
  • 网络land property rights;the property rights of land
  1. 从土地制度这一新的视角进行分析,我国多年来耕地未能得到有效保护的根源在于土地产权制度的失效。

    To analyze the problem in line with the views on land system , it is not difficult to find out that why the farmland cannot be efficiently protected for years lies in the fact that the property rights of land do not work well .

  2. 论中国农村土地产权制度股份制改革

    Discussions on the Premedical Property Rights Sharing System Reformation in Countryside in China

  3. 手持GPS接收机用于农村土地产权调查的方法

    The Study of the Methods of Using Hand-held GPS Receiver in Rural Land Property Survey

  4. 基于RDBMS的空间数据管理模型及在土地产权产籍系统中的实现

    A Model for Spatial Data Management Based on RDBMS and Its Implementation in Land Registration

  5. 和其他类型的金融资产相比,房地产交易带来的洗钱风险相对较小,美国土地产权协会(AmericanLandTitleAssociation)在对监管规则提案的意见书中说。

    The money-laundering risks presented by real estate closings are relatively small , compared to other types of financial assets , the American Land Title Association said in comments on the proposed rules .

  6. 农村土地产权制度的缺陷及其创新

    The Defects and Innovation of Chinese Rural Land Property Right system

  7. 现代产权理论与我国农村土地产权制度改革

    Modern property Theory and China 's Rural Land Owner System Reform

  8. 集体所有土地产权保护与征地痛苦指数

    Protection of Collective-owned Land Property and Misery Index of Eminent Domain

  9. 当前我国土地产权体系存在的问题及思考

    A consideration of the rights system of land property in China

  10. 我国农村土地产权改革研究

    The Study of Reformation on Village Land Property Right in China

  11. 我国农村土地产权制度有进一步改革的空间。

    The land property system in the countryside can be reformed further .

  12. 中国农村土地产权制度变迁与创新研究

    An Institution Change and Innovation Study of China Rural Land Property Rights

  13. 第一,对土地产权制度进行创新。

    First , the system of land property rights should be innovated .

  14. 关于重构农村集体土地产权制度的探讨

    An Exploration on Reestablishing Property Right System of Collective Land

  15. 农村土地产权制度创新路径及政策测度

    The Innovation Route of Rural Land Tenure System and Measurement of Policies

  16. 提出了重构土地产权关系的思路。

    To reorganize the relationship of property right of land .

  17. 没有土地产权,这买卖就没有实际投资价值。

    Without those rights , the deal was a non-starter .

  18. 租金激励、行动团体与土地产权演化

    Rent Incentive 、 Action Group and Evolvement of Land Property

  19. 结果大部分土地产权解体。

    Most of the landed estates were broken up as a result .

  20. 农民分化、产权偏好与农村土地产权制度

    Peasant Stratification , Their Preference of Land Property Rights and Rural Land Tenure

  21. 国外土地产权的发展趋势及其对我国农地制度改革的启示

    Evolutionary Trends and Enlightenment of Foreign Land Property Rights

  22. 农村土地产权制度与土地综合生产能力的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Land Property System and the Land Comprehensive Productivity

  23. 现行土地产权制度:问题与变革

    Problems and Reform of Present Land Property Right System

  24. 我国土地产权制度建设分析

    An Analysis of Land Property Right System in China

  25. 三农框架下中国农村土地产权制度创新的系统思考

    Systematic Thoughts on the Institutional Innovation of Rural Land Property Rights in China

  26. 土地产权明晰是土地市场交易的基本前提。

    Distinct land property right is the basic premise of land market transaction .

  27. 农民收入增长障碍:关于土地产权和农村金融的再思考

    Obstacle of Peasant Income Growth : Rethinking over Land Equity and Rural Finance

  28. 论土地产权制度与耕地保护

    On the regulations of land property ownership and the protection of cultivated land

  29. 中国封建社会的土地产权极不明晰,“国有”和“私有”产权相互交织、错综复杂。

    The land property right in feudal society of China was very obscure .

  30. 中国城市国有土地产权研究

    Study on Urban State-owned Land Property Rights in China