
  • 网络the Depression;the Great Depression;great recession
  1. 他永远不会忘记20世纪30年代经济大萧条时期他所亲眼目睹的困苦情形。

    He never forgot the hardships he witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930s .

  2. 1930年代美国经济大萧条之后的农村电气化,淘汰了农场上的风车。

    Rural electrification following the Great Depression made farm windmills obsolete .

  3. 经济大萧条(以及适度的经济复苏)也与居住在家中的年轻人增多有关。

    The Great Recession ( and modest recovery ) has also been associated with an increase in young adults living at home .

  4. Grace出人意料的保留了她的钱,因为经济大萧条。

    Grace Groner was incredibly reserved with her money , a result of living through the Great Depression .

  5. 在经济大萧条时期他得养活你们和祖母.

    He had to support you and Grandma through the Depression .

  6. 最近的经济大萧条改变了生活、工作的很多方面。

    The recent recession has changed many aspects of life and work .

  7. 1929年的经济大萧条摧毁了国际贸易。

    The great financial crash in 1929 ruined international trade .

  8. 美国正从经济大萧条中慢慢恢复。

    America 's slowly crawling out of the great recession .

  9. 我父亲孩提时代正逢经济大萧条家中十分拮据

    My father grew up very poor during the Depression .

  10. 但此举就算不会导致经济大萧条,也肯定会带来经济衰退。

    But that would guarantee a recession , if not a slump .

  11. 经济大萧条时期很多工人被迫失业。

    A lot of workers were thrown into unemployment during the great depression .

  12. 杰夫:在经济大萧条时期他得养活你们和祖母。

    JEFF : He had to support you and Grandma through the Depression .

  13. 经济大萧条迫使许多大学缩短招聘会的时长。

    The Great Recession forced many colleges to cut back on their job-fairs .

  14. 经济大萧条不少人沦为乞丐。

    The Great Depression of ? Economy reduced many people down to beggars .

  15. 她是美国经济大萧条时期的产物。

    She was a product of the great depression .

  16. 在1930年代经济大萧条时期?

    to the Great Depression in the 1 930s ?

  17. 从过去的经验来看,这种下降很可能是经济大萧条的预兆。

    On past form the slowdown seemed likely to presage a long slump .

  18. 经济大萧条时期,一位公共事业振兴署的工人。

    Works Progress Administration worker in a Depression-era photo .

  19. 几家小商行倒闭了,随之而来的是经济大萧条。

    The bankruptcy of several small firms is the prelude to general economic collapse .

  20. 罗斯福在经济大萧条和第二次世界大战中扮演了重要的角色。

    He played an important role in the Great Depression and World War II .

  21. 在经济大萧条时期,很多小企业只好关门歇业。

    In the Depression , many small businesses had to cash in their chips .

  22. 经济大萧条过后,他一无所有.重新开公司。

    After the depression , he started from scratch in running a firm again .

  23. 几家小商行倒闭了,随之而来的是经济大萧条.

    The bankruptcy of several small firms was the prelude to general economic collapse .

  24. 因为最富有的美国人已经在经济大萧条中获益。

    That 's because the wealthiest Americans captured nearly all of the recession recovery .

  25. 经济大萧条时期,芝加哥南部的男孩。

    A group of boys on the south side of Chicago in a Depression-era photo .

  26. 当时正处经济大萧条时期,就业机会稀少。

    It was the middle of the Great Recession , so job opportunities were scarce .

  27. 《经济大萧条:迟缓的经济复苏和经济变革》1987。

    Bernstein , Michael . The Great Depression : Delayed Recovery and Economic Change . 1987 .

  28. 但是当她还没来得及开始自己的职业生涯的时候,美国经济大萧条爆发了。

    But before she had the chance to begin her career , the Great Depression struck .

  29. 1929年,华尔街的投机商丧失了全部财产,可怕的经济大萧条时期开始了。

    20070804 : In1929 , Wall Street gambles lost their shirts and the awful Depression began .

  30. 那些从经济大萧条时期汲取教训的人会记得,货币最先贬值的国家,也会最先复苏。

    Those schooled in great depression economics will remember that the countries that devalued first recovered first .