
  1. 土地租赁权的价格评估

    Valuation of Land Lease Right

  2. 我国民法应该顺应这个趋势,把土地租赁权明确地纳入物权法中的用益物权体系。土地租赁权的性质为物权化的债权。

    Our country should conform to this trend , bring land lease into future property law and regard it definitely as a type of usufruct .

  3. 土地租赁权的流转是土地租赁权在不同的土地使用者之间的转移,包括转让、转租与抵押三种形式。

    The transfer of land leasehold is the transfer of land lease among different land users . It includes three forms , and sublease is the most common type .

  4. 其中土地租赁权转租具有代表性,可分为同意转租与自行转租两种情形,其法律效力亦因之有所不同。

    Right of land leasehold , although there are some legal effects of real right , is still creditor 's right in essence . The legal effects are difference between the sublease agreed by the leasor and the one disagreed by the leasor .

  5. 农业,商业和工业土地的租赁权在30年。

    Leaseholds for agriculture , commercial and industrial land is30 years .

  6. 目前得到普遍认可的是土地抵押权和土地租赁权。

    Land mortgage right and land lease right are the two generally accepted hetero-property rights on land now .

  7. 中国农民无权买卖土地,虽然理论上他们拥有土地租赁权,但很多权益从未在正式法律条文中明确。

    Farmers are not allowed to buy or sell land and , although in theory they can lease their property , many titles have never been formalised .