
  • 网络Factor Value Theory
  1. 除了劳动价值论以外,西方经济学界还存在四种其他价值理论,它们是货币价值论、使用价值价值论、生产要素价值论、供求价值论。

    Beside labor value theory , there are other four kinds of value theories in western economics circle , i.e. money value theory , use-value value theory , production factor value theory , and supply-demand value theory .

  2. 资产阶级经济学的要素价值论、效用价值论等是错误的。

    The factor theory and utility theory of value of the capitalist economics are mistaken .

  3. 实际存在的多种剥削方式无需要借助劳动价值论来说明,要素价值论同样能证明资本主义剥削。

    Actually existed different exploitations don 't need be testified through labor value , and value theory factors can also testify capitalism exploitation .

  4. 经研究发现:历史成本计量属性是以劳动价值理论为基础,未来现金流量现值法是以要素价值论为基础,通过比较分析,发现前者更具有重大现实意义;

    Through studying , the author finds that : First , historical cost measure attribute to based on labor value theory , study it have great realistic meaning ;

  5. 分为三部分,一是阐明价值创造与价值分配之间应有的关系,:二是分析生产要素价值论的主要谬误;

    This part is mainly divided into three parts : To explain the true relation between creation and distribution of value ; To analysis the mainly errors of production factor theory of value ;

  6. 就经济学的核心层面而论,马克思主义经济学与西方经济学是根本对立的,尤其体现在马克思劳动价值论与西方要素价值论这一根本问题上。

    On the core level of economics , western economics and Marxism economics are fundamentally opposite , especially on the labor value theory of Marxism and the elements value theory of western economics .

  7. 本文就当前深化对劳动价值理论研究的要素价值论和活劳动价值论这两种思路作出了较系统的评述。

    In the essay , there is a systematic comment on the two current thinking ways deepening the study of the Labor Value Theory : they are the Element Value Theory and the Living Labor Value Theory .

  8. 在马克思劳动价值论的基础上,我们分析了技术要素与劳动价值论的关系,提出了劳动广义价值论&包括企业价值论的价值论,研究了技术价值论。

    Based on Marxism Laboring Axiology , we analyze the relation between factor technology and Laboring Axiology and put forward our Laboring Axiology ( broad sense ) that includes enterprise Axiology . Then we research technology Axiology .

  9. 劳动价值论、要素价值论及要素财富论

    Theory of labour value , theory of factor value and theory of factor wealth

  10. 按生产要素分配的理论依据是生产要素价值论,即承认各种生产要素对增进社会财富或其价值都做出了贡献,因而也就认可它们有权按照各自贡献的大小取得相应的分配份额;

    The theoretical basis of distribution according to productive factors is the productive factor theory of value , the substance of the theory is admitting that social wealth is created by all productive factors , which have the right to take corresponding share according to their respective contributions .