
  • 网络Land bonds;Obli-gationsFoncieres
  1. 多渠道筹集资金,探索土地储备债券等土地储备资金融资方式,分散土地储备资金财务风险。第三,建立土地储备成本的宗地核算制度,努力降低土地储备成本。

    Collect funds from various channels and explore the land reserve bonds and other financing modes to spread financial risks of land reserve funds . Third , build an accounting system of land reserve cost to try to reduce the land reserve cost .

  2. 一个简单的想法能使一件过度交易的蠢事,变成一场投机灾难无论它涉及远洋贸易、路易斯安那州的土地、股票、债券、郁金香还是住房抵押贷款。

    One simple idea allows an over - trading folly to turn into a speculative disaster whether it involves ocean commerce , land in Louisiana , stocks , bonds , tulip bulbs or home mortgages .

  3. 在恐慌中,逆转行动的发生伴随着价格的暴跌,涉及大宗商品、住房、建筑、土地、股票及债券&简言之,任何容易受到癫狂的事物。

    In a panic the reverse movement takes place with a crash in the prices of commodities , houses , buildings , lands , stocks , bonds – in short whatever has been the subject of the mania .

  4. 推行土地征用年租制,积极探索发行土地债券和城市基础设施建设债券;

    Others include applying the system of annual-rent , exploring actively the issue of the land bonds and the bonds of urban infrastructure construction .

  5. 其中,国土部门负责农地金融中的相关土地问题,农业发展银行借助政策性发行土地债券筹集资金,农村信用社利用覆盖面广及亲民的优势具体开展业务。

    Among them , the territory departments are responsible for the related land problems in rural land financial . Agricultural Development Bank issues bonds to raise funds with the help of policy . Rural credit cooperatives use coverage and close to people to develop its business .