
dài xīn jià qī
  • paid holiday, paid vacation
  1. 这份工作包括两周的带薪假期。

    The job includes two weeks ' paid vacation .

  2. 今年,德国人将平均享受40天的带薪假期。

    The average German will enjoy 40 days ' paid holiday this year

  3. 休完所有的带薪假期,这不仅能够让你拥有恢复期,而且能够提高你的工作效率,增加晋升机会。

    Take all of your paid time off , which not only gives you recovery periods , but raises your productivity and likelihood of promotion .

  4. 到了疯狂做最后算数的时候——全国各行各业的雇员们都在倒着数日子,试图算出他们攒下的带薪假期还剩多久。

    It is the season for some frantic last-minute math across the country , employees of all stripe are counting backward in an attempt to figure out just how much paid time-off they have left it their reserves .

  5. 在法国,人们享有五个星期的带薪假期。

    In France , people get five weeks of paid vacation .

  6. 5.vacationday带薪假期A:你们有多少带薪假期?

    A : How many vacation days do you have ?

  7. 如果你被给予更多的职责,却没有升职或加薪,不妨向你的上级索取一些津贴吧,Teach说,也许是带薪假期,或者多些午休时间,或者每礼拜一次在家工作的机会。

    If you 're getting additional responsibilities without a promotion or raise , ask your supervisor for some perks , Teach says . Perhaps additional vacation days , longer lunch hours , or the ability to work from home once a week .

  8. 昆泰公司(Quintiles)为员工提供一个带薪假期“QDay”,用于回馈社区,而且它还鼓励员工积极参与。

    Every year , employees at Quintiles are encouraged to take a " QDay , " an extra paid holiday to spend giving back to their communities .

  9. 49家工厂没有向员工提供带薪假期。

    49 facilities did not provide employees with paid leaves or vacations .

  10. 高薪、交通补贴、带薪假期。

    High salaries , travel allowances , and paid vacations .

  11. 你每年有一个月的带薪假期。

    You may have one-month of paid holiday every year .

  12. 我一年后还享有带薪假期。

    I enjoy paid vacation after one year of service .

  13. 他没有带薪假期,没有度假,也没有加薪。

    He gets no paid holidays , vacations or raises .

  14. 我从下星期开始有四个星期的带薪假期。

    I 've got four weeks paid leave starting from next week .

  15. 一份能享受带薪假期和病假的工作。

    A job with paid holidays and sick leave .

  16. 此外你还可以有每年两周之带薪假期。

    And you will receive two weeks'paid vacation a year , as well .

  17. 每年的带薪假期是多久?

    How long is my paid vacation every year ?

  18. 七月和八月之间的六周带薪假期是严格规定必须要有的。

    Six weeks ' paid leave between July and August is de rigueur .

  19. 他们每年可享受30天的带薪假期。

    They enjoy a30-day paid holiday every year .

  20. 如果已为人父母的员工担负着抚养小孩的主要责任,他们将享有16周的带薪假期。

    Mothers and fathers who are primary caregivers get 16 weeks off fully paid .

  21. 这家公司为员工们提供带薪假期,还有免费午餐。

    The company provided the workers with free lunch in addition to paid holidays .

  22. 真的?你们有多少带薪假期?

    I have two weeks paid vacation .

  23. 卡车司机在这儿一年可以赚到120000澳元以上,此外还有津贴和带薪假期。

    Lorry drivers can earn in excess of A $ 120,000 a year , plus benefits and vacations .

  24. 20%就职于私企的员工根本就没有带薪假期。

    About 20 percent of workers in the private sector don 't have any paid vacation at all .

  25. 是否应该将带薪假期代替黄金周,全国上下都在热烈讨论着这个问题。

    A national debate is now under way about whether we should replace golden weeks with paid vacations .

  26. 个月后,雇员可以享受带薪假期和病假。

    After working for six months on end , employees are entitled to paid holidays and sick leaves .

  27. 而私人假期是指公司自定的带薪假期。你可以在一年中的任何时间安排休假。

    Private holidays are given by your company and can be taken anytime during the year usually with pay .

  28. 与这些千奇百怪的要求相比,你只是要求多出一周的带薪假期是很正常的了,你觉得呢?

    Compared to these , your desire for another vacation week is pretty tame , don 't you think ?

  29. 这家位于卢森堡的法院坚持认为,雇主必须尊重员工休假期间生病补假和带薪假期的权利。

    The Luxembourg-based court insisted that employers should honour workers ' rights to both time off sick and paid holidays .

  30. 大多数上班族每年只有两星期的带薪假期,因此短期度假非常普及。

    As most workers receive only two weeks of paid leave each y ~ ar , the mini-vacation is very popular .