
qīn běn
  • parent
亲本 [qīn běn]
  • [parent] 动植物杂交时所选用的母本或父本

亲本[qīn běn]
  1. 也可用雌性f1与隐性纯合雄性亲本回交。

    F1 females could be backcrossed to the male homozygous recessive parent .

  2. 其中许多基因与调节种子如何在仍附着于其亲本植株时变的耐旱的基因相同。

    Many of them are the same that regulate how seeds become dryness-tolerant while still attached to their parent plants .

  3. 吉林省大豆骨干亲本及主推品种DNA指纹图谱的构建

    DNA fingerprint of the main parents and current varieties of soybean in Jilin province

  4. 杂交水稻(F1)及其亲本核酸的探讨

    Studies on Nucleic Acids Content of F_1 Hybrid Rice and Its Parents

  5. 杂交水稻亲本对F2米质性状的影响

    Effect of hybrid rice parents on F2 rice quality

  6. 核桃杂交亲本及F1代的遗传多样性与相关性研究

    Study on Genetic Diversity and Correlation of Hybrid Parents and F_1 in Walnut

  7. 大豆高脂肪组合F4代脂肪含量遗传及亲本相关性

    Heredity and Parental Correlation of Oil Content in F_4 Generation of High-oil Soybean

  8. K型杂交小麦901及亲本籽粒灌浆的生长分析

    Growth Analysis on the Process of Grain Filling in Hybrid Wheat 901 and Its Parents

  9. P4是增加球径的良好亲本;P5和P6是增加球高的良好亲本;

    P4 was the better parent for added head diameter , P5 and P6 were the better parents for added head height ;

  10. F2代分离类似极早熟亲本结荚习性的早熟材料多。

    In F2 generation , lines with habit of the early parent are more .

  11. 西瓜F1代杂交种及其亲本种子幼苗体酶的遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis of Hybrid Watermelon and its Parents

  12. 黄瓜杂交种F1代与亲本特征、特性的比较研究

    Comparing Study of Some Agronomic and Physiological Characters of F_1 Hybrid and Parents on Cucumber

  13. 大豆不同亲本类型F2主要性状遗传参数分析

    Analysis of genetic parameters of main characteristics of F_2 in different parent forms in soybean

  14. 作物亲本遗传距离及其F1特殊配合力的比较研究

    A comparative study between genetic distance of parents and combining ability of their f_1 hybrids

  15. 云南野生甘蔗种质血缘F3代亲本材料抗旱性研究初报

    A preliminary report on the drought resistance of sugarcane F_3 clones with Yunnan wild breed

  16. 杂交试验表明,柱型性状是由单个显性基因(Co基因)控制的,利用现有的柱型苹果品种作为亲本选育新的柱型苹果品种是可行的。

    The experiment of hybridization indicated that columnar growth habit is controlled by a single dominant gene .

  17. RAPD技术分析亲本鸭及其杂交后代的基因组变化

    RAPD Analysis of the Genomic of Parent Ducks and Their Hybrids

  18. 选用7个杂交水稻组合及其亲本,研究其根系N素营养效率及其生理机制。

    The efficiency of N nutrition and the physiological mechanism in roots were studied in 7 hybrid rice combinations and their parents .

  19. 百粒重以大值亲本对F1的直接影响最大。

    The direct effect of 100-seed weight on F_1 's was greater from high parent than from other parents .

  20. 玉米自交系青枯病抗性鉴定及F1与亲本遗传关系的初步探讨

    Test of Resistance of Corn Inbreed Lines to Stem Rot and Study on Genetic Relationship between F_1 and Its Parents

  21. 利用SSR标记技术,对5个鲜食玉米新品种及其亲本的DNA指纹图谱进行了研究。

    Using SSR-PCR molecular technique , the DNA fingerprinting of5 new fresh-eating maize hybrids and their parents were analyzed .

  22. 用SSR标记检测杂交籼稻三系亲本的遗传差异

    Genetic Variation of Three-line Parents of Indica Hybrid Rice Detected with SSR Markers

  23. 32个两系杂交稻亲本的SSR分析

    SSR Analysis of 32 Parents in Two-line Hybrid Rice

  24. 对F1代植株与亲本进行了外部形态比较;

    F_1 hybrids were compared with their parents in morphology .

  25. 耐寒杂交稻K优267亲本在贵州中高海拔地区的制种特性

    Seed Production Characteristics of K-you 267 , a New Combination of Hybrid Rice with Cold Tolerance in the Higher Elevation Areas of Guizhou

  26. 采用6个大豆亲本双列杂交设计,研究亲本及F1、F2的配合力。

    The combining ability of 6 parents and their F1 , F2 of soybean was studied by use of diallel crosses design .

  27. 我国甘蔗亲本遗传多样性的AFLP标记分析

    Genetic Diversity Analysis of Sugarcane Parents with AFLP in China

  28. 选用业已发表的509对水稻SSR引物,对两亲本进行多态性检测,共有331对SSR引物在亲本间检测出多态性。

    The parents were surveyed for DNA polymorphisms using 509 pairs of published SSR primers .

  29. 红莲型杂交稻(红莲2号)及其骨干亲本的RAPD分析与鉴定

    Genetics Analysis and Identification of Hybrid Rice HL-Type ( Honglian-2 ) and Their Backbone Parental with RAPD Markers

  30. 根据DNA扩增的指纹图谱,估算融合子与亲本的DNA相似系数并构建遗传相关性聚类图。

    According to DNA fingerprint pattern generated from DNA amplification , DNA similarity coefficient of fusant and parent strains was calculated and the dendrogram of genetic relationship was constructed .