
  • 网络Economic Impact Analysis
  1. 以系统动力学(SD)模型为主体,结合投入产出法、乘数法和计量经济学模型,进行了港口经济影响分析。

    Analysis of port ′ s influence on economy is conducted based mainly on system dynamics ( SD ), combining also input-output method , the Mulitplier , and econometrics model .

  2. 滨海湿地互花米草的生态经济影响分析与风险评估探讨

    Eco-economy analysis and risk assessment of smooth cordgrass in coastal wetland

  3. 国际灰市场对跨国经营企业的经济影响分析

    Analysis on the Economic Effects of International Gray Market on Transnational Enterprises

  4. 基于投入产出的辽宁省物流业经济影响分析

    Analysis on economic effect of Liaoning logistics industry based on input-output theory

  5. 2008年奥运会的税收经济影响分析

    Analysis on Impact of Tax Economy of 2008 Olympic Games

  6. 新农业政策的经济影响分析

    Study on the Economical Impact of the New Agricultural Policies

  7. 政府采购制度的经济影响分析

    An Analysis of Economic Effects of Government Procurement System

  8. 大型跨国公司在华投资基本情况及对我国经济影响分析

    The World Large-Scale Multinational Corporation 's Investment and Effects on Economy in China

  9. 高速公路对区域经济影响分析与评价方法研究

    The Research on Evaluation Method and Influences Analysis of Expressway on Regional Economic

  10. 建立中国和澳大利亚自由贸易区的经济影响分析及政策建议

    On the Economic Effect of Setting up the China-Australia Free Trade Area and Policy Suggestions

  11. 我国公务员加薪的社会经济影响分析

    An Analysis of the Social and Economic Influence of Salary Increase of Civil Servants in China

  12. 我国逃税规模的测算及其经济影响分析

    Calculation of the Size of Tax Evasion in China and Analysis of Its Effects on Economy

  13. 西方发达国家企业横向并购浪潮动因与经济影响分析

    Analysis on the Cause and Economics Impact of Horizontal M & A Tide of Western Developed Country

  14. 本研究的原创价值在于运用经济影响分析原理构建了公共图书馆经济影响测算框架,可以为研究者进一步开展我国公共图书馆的经济影响评估提供借鉴参考,以待修改完善。

    It will provide reference information for researchers to carry out further evaluation of the economic impact of Chinese public library .

  15. 延吉、龙井、图们城市集群发展及其对吉林省经济影响分析

    Analysis the Integration of YanJi , LongJing and TuMen and Its Influences to JiLin Economy , Which Based on the City Cluster Theory

  16. 分别针对前面机理分析、价值协调评价、风险协调衡量和宏观经济影响分析四个方面的问题,给出了我国制造企业商品经营与资本经营协调发展策略。

    The author gives the coordination strategies for goods management and capital operation of manufacturing enterprises from four aspects of mechanism analysis , value coordination , risk coordination and macroeconomic effects .

  17. 通过分析我国通讯服务运营商的几种主要定价策略和收取服务基本费的定价方法,提出对用户、运营商和社会福利的经济影响分析。

    This paper has briefly discussed main pricing strategies of telecommunication companies , and analyzed some of the principal economics effects of a fixed service fee on the customers , suppliers and social welfare .

  18. 根据货运营销工作决策类型,将模型分为客户管理模型,营销组合分析模型,营销绩效考核模型,运量预测模型,经济影响分析模型,竞争对手分析模型等12个大类模型。

    The Basis of the types of freight Marketing , we partition the model to The client management model , The Marketing combination analysis Model , The Marketing merit system model , The transport forecast model , The economy influence analysis model , The competitor analysis .

  19. FDI分布不平衡对我国区域经济增长影响分析&基于省际面板数据分析

    An Analysis on the Impact of Uneven Distribution of FDI upon Regional Economic Growth in China & Based on Inter-provincial Panel Data

  20. 本文通过多边投资框架可能对我国产生的现实和潜在经济影响的分析,提出了我国在WTO多边投资框架问题上应该坚持的基本立场。

    By analysing the actual and possible impacts of the Multilateral Investment Framework ( MFI ) on the Chinese economy , this essay attempts to determine those principles that China will adhere to deal with regard to the MFI .

  21. 交通资源配置对区域经济的影响分析

    Analysis of the Traffic Resources Allocation 's Influence on Regional Economies

  22. 南通市人口发展对社会经济的影响分析

    An Analysis on the Influence of Enlarging Population on Social Economy

  23. 油价上涨对国民经济的影响分析

    Analysis of impact on national economy of rise of oil price

  24. 污染产业转移对我国环境与经济的影响分析

    Analysis of Pollution Industry Shift Influencing to Chinese Environment and Economical

  25. 我国能源消耗对经济周期影响分析

    The analysis between economic fluctuations and energy resources consumption in China

  26. 对2002年我国国际会展业经济影响的分析

    Analysis on Chinese International MICE Industry ' Economic Impact in 2002

  27. 我国彩票业对经济的影响分析

    Analysis of the Influence of Lottery Industry on Chinese Economy

  28. 运价调整对新疆经济的影响分析

    Analysis on Influence of Adjustment in Transportation Price on Economy in Xinjiang

  29. 生物技术经济影响的分析方法与应用

    Analysis Methodologies and Applications on the Economic Impacts of Biotechnology

  30. 双背压凝汽器对汽轮机热经济性影响分析

    Analysis for Influence of Dual-Pressure Condenser on Heat-Economy of Turbine