
  • 网络kwashiorkor
  1. 补充抗氧化剂对马拉维儿童恶性营养不良症的预防作用:随机双盲安慰剂对照试验

    Antioxidant supplementation for the prevention of kwashiorkor in Malawian children : Randomised , double blind , placebo controlled trial

  2. 在苯丙酮尿症和恶性营养不良(一种主要发生在发展中国家的严重营养不良)患者的毛发中,也观察到了其它种微量元素。

    Other trace elements have been observed with phenylketonuria , an inherited metabolic disorder , and kwashiorkor , a severe form of malnutrition that occurs mainly in developing nations .

  3. 恶性肿瘤病人的营养不良率、血生化异常率明显高于良性疾病病人,有显著性差异(P<0.05);

    Compared with other patients , patients with malignancies were significantly prone to develop malnutrition and blood chemistry abnormalities ( P < 0.05 ) .