
zèng kuǎn
  • grant;largesse
赠款[zèng kuǎn]
  1. 这项研究由俄勒冈健康与科学大学(OregonHealthandScienceUniversity)资助,法国勒迪克基金会(LeducqFoundation)提供赠款。

    It was funded by Oregon Health and Science University and a grant from Leducq Foundation of France .

  2. 海外美国学校和医院(AmericanSchoolsandHospitalsAbroad)项目通过为发展中国家扩大医疗机会提供赠款支持上述目标。

    American Schools and Hospitals Abroad is a grant program supporting those goals by expanding medical opportunities in developing countries .

  3. 他到处赠款。

    He 's giving away money left , right and centre .

  4. 美国将提供40亿美元的信贷和赠款。

    The US is contributing $ 4 billion in loans , credits and grants

  5. 去年该基金会赠款达五百万元以上。

    This foundation provided bounties of more than 5 million last year .

  6. 赠送,赠款,捐献,捐赠(to,towards):我们每年向学校的捐赠基金捐款。

    vi. We donate to the school endowment fund every year .

  7. 该项目为生产太阳能电池(即光电池,PV)的公司提供赠款。

    The project provides grants to companies that produce solar cells known as photovoltaics ( PVs ) .

  8. 世行独自为19个IDA资助的无息贷款或赠款项目作出了13亿美元的承诺。

    The Bank alone has committed US $ 1.3 billion to19 zero-interest IDA-financed projects or grants .

  9. 用莱拉·艾奇逊·华莱士(LilaAchesonWallace)赠款购买,2004年。

    Purchase , Lila Acheson Wallace Gift , 2004 .

  10. IDA成立于1960年,目的是为那些几乎没有能力或根本没有能力依靠自己的力量借贷的国家提供无息信贷或赠款。

    IDA was first set up in1960 to provide interest-free credits and grants to countries with little or no capacity to borrow on their own .

  11. 雷西诺斯和另一名UGRAD学者法蒂玛·索里亚诺(FatimaSoriano)获得了“建设更美好的未来”富布赖特赠款(“BuildingaBetterFuture”Fulbrightgrant),用以开设并教授两门课程。

    Recinos and a fellow UGRAD alumna , Fatima Soriano , received a " Building a Better Future " Fulbright grant to create and teach two classes .

  12. 国际开发协会(IDA)是世界上向最贫困国家提供无息贷款和赠款援助最多的机构,其资金每三年由其45个成员国(捐赠国)回补。

    IDA , the world 's largest source of interest-free loans and grant assistance to the poorest countries , is replenished every three years by40 donor countries .

  13. Steer说,由于仅住房方案一项就有可能花费逾5亿美元,下周召开的会议将努力从捐助机构那里争取赠款资助。

    And with the housing program alone likely to cost well over US $ 500 million , Steer says grant financing will be sought from donors at a meeting next week .

  14. 这项研究得到了美国国立卫生研究院和DamonRunyon癌症研究基金会的赠款。

    The study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation .

  15. ClareLockport密切参与了该项目的制定过程。她说,给社区提供分批赠款保证了不使用管理费用高昂的“中间人”来管理项目。

    Clare Lockhart , who was closely involved in setting up the program , says giving the communities block grants ensures there 's no " middle men " with expensive overheads administering the projects .

  16. Bashir说,“快速通道动议”的资助意味着马达加斯加将能够更迅速地得到更多的赠款资助:在两年内,而不是世界银行项目的七年。

    Bashir says Fast Track funding means Madagascar will get more financing as a grant much more quickly-over two years , versus seven under the World Bank project .

  17. GEF提供赠款资金,用于:(1)为12家大型农业企业消除其在可再生能源发电上网过程中所面临的技术、政策、法规和机制等方面的障碍;

    GEF provides grant funds to ( I ) support up to12 large agro-enterprises to remove technical , policy , regulatory and institutional barriers facing them to provide renewable power to the grid ;

  18. 在世界银行赠款的资助下,EPDT正在该地区引种辣椒。

    With a grant from World Bank 's Development Marketplace , EPDT is introducing chili cultivation in the region .

  19. ReginaRabinovich管理着比尔及梅琳达•盖茨基金会在传染病方面超过10亿美元的成批赠款。

    Regina Rabinovich manages a portfolio of more than US $ 1 billion of grants in infectious disease work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation .

  20. 赠款通常资助非政府组织提供服务。这些组织熟悉当地地形,可以深入边远地区或不安全地区开展工作,McKechnie说。

    The grants often fund services provided by non-governmental organizations that know the terrain well and can operate in very poor remote or insecure regions , says McKechnie .

  21. 小额赠款项目总干事DelphinGanapin称:“对中国来说,扩大项目是一个挑战。”

    Delphin Ganapin , general manager of Small Grants Program , said ," A challenge for China is scaling up programs . "

  22. Nazeera获得了一笔150美元(15000斯里兰卡卢比)的贷款和一笔50美元(5000斯里兰卡卢比)的现金赠款,以便从头开始。

    Nazeera received a loan of $ 150 [ LKR15,000 ] and a cash grant of $ 50 [ LKR5000 ] to start afresh .

  23. “在15年的时间里,我们通过实际建立这些机构、加强它们的能力、并为它们提供赠款和贷款,实现了被我们称为量子飞跃的发展,”Arif补充道。

    " In15 years , we have achieved what we call a quantum leap by really establishing those institutions , building their capacity , and providing them with grants and loans ," Arif adds .

  24. 这项赠款计划的目的是支持教育、研究、或满足需要查明雪豹生存策略(slss)的自然保护项目。

    This grants program is designed to support education , research , or conservation projects on snow leopards that meet the needs identified in the Snow Leopard Survival Strategy ( SLSS ) .

  25. 这笔赠款将用于满足下列主要目标

    The grant will be used to meet the following key objectives

  26. 谷歌新的赠款计划得到了公众的热烈欢迎,但也引发了批评。

    Google 's new grants have generated both enthusiasm and criticism .

  27. 河南省世行贷款/英国赠款结核病控制项目实施情况分析

    The Analysis of WB / DFID TB Control Project in Henan

  28. 日本政府也为水行业法规改革项目提供了一笔赠款。

    Japan also contributed a grant for water sector regulatory reform .

  29. 税租是自愿捐献的赠款,惟有下议院才能接受。

    The taxes are a voluntary gift and grant of Commons alone .

  30. 吉林省自然保护区赠款项目有效管理

    The Effective Management of Jilin Provincial Protected Areas Grant Project