
  1. 赠送样品属于线下广告。

    Free samples are below-the-line advertising .

  2. 法规还规定禁止烟草制造商赞助体育活动和免费赠送样品。

    The legislation would also prevent tobacco manufacturers from sponsoring sporting events and from giving away free samples .

  3. 很抱歉,我们不赠送样品,不过样品可以打八折出售。

    I 'm sorry we can 't give this as a sample But we 'll make a sample discount of twenty percent .

  4. 赠送样品一直是食品生产商试图为新产品造势时所采取的办法,例如免费试吃火麻仁燕麦卷或者山核桃培根饼干等等。

    Giving away free samples has long been a trick of food entrepreneurs who want to create a buzz around their new recipes , from hempseed granola bars to pecan-bacon cookies .

  5. 他们在赠送免费样品。

    They are giving away free samples .

  6. 我们公司免费赠送布料样品。

    Our firm gives away free samples of cloth .

  7. 这款笔有望在今年晚些时候上市,公司已经给艺术家们赠送了一些样品让他们创作,作品从3D动物到埃菲尔铁塔应有尽有。

    It is hoped it will go on sale later this year , and the firm has already given prototypes to artists to create everything from 3D animals to reconstructions of the Eiffel tower .

  8. 你们觉得赠送洗洁精样品如何?

    Now how do you feel about free detergent samples ?