , such as tax affairs , customs , import and export qualifications card etc.

  7. 随着国内外市场的全面融合,国外一批优秀的项目咨询公司必将进入中国市场,面对竞争日益激烈的工程咨询市场,我国监理企业应该抓住机遇,迎接挑战,努力塑造自己的企业品牌。

    With the mixing of internal and international markets , many excellent foreign project management companies will invest in China .

  8. 针对当前我国城市规划决策中存在的问题,阐述了加强城市规划项目咨询工作的重要性,并就规划项目咨询区别于一般项目咨询评价的几个重要方面进行了分析论述。

    According to current situations and major problems in the decision making in city planning nowadays , the importance of enhancing city planning consultation was described , and several important issues of city planning consultation compared with general engineering consultation were analyzed .

  9. 是全国化工院校情报协作网组长一单位,建有北京图书馆光盘信息中心上海分中心、教育部科技项目咨询及成果查询中心工作站、上海高校外国教材中心等机构。

    EIand the complete American patent minimized films.ECUST is the head of information cooperation networks among Academics of Chemical Technology around China , the Shanghai branch of Beijing Library CD Information Center the Workstation of 5cientific Program Consultation and innovation Investigation Center of the Education Ministry , the Censer of Foreign Language Textbooks in Shanghai etc. Its Analyzing & amp ;

  10. 本文的讨论目的主要通过对目前国内建设监理行业现状分析,对比国外的实际情况,提出在我国加入WTO后监理企业向项目管理咨询公司转变应对策略。

    The discussion of the thesis aims at putting forward the strategy of supervision enterprises transforming project management consultant companies after China joining WTO by means of the analysis of internal supervision market and contrasting to abroad consultant market .

  11. 随着清洁发展机制(CDM)在中国的广泛深入开展,在申报项目的咨询、审核和注册过程中,也开始出现各种各样有关论证方面的问题。

    As Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) projects boom in China , various problems about justification have popped up during the processes of consultation , review and registration of application projects .

  12. 作为美国科学促进会(AAAS)2007年的主席,他开始向印度和卢旺达政府就科学项目提供咨询。

    As2007 president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ( AAAS ), he started advising the governments of India and Rwanda on science projects .

  13. 目的是教这些银行员工如何“通过多提问题、聆听客户的感受和想法(而非只听内容),来建立与客户之间的信任,”与ING合作开发该项目的咨询公司rogenSi的主管史蒂夫•埃利斯(SteveEllis)称。

    The aim is to teach these bankers how to " build trust with the client through asking lots more questions and listening out for feelings and beliefs as opposed to just listening out for content , " explains Steve Ellis , director at Rogensi , a consultancy that developed the project with ING .

  14. 轨道交通建设项目的咨询设计系统管理

    Management of the Consultant Design System for the Rail Transportation Construction

  15. 事实是:我曾担任这个项目的咨询师。

    Full disclosure : I served as a consultant on the project .

  16. 监理企业向项目管理咨询公司转变对策研究

    The Strategy Research on How Supervision Enterprises Transform Project Management Consultant Companies

  17. 北非跨国绿带项目技术咨询委员会

    Technical Advisory Committee of the Transnational Green Belt Project for North Africa

  18. 城市规划项目的咨询评价

    Engineering consultation and assessment on projects of city planning

  19. 设计后续服务,项目免费咨询。

    Design follow-up services , project free consultation .

  20. 艾滋病项目自愿咨询检测的技术效率分析

    Longitudinal analysis of technical efficiency of voluntary counseling and testing of HIV in China

  21. 国内监理企业应尽快向项目管理咨询公司转变以提高自身竞争力。

    International supervision enterprises should transform project management rapidly in order to enhancing the capacity of competition .

  22. 项目报批咨询:公司登记注册、设项目申报、济信息服务等。

    Project approval consultation : company registration , application of construction project , services in economic information .

  23. 软科学研究项目立项咨询评价指标体系的设计则特别强调软科学要与地方科技、经济和社会发展问题紧密结合。

    It is also emphasized that this design should be closely connected with the local scientific and economic development .

  24. 此外,中国建设银行提供项目造价咨询的特别业务,这是中国的商业银行中独一无二的。

    Also , China Construction Bank offers special project pricing consultancy ; we are the only bank among Chinese commercial banks to offer this service .

  25. 项目管理咨询:工程项目管理、项目风险管理、项目采购管理、项目成本管理、项目集成管理等方面的咨询。

    Project Management Consulting : Consulting of engineering project management , project risk management , project procurement management , project cost management , project integration management and so on .

  26. 韩树梓先生在不同行业从事过项目管理咨询服务,如银行,制造业,餐饮,汽车,电讯,建筑和IT。

    Having conducted project management consulting engagements in different industries such as Banking , Manufacturing , F & B , Automotive , Telecommunications , Construction , and IT , Mr.

  27. 此外开发商要向索费颇高的移民中介支付费用,还要支付法律费用等其他款项,芬克尔斯坦说,他为维克托集团在第五大街281号的项目提供咨询。

    Developers pay the costly immigration agents , as well as legal fees and other expenses , said Mr. Finkelstein , who is advising the Victor Group on 281 Fifth Avenue .

  28. 根据参加四项海滨游览区项目的咨询和设计工作的体会,对应用各种类型海岸建筑物时的设计要点进行设计小结。

    According to the experience gained from the consulting and design works of four Sea shore recreation projects , the main points of design applying various types of coastal structures are summarized in the paper .

  29. 首先,监理企业向项目管理咨询公司转变应有一健康宏观环境。即有一较完善的政策支持系统、公平竞争的市场环境和强有力的行业协会支持。

    If they succeeded in conforming project management companies , at first , the supervision enterprises should have a healthy macroscopic environment , which consists of a consummate political system , an equitable competition market environment and a vigorous professional association .

  30. 这个项目既提供咨询服务也提供培训。

    The project provides both consultancy and training .