
  1. 最后展望了药品流通渠道的发展趋势。

    At last , the development trend of medicine circulation is presented .

  2. 药品流通渠道与药品的价格及质量有着密切联系。

    There is close relationship between the distribution and the quality and the price of drugs .

  3. 但我国的药品流通渠道存在着较多的问题,这既与国家政策、市场调节机制、药品中间商素质有关,更是与制药企业本身的渠道设计、管理和控制有关。

    However , there exist many problems in medicine circulation which have relationship not only to state policies , marketing modulation and medicine distributors ' qualification , but also to drug manufacturers ' marketing channel design , management and control .