
xiànɡ mù jīnɡ lǐ
  • project managers
  1. 我们有项目经理、山区领导和通信官员等角色。

    We have such roles as project managers , mountain leaders , and communication officers .

  2. WorkConfiguration允许项目经理在各个项目的基础上建立过程。

    The Work Configuration allows Project Managers to establish processes on a project-by-project basis .

  3. 我要你留任项目经理。

    I want you to continue as project manager .

  4. 推行项目经理负责制是施工项目管理的内在依据。

    Executing the responsibilities of project manager is the key of project management .

  5. 项目经理弗洛伦斯·戈尔德说:"他们必须像美国航天局的工程师一样去做。"。

    " They have to do it just like NASA engineers , " says Florence Gold , a project manager .

  6. NavpreetKaloty是MacArchitecture的工程项目经理。

    Navpreet Kaloty is engineering program manager at Mac Architecture .

  7. 例如,Enterprise类别针对了如何度量性能,以及有意为项目经理及那些想了解整体过程改进的人准备的内容。

    For instance , the Enterprise category addresses how to measure performance and is intended for project managers and those interested in overall process improvement .

  8. 许多项目经理抱怨RUP不生成估计值。

    Many project managers complain that RUP does not create an estimate .

  9. 被SiteA的项目经理分配新的变更请求的开发者将看到他有一个新的“高优先级”的工作条目。

    The developer to whom the project manager at Site A assigned the new change request sees that he has a new " High Priority " work item .

  10. 如果Ginger的老板是项目经理,对她的职业生涯有什么影响?

    What if Ginger 's boss is the Project Manager , with power over her career ?

  11. RUPforSystemz面向于整个Systemz应用程序开发社区,包括从项目经理,架构师和设计师,到编程人员和测试人员。

    RUP for System z is intended for the whole of the System z application development community , from project managers , architects , and designers to programmers and testers .

  12. 插图为了寻找答案,项目经理(projectmanagers,PMs)一般会从架构师找到开发人员,从开发人员找到测试人员等等。

    IllustrationLooking for answers , project managers ( PMs ) typically bounce from architects to developers , from developers to testers , and so on .

  13. 我曾经作为项目经理参与一个Linux发行版迁移项目,此项目的花费高达数百万美元,所以我可以证明选择适当的发行版是多么重要。

    As a project manager involved in a multimillion-dollar project moving from one Linux distribution to another , I can attest to the importance of this decision .

  14. 理想的,这个人应当在开端的项目经理(PM)身边工作,在这些活动中指导PM。

    Ideally , this person works alongside the Project Manager ( PM ) of the initiative , mentoring the PM in these activities .

  15. 软件项目经理有责任保证当项目交付报告(ProjectCloseoutReport)被获取时,软件项目顺利完成。

    The software project manager is responsible for ensuring that the software project comes to a successful completion as captured in the Project Closeout Report .

  16. 用可交付件帮助项目经理的架构师应该了解PM的依赖关系的含义,并对此灵敏。

    An architect who assists the project manager with deliverables ought to understand the implications of the PM 's dependency and be sensitive to it .

  17. 项目经理能够根据SCM系统评估每个个体、工作组的贡献,并决定现在的人员分配和任务分配是否合理。

    PMs can assess the contributions to SCM systems made by individuals and working groups , and determine whether people are able to complete their task assignments in a timely manner .

  18. 了解该组织是否理解ScrumMaster和项目经理这两个角色之间的不同?

    Does the organization under-stand the difference between the ScrumMaster and project manager roles ?

  19. 推特会为美国航空航天局活动追随者们提供了从幕后了解NASA的设施和运作并与科学家、工程师、宇航员和项目经理们交谈的机会。

    Tweetups provide @ NASA followers with the opportunity to go behind the scenes at NASA facilities and events and speak with scientists , engineers , astronauts and managers .

  20. 针对不同类型的卡片(例如bug,任务,故事,风险)有不同的视图&开发者和项目经理更容易把握项目全貌。

    Different views for different types of cards ( e.g.bugs , tasks , stories , risks ) - making it easier for the developer / project manager to understand the project landscape .

  21. 您已经做出了一个重要的决定,但现在您有更多的决定要做,尤其对不熟悉RUP的项目经理来说是个挑战。

    You have made an important decision , but there are many more decisions to make now , which can be especially challenging for project managers who are new to RUP .

  22. 同时,报告功能将给出测试结论,以帮助QA和项目经理确定:测试工作进行得怎么样,软件距完成还有多远。

    Also , reporting features should roll up test conclusions to help QA and project managers determine how well the testing effort is progressing and how close the software is to completion .

  23. 我将解释阵势世界的GQM场景,针对于IT执行管理层、项目经理、架构师、开发经理和软件质量经理。

    I 'll examine real-world GQM scenarios for IT executives , project managers , architects , development managers , and software quality managers .

  24. 在缺陷位置被确定在Clearcase后,这个项目经理或者缺陷管理人员就可以在Clearcase运行报告来对进度、缺陷状况和发布进行控制。

    After the defect fix has been checked into Clearcase , the project manager or defect manager can run reports in Clearquest to monitor the progress and status of defects and issues .

  25. 实际上,他在软件开发团队中的各个职位都工作过,包括了项目经理,客户经理,指导员,程序员,DBA,业务分析员,和技术类作者。

    He has held virtually every position on a software development project team , including project manager , account manager , coach , programmer , DBA , business analyst , and technical writer .

  26. 确保pqp要求执行的权利,由项目经理给予项目质量经理。

    Authority to ensure the implementation of the requirements of this PQP is given to the project quality manager by the project manager .

  27. 50岁的迈克尔•法内利(MichaelFanelli)是纽约市的一名建筑项目经理,他还保留着多年前购买的几条高端品牌艾特罗(Etro)的花裤子。

    Michael Fanelli , a 50-year-old construction project manager who lives in New York City , still holds on to a few pairs of patterned pants from high-end label Etro he purchased years ago .

  28. 同时采取了访谈项目经理方法进行分析和总结,从中找出DHC软件公司团队的现状和需要借鉴改进的地方。

    At the same time , taking the method of interview project manager is analyzed and summarized , to find out the current status of DHC software company and the fields which team needs to learn and improve .

  29. Marasco以实际的形式提供了合理的建议,经常借用一个虚构的朋友,RoscoeLeroy,一个刚进入软件舞台的有经验的项目经理作为说辞。

    Marasco offers sound advice in a down-to-earth style , often through the guise of a fictional friend , Roscoe Leroy , an experienced project manager who is just entering the software arena .

  30. 确实,我在从项目经理向ScrumMaster转换角色时,我的第一感觉是团队不再需要我了,但其实不是这样,我只是被以不同的方式需要而已。

    Indeed , when I changed role from Project Manager to ScrumMaster my initial feeling was that I was not needed but that was not the case ; I was just needed in a different way .