
  • 网络Integrating Marketing Strategy;integrated marketing strategy
  1. 对心理咨询业营销的创新就是运用服务营销理念对心理咨询业的4P组合策略进行补充,将整合营销战略、顾客满意战略、服务营销组合战略等用来指导心理咨询业的经营。

    The innovation to the psychology counseling is making use of the services marketing concept to reinforce the 4P combination strategies , applying the integrated marketing strategy , the customer-satisfied strategy and service marketing combination strategy to supervise the development of psychology counseling industry .

  2. 基于关系营销理念的房地产企业整合营销战略的实施

    Integrated Marketing Strategy of Real Estate Based on Relationship Marketing

  3. 论商业银行的整合营销战略

    Strategy of Conformity Marketing for Commercial Banks

  4. 基于资源的商业银行中间业务整合营销战略研究

    The Based Resources Research on the Integrated Marketing Tactics of Intermediate Business of Commercial Bank

  5. 海尔集团整合营销战略

    Haier Group 's Integrated Marketing Strategy

  6. 整合营销战略下的我国玩具企业自主品牌建设

    On the Independent Brand Construction of Toy Enterprises in China Based on the Integrated Marketing Strategy

  7. 因此,价格环境对消费者价格感知属性影响特性的成果应用有利于整合营销战略中定价与促销策略,为建立高效营销机制服务。

    Hence , the fruit that price environment affects consumer price perception character must be put into practice so as to integrate pricing and promotion tactics in marketing strategy as well as set up efficient marketing mechanism .

  8. 整合营销的战略思想就集中在创造品牌价值上,出版社的品牌建设可以从两方面考虑,一是出版社CI建设;

    Strategic concept of marketing integration concentrates on the creation of brand value .

  9. 第三部分,整合营销传播战略的制订与媒介分析。

    Part Three : The plan of IMC strategy and Media choice .

  10. 服务整合营销传播战略模式研究

    The Study on Model of Integrated Service Marketing Communication Strategy

  11. 基于整合营销传播战略的企业组织重构模式研究

    A Study on the Model of Organization Restructuring based on Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy

  12. 针对实践中整合营销传播战略实施的制约因素构建适应整合营销传播战略的绩效评估指标体系,对企业营销传播实践很有必要。

    Under the conditions of IMC practice , designing a performance measuring index system of IMC Strategy is useful for IMC practice in future .

  13. 由于酒店业是完全基于顾客需求的行业,所以对上诉两种品牌架构,均可以采用整合营销的战略。

    For the fact that hotel industry is totally based on customer needs , I use IMC ( Integrated Marketing Communication ) as the marketing strategy of both two schemes .

  14. 我国保险市场营销,应该确实树立正确的保险营销观念,实施整合营销的战略选择,加快我国保险业诚信体系的建设。

    To develop the insurance marketing , we should set up correct sense of insurance marketing , implement the strategic selection of conforming marketing , and accelerate the construction of honest system in insurance industry .

  15. 主题包括市场营销的管理,战略性市场规划,对竞争对手的分析,市场混乱分析,如何满足顾客,消费者行为,产品品牌的发展,直销,定价策略和促销与整合营销传播战略。

    Topics includes marketing management , strategic planning , relationship marketing , competitive analysis , the marketing mix , customer satisfaction , consumer behavior , product development branding , direct marketing , pricing strategy and marketing communication etc.

  16. IGMS模型整合了市场营销战略的三个观点和两个理论,有助于全面提升跨国公司的全球营销管理水平。

    IGMS model integrated three viewpoints and two theories of marketing strategy , and helpful for multinational corporations to comprehensively improve the global marketing management level .

  17. 论全球营销战略及整合的全球营销战略模型IGMS&兼评其对我国企业发展跨国经营战略的启示

    On Global Marketing Strategy and Integrating Global Marketing Strategy Model-Implications for Chinese Enterprises to Develop Multinational Strategy

  18. 本文主要研究全球营销战略的主要观点、基本模式、整合的全球营销战略&IGMS模型及全球营销及其整合战略的结论及其对中国企业发展国际化战略的启示。

    This paper mainly discusses the main viewpoint and basic model of global marketing , integrated global marketing strategy-IGMS model , conclusions on global marketing and IGMS . Finally , We indicate the implications for Chinese enterprise to develop international strategy .

  19. 外部整合的原则是整合市场营销战略,选定合适的目标市场,确定不同于竞争对手的定位战略&消费者是市场营销定位的本源,以顾客为中心是市场定位的关键。

    The principle that the outside reintegrating is to reintegrate the marketing strategy , select the suitable target market , confirm the strategy different from the rival & Consumers are an origin of the marketing positioning and it is a key of market positioning to regard customer as the centre .

  20. 理论的创新点主要表现在以下三个方面:1.提出整合营销的整合模型,在该模型中强调了整合营销的战略定位,避免企业追求大而全的营销战略。

    Theoretical innovation performance in the following three main points : 1 . By the integration of marketing integration model , the model highlighted in the integration of marketing strategies positioning enterprises seeking to avoid large and all marketing strategies .

  21. 整合营销传播是一个不断完善的过程,论文提出的整合营销战略体现了动态发展阶段性的特点,这种整合营销战略是关系营销和后工业制造特点相结合的战略营销模式。

    IMC is a progression of sophistication and should be undertaken in incremental steps . The paper put forward the model of integrated marketing strategy .