
  • 网络Direct Channel
  1. 随着网上交易技术的进步,交易范围和交易主体的扩张,直接渠道还将得到更进一步的发展。

    The direct channel will be further developed with advance of the technology of sale-on-line and expansion of business range and business transactors .

  2. 本项目的营销渠道选择了间接渠道(代理商渠道)和直接渠道(网络渠道)两种形式。

    The marketing channel options of this project include two forms of indirect channel ( agent channels ) and direct channel ( network channel ) .

  3. 欧洲电子债券交易平台mts提出为对冲基金提供直接渠道时,就引起了银行顾客的强烈抗议。

    When MTS , the European Electronic bond trading platform , proposed offering direct access to hedge funds , it caused an outcry among bank customers .

  4. 只要这种密切的个人或专业委托人关系存在,直接渠道就是唯一可行的选择。

    Where such a close personal , professional client relationship must exist , direct channels may be the only feasible choice .

  5. 中国的旅行社业分销渠道呈圆桶状,其国际旅行社业务采用长窄的间接渠道,国内旅行社业务采用短窄的直接渠道。

    The structure of the distribution channels of Chinese travel service industry is tubby with a relatively short-narrow size and direct channels .

  6. 第五章进行海尔营销渠道研究,总结了包括直接渠道、呼叫中心和网络营销渠道等几种模式。

    The fifth chapter presents the innovation pattern of marketing channel of HAIER , and summarizes the directing-channel , call-center and Internet - channel pattern .

  7. 通常人们较为注重面向旅游者的直接渠道旅游广告,而往往忽视旅游中间商与旅游产品生产商之间的间接渠道旅游广告。

    People always pay much attention to advertising in the direct channel to the end user , but neglect advertising between tourism suppliers and intermediaries in the indirect marketing channel .

  8. 香港港口及航运局为航运业提供了一个直接渠道向政府反映意见,这将有助加强政府和业界的联络及沟通。

    The board provides a forum for the shipping industry to channel their views to the government , which helps strengthening the liaison between the government and the shipping sector .

  9. 而账单作为银行与客户之间沟通的直接渠道,其意义远远超出其本身的对账功能,在一定程度上反映了银行的客户管理水平。

    As the direct communication channel between bank and customer , statement means far more beyond the function for reconciliation . Statement somehow reflects the level of bank customer service .

  10. 分析表明,若消费者选择买的概率大于渠道成本与产品在两种渠道下的价格差之比,企业将愿意选择直接渠道,反之,企业愿选择间接渠道。

    Research indicates that if the probability of purchase chosen by consumers more than the rate of channel cost and the price dispersion of products under both two channels , enterprises will choose direct channel , otherwise they would like to choose indirect channel .

  11. 拓宽企业直接融资渠道已经迫在眉睫。

    Broaden the financing channels of enterprise directly is imminent .

  12. 资本市场发展缓慢,直接融资渠道不畅;

    Slow development capital market and lack of smooth and direct financing channels ;

  13. 缺乏直接融资渠道等。在分析了以上问题的基础上,提出了相应的七项对策。

    Based on the analysis of these problems , seven countermeasures were suggested .

  14. 在企业直接融资渠道中,股票融资和债券融资是最主要的方式。在国际资本市场上,债券融资已日益取代了股票筹资,逐渐成为国际直接融资中占统治地位的筹资渠道。

    Stocks and corporate bonds are widely used in the direct financing instruments .

  15. 外源融资又可分为直接融资渠道和间接融资渠道。

    External financing can be divided into direct financing channels and indirect financing channels .

  16. 介绍了直接营销渠道包含的内容。

    Introducing the contents of direct commerce .

  17. 直接融资渠道缺失与资本市场缺乏层次。

    Direct financing channels are short and the capital market is short of administrative levels .

  18. 在企业的直接融资渠道中,股票融资和债券融资是最主要的方式。

    Stocks and corporate bonds are the major means of the enterprises ' direct financing .

  19. 纵观汽车企业营销渠道现状,大体可分为两种模式:一种是间接营销渠道模式,另一种是直接营销渠道模式。

    There are two modes of current automobile sales channel ; indirect mode and direct mode .

  20. 作为直接融资渠道的资本市场能否有效配置资本关系到我们的经济增长的速度和质量。

    Whether capital market can allot capital efficiently or not determines the rate and quality of economic growth .

  21. 资本市场不发达,企业难以通过直接融资渠道吸收资金;

    The capital market is under developed , so the companies can not directly get enough money through the market ;

  22. 建立适应民营科技企业的金融支持系统,开通民营科技企业的直接融资渠道。

    Building financial support system adapted to private high-tech enterprises , chan - nel the direct financing of private high-tech enterprises .

  23. 中小企业由于信用度不高,直接融资渠道的缺乏以及间接融资渠道的单一,使其面临着融资困难的局面。

    Medium & small enterprises face the difficulty of financing because of low credit and default of direct and indirect financing methods .

  24. 这严重限制了银行营销人员的选择性,从而必须经常使用直接销售渠道。

    It severely limits the alternatives , available to the bank marketer and often necessitates the use of direct channels of distribution .

  25. 双方同意继续利用高层领导人的直接联系渠道就重大敏感问题保持及时沟通,将两国外长年度互访机制化,并鼓励两国其他部门高级官员经常互访。

    Leaders of the two countries will continue to maintain close communication through mutual visits , meetings , telephone conversations and correspondence .

  26. 以内源融资和银行信贷为主,直接融资渠道不畅的融资模式导致了中小企业融资困难,融资成本过高,严重阻碍了中小企业的健康发展。

    Lacking of directed financing modes such as enterprises bond financing and equity financing from capital market makes SMEs ' financing cost so highly .

  27. 债券市场作为我国的主要直接融资渠道之一,在金融市场中的地位和作用日渐突出。

    As one of the major ways of direct financing in china , the role of bond market in financial market is becoming more and more important .

  28. 文章分别从企业自身、间接融资渠道、直接融资渠道、政府服务体系等四个方面逐一进行深入细致的分析。

    This paper analyzes the causes from the angles of enterprises themselves , indirect financing channels , direct financing channels and financing services offered by government deeply .

  29. 在双边问题和涉及第三方的问题上,需要完善政府间的直接沟通渠道,建立危机防范机制。

    On bilateral issues and issues affecting a third party , it is necessary to improve direct communication channels between the two governments and establish crisis prevention mechanism .

  30. 所有制歧视、信用和担保服务体系建设落后、企业治理结构不完善、金融体制改革不深入、融资制度安排不合理、直接融资渠道不畅等是其融资难的特殊原因。

    The special causes are the un - advanced development of credit and guarantee service system , the un - ideal arrangement of financial system and the direct financial .