
shù liànɡ zhé kòu
  • quantity discount
  1. 数量折扣是最常见的实现供应链系统Pareto改善的机制。

    The quantity discount is a mechanism to ensure the Pareto improvement of the supply chain system .

  2. 已有文献研究表明:不管是在EOQ框架内还是在报童框架内,仅应用数量折扣无法确保系统的完美协调。

    Present literatures show that the quantity discount alone cannot realize the perfect coordination , whether in the EOQ framework or the Newsboy framework .

  3. 一个新的基于数量折扣的JIT采购模型

    A New JIT Purchasing Model Based on Quantity Discounts

  4. 对于数量折扣问题,传统的EOQ方程并不实用。

    With quantity discounts , the traditional EOQ equation is not adequate .

  5. 再运用委托-代理理论分别讨论了信息对称和信息不对称时的VMI数量折扣契约设计问题。

    After that , VMI quantity discounts contract under symmetric and asymmetric information is designed by principal-agent theory .

  6. 在此基础上研究VMI供应链下的数量折扣契约协调机制设计;运用委托-代理理论重新设计了当销售价格为不对称信息时的VMI数量折扣契约设计问题。

    After that , quantity discounts contract under VMI supply chain is studied , then VMI quantity discounts contract under asymmetric information of sale price is re-designed by principal-agent theory .

  7. 本文统一论述了确定性静态存贮系统的最优存贮策略,并将具有数量折扣的经典EOQ公式推广到了一般的确定性静态存贮系统;

    In this paper , the optimal inventory policies are handled together , and the Economic Order Quantity formula of quantity discounts is extended to general deterministic inventory system .

  8. 把传统采购中的数量折扣同JIT采购结合起来,建立了一个基于数量折扣的综合模型,充分发挥了两种采购方法的优势。

    In order to take advantages of the two purchasing methods , quantity discounts and JIT purchasing , this paper combines them both , and sets up a new JIT purchasing model based on quantity discounts .

  9. 讨论了SCM背景下的生产批量与数量折扣定价联合决策问题的数据挖掘模型及其基于混合遗传算法的实现思想,并介绍了一个利用此模型而设计的SCM数据挖掘系统。

    A Data Mining Model of the integrated problem about batch-production and the fixing of discount and price implemented by Hybrid Genetic Algorithm under the SCM background was discussed . Then a Data Mining system of SCM utilizing this model was introduced .

  10. 在供应链中供需双方分别占主导地位的情况下,通过讨价还价模型,数量折扣策略以及基于合作博弈的JIT批量模型等不同策略方法给出了利益分配策略。

    When the buyer or the solder is dominated in the supply chain , we build bargaining model , volume discounts based on cooperation and strategy of the game by JIT to give the ways how to distribute the benefits .

  11. 过去几十年中,国内外许多学者对供应链合作策略问题进行了深入研究,并提出了讨价还价模型,数量折扣策略以及基于合作博弈的JIT批量模型等策略方法实现供应链合作。

    Over the past few decades , many scholars who studied cooperation strategy on the supply chain issues made bargaining model , quantity discounts strategy and JIT batch models based on cooperation of game theory to achieve cooperation of the supply chain .

  12. 针对成本参数和需求参数均不相同的异质买主的一般EOQ订货模型,讨论了供应商最佳数量折扣方案设计下买主间合作采购协调问题。

    Joint procurement coordination mechanism under the optimal quantity discounts provided by the supplier as well as the specified economic order quantity ( EOQ ) replenishment policy employed by heterogeneous buyers with various costs and demand parameters are investigated .

  13. 所以,第五章节在以上第三章所建立的考虑延迟发货罚金的EOQ数学模型的基础上,引进数量折扣模型,帮助零售商更好地选择进货策略。

    Therefore , the fifth chapter in more than a third by Chapter set up to consider the delay in shipments of fine EOQ mathematical model based on the introduction of the number of discount model to help retailers to better stock selection strategy .

  14. 针对供应链的渠道协调问题,给出一类供应链Stackelberg主从对策协调机制,其中分销商作为主方给出最小补充期和数量折扣策略,顾客是从方以最优库存策略响应。

    According to the problem of channel coordination in supply chain , a Stackelberg game coordination mechanism is presented , in which the seller is the leader initializing the minimum replenishment periods and quantity discount policies , and each buyer is the follower responding with the optimal stock policy .

  15. 一个考虑累进制数量折扣的单约束多商品订货模型

    A Multi-item Ordering Model with Space Constraint Considering Incremental Quantity Discounts

  16. 允许缺货且有数量折扣问题的经济订货批量模型

    EOQ Models Concerning the Questions of Permissible Shortage and Quantity Discount

  17. 基于商业信用的供应链数量折扣协调策略

    Quantity Discount Policy Based on Trade Credit for Supply Chain Coordination

  18. 基于数量折扣策略的供应链渠道协调分析

    Channel Coordination Analysis of Supply Chain Based on Quantity Discount Policy

  19. 一个基于数量折扣的变质商品定价和库存模型

    Pricing and inventory model based on quantity discounts of deteriorating goods

  20. 数量折扣条件下的动态订货批量优化

    Optimization of Lot - Size for Dynamic Order with Quantity Discount

  21. 我方想知道你给多少数量折扣。

    We would like to know what quantity discounts you allow .

  22. 基于遗传算法的数量折扣订货模型求解

    Solution of Ordering Model with Quantity Discount Based on Genetic Algorithms

  23. 目标数量折扣下的供应链协调分析

    An Analysis on Supply Chain Coordination with Target Quantity Rebate

  24. 数量折扣契约下供应链生产成本扰动管理

    Production Cost Disruption Management for Supply Chain System with Quantity Discount Contract

  25. 允许缺货及数量折扣条件下的最佳定购批量

    The optimum order quantity under conditions of allowed stockout and quantity discount

  26. 数量折扣下经济订货批量的探讨

    Discussion on EOQ Under the Condition of Quantity Discount

  27. 不确定需求下供应链渠道协调的数量折扣研究

    Supply Chain Coordination with Quantity Discounts under Uncertain Demand

  28. 一种处理数量折扣的存贮问题的方法

    A Method of Optimal Lot-Sizing Decisions with Quantity Discounts

  29. 供应链渠道协调的数量折扣研究

    Study on Supply Chain Channel Coordination with Quantity Discounts

  30. 基于数量折扣的合作采购协调机制分析

    Analysis of joint procurement coordination mechanism through quantity discounts