
  • 网络Stakeholder;Project Stakeholder
  1. SOA在这一点上的附加价值就是,架构师和其他业务人员一道讨论和工作,而不仅限于项目干系人。

    The added value of SOA in this case , is that architects talk and work together with other business people as well , not just the project stakeholders .

  2. 没有尽力去确定谁是项目干系人。

    Not enough of an effort to determine who the stakeholders are .

  3. 他阐述了如何在Scrum中将项目干系人和产品价值结合起来,以衡量价值。

    He illustrated how Stakeholder and Product Values can be integrated with Scrum to measure value .

  4. ScottAmbler提出了项目干系人积极参与的重要性,他说道

    Scott Ambler suggested the importance of active stakeholder partition when he mentioned

  5. 及时地向项目干系人提供需要的信息。

    Information Distribution-making needed information available to project stakeholders in a timely manner .

  6. 告诉项目干系人不能增加项目范围。

    C.tell the stakeholders the scope cannot be added .

  7. 不同的项目干系人所属的权重会随着开发的阶段发生变化。

    Different stakeholders will have different weightings based on the stage of the development .

  8. 但是,项目干系人必须理解任何变更都有代价。

    However , stakeholders must understand that they can 't get something for nothing .

  9. 替项目干系人批准项目。

    C.Approves the project for the stakeholders .

  10. 这些实践有助于项目干系人了解项目是否满足他们的期望。

    These help the stakeholders to know if the project is meeting expectations or not .

  11. 项目干系人一般包括最终用户、项目团队、公司的管理层等一些主要的利害关系者。

    Stakeholders typically include end users , project team , the management and other major stakeholders .

  12. 基于项目干系人的管理策略

    Management strategy based on project stakeholder

  13. 在某些极端情况下,项目干系人可能对项目毫无兴趣,甚至在需要他的时候根本找不到人。

    In other extreme cases , the stakeholder might seem to be uninterested or completely missing in action .

  14. 这里,产品负责人在项目干系人和产品价值的层面上作出规划,设定优先级,并跟踪结果。

    Here , the Product Owner plans , prioritizes and tracks results at the Stakeholder and Product value levels .

  15. 也可能帮助项目干系人和团队理解他们正在进行的项目的内在风险。

    It might also help the stakeholders and the team to understand the risks inherent in the project they are embarking on .

  16. 所有这些特质是你在雇主、同事和项目干系人中脱颖而出,并在人才市场中保持领先地位!

    All of these factors give you an edge in the job market and distinguish you to employers , colleagues and stakeholders .

  17. 质量和价值这两个顶点定义了目标,对于项目干系人来说,它们才是最重要的东西,因而更值得关注。

    The other vertices i.e.value and quality define the goals , they are of utmost importance to the stakeholders and need more attention .

  18. 提出了实用的模型:根据国内软件通用应用软件的具体分类和软件项目干系人不同,分别列举出了详细的软件质量评价模型。

    Introduce the useful software quality evaluation model : specify the particular software quality evaluation model according to the different software styles and IT project stakeholders .

  19. 然而,大型新建楼宇的室内覆盖工程通常覆盖面积大、内部结构复杂、设计难度大、项目干系人众多。

    However , many complex projects nowadays usually cover large areas , with complex internal structure , difficulty in design and involve many people in different departments .

  20. 当项目干系人对项目信息没有回应或者不以希望的方式进行回应时,应该建立积极的,选择性的沟通机制以转移这些问题。

    When stakeholders do not respond to information or do not respond in an expected manner , alternative , proactive communication mechanisms may be necessary to avert trouble .

  21. 本文的主要研究成果在于:(1)验证了文章研究前提:针对不同的通用应用软件类型和不同的软件开发项目干系人,软件质量指标存在不同;

    Validate the premise of this paper , that is , according to different software styles and different IT project stakeholders , different software quality measurements should be applied ;

  22. 建设工程合同是工程项目干系人彼此权利、责任和利益的依据和纽带,规范的合同管理对企业减小风险、顺利完成预期目标具有重要的作用。

    Construction contracts are the basis and the link of the project stakeholders with their rights , responsibilities and benefits . It will be taken an important role in reducing the risk of the project and completing the intended target for construction enterprises that realizes standardized contract management .

  23. 协调和项目相关的干系人。

    SP2.1 Manage the involvement of the relevant stakeholders in project .

  24. 这极大地提高了开发特制的高质量应用程序的速度,且增加了可以有效观察或参与项目的利益干系人的数量。

    This drastically increases the speed at which tailor-made applications of high quality can be developed , as well as the number of stakeholders that can effectively observe or participate in the project .

  25. 一旦识别出愿景,最初的干系人会通过思考所有需要参与的人,来确定项目其他的干系人。

    Once the vision has been identified , the original stakeholders work out who the other , incidental stakeholders for the project are by thinking of all the people who need to be involved .

  26. 项目的成功常常需要项目干系人的深入参与。

    Project success often requires a greater level of involvement by project stakeholders .

  27. 从项目管理角度出发,分析项目干系人对土地复垦项目成败的影响。

    From the Angle of the project management , analysis of the influence on land reclamation about project stakeholders .

  28. 在项目管理过程中,项目的干系人在项目的发展和实施过程中处于重要甚至是主导地位。

    In the project management process , project stakeholders in the project development and implementation processes is important and even dominant .

  29. 将沟通管理模型运用到CRM项目实施中,通过对项目最重要干系人&销售人员的沟通管理,提高他们对系统的接受度,从而保障了系统数据的可靠性,规避了项目最大的风险。

    At the same communication management on sales staff , the most important stakeholders will help to increase their acceptance of the system , therefore protect the reliability of system data . ( 3 ) Change control is the most important control process in CRM implementation .

  30. 项目管理的基本要素:即项目、干系人、资源、目标和需求。

    The fundamental elements of project management include the project , project stakeholders , resources , project objectives , and requirements .