
  • 网络New York Stock Market
  1. 最大的股票市场是纽约股票市场。

    The biggest stock market is New York Stock Market .

  2. 纽约股票市场的总裁johnthain讲,现代化交易市场变革中的三个趋势:股份化,分散化,及全球化。

    John Thain , head of the New York Stock Exchange , notes three key trends in the evolution of modern exchanges : Demutualisation , diversification and globalisation .

  3. FredC.Kelly(1930)首次提出纽约股票市场出现周一收益率异常偏低的现象。

    Fred C.Kelly ( 1930 ) shows firstly that the returns of Monday is abnormally low in stock market of New York .

  4. 它接收低于市场价值的股票,而且交易频率低于纽约股票交易市场。

    It accepts stocks that are lower in market value and traded less often than shares on the New York Stock Exchange .