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zèng sòng
  • give;present;donate;donation;give away;present as a gift;bundle;give as a present
赠送 [zèng sòng]
  • [present] 用馈赠送礼的方式为 [某人] 提供某些东西

  • 赠送小礼品一份

赠送[zèng sòng]
  1. 我们房间里有一篮免费赠送的水果。

    There was a complimentary basket of fruit in our room .

  2. 这礼物赠送给她以表达对她长期服务的感激之情。

    She was presented with the gift in gratitude for her long service .

  3. 他们写信来感谢我们赠送的礼物。

    They wrote thanking us for the present .

  4. 玛丽承袭了向别人赠送植物的家族传统。

    Mary has carried on the family tradition of giving away plants

  5. 这本书我们要赠送6本出去。

    We have six copies of the book to give away .

  6. 下周,《今日》杂志将举行庆祝活动,免费赠送大量花种。

    Next week TODAY is celebrating with a great giveaway of FREE garden seeds .

  7. 女侍者端来几杯饭店赠送的用来庆祝的香槟。

    The waitress brings over some congratulatory glasses of champagne , courtesy of the restaurant

  8. 还有足够的时间去暗示自己想要的圣诞礼物!说到礼物,我们有100份限量版香水要赠送。

    There 's plenty of time to drop hints for Christmas presents ! And speaking of presents , we have 100 exclusive fragrance collections to give away .

  9. 画家把他最好的一幅油画赠送给了博物馆。

    The painter sent his best painting , as a gift , to the museum .

  10. 向来宾赠送了厚礼。

    Lavish gifts were bestowed on the visitors .

  11. 他们在赠送免费样品。

    They are giving away free samples .

  12. 在演出结束后有人给她赠送了一大束玫瑰花。

    At the end of her performance she was presented with a big bouquet of roses .

  13. 一位名叫吉尔伯特的女士向达里奥的母亲赠送了一本关于肖邦钢琴曲的书。

    One woman , Mrs. Gilbert , presented Dario 's mother with a book of piano music by Chopin .

  14. 在中国,婴儿一个月大的时候,家人会为其举办庆祝活动,活动期间,他们会给孩子起名字,对其表示欢迎,还会赠送客人红色的鸡蛋。

    In China , when a baby is one month old , families name and welcome their child in a celebration that includes giving red-colored eggs to guests .

  15. 接着,他马上叫人拿来两匹白绢赠送给小偷。

    Then he immediately asked someone to bring two bolts of white silk to give the thief as a present .

  16. 分享经济的商业模式来自于我们人类最古老的本能——合作、共享、慷慨、个人选择以及灵活多变。具体模式包括租赁、易物、借贷、赠送、交换以及合作组织等所有权共享形式。

    Sharing economy business models emerge from our oldest instincts as humans - – cooperation , sharing , generosity and forms of shared ownership such as cooperative structures .

  17. 出发的时候,只有宋国配备的几辆马车,由于奉承得法,返回时,他已拥有秦王赠送的一百辆马车。

    Before setting off , he had only several carriages provided by the Song government , but when he returned , he had one hundred carriages bestowed2 by the King of Qin for he had flattered the king appropriately .

  18. 朋友家中人来客往,十分拥挤,著名的侠客陈遵也在吊唁的队伍中。由于赠送的东西格外多,陈遵的脸上止不住流露出有恩于人的神色。

    Many people came and went , and it was crowded in the friend 's house , the celebrated2 knight-errant , Chen Zun , was also among the condolence procession , as he had presented numerous presents , he could not help assuming an air of benefactor3 .

  19. Pulse是一个构建在开源方案之上、免费赠送的技术。

    Pulse is a complimentary technology building on top of the open source solutions .

  20. 注册获得免费赠送的IBM软件架构师工具包:展示Rational产品的podcasts和演示。

    Register for the complimentary IBM software architect kit : Featuring podcasts and demos for Rational products .

  21. 假设超市买出一个A获得4美元的利润,赠送一个B损失3美元。

    Suppose the supermarket gets 4 dollars of profit from each unit of item A sold , and loses 3 dollars for each unit of item B given away .

  22. 无奈之下,我开始阅读起免费赠送的SkyMall目录的副本。

    In desperation , I turned to my complimentary copy of the Sky Mall catalog and began to read .

  23. 或许杰夫•贝佐斯应当免费向用户赠送Kindle。

    Maybe Jeff Bezos should be giving them away .

  24. 在赴年的销售季节,为了吸引还不确定该支持哪种格式的消费者,厂商纷纷大幅降价,并而且免费赠送电影(Movie)光盘。

    Last year 's holiday season was marked by big price cuts and movie giveaways to attract consumers , who were uncertain about which format to support .

  25. 总数为10艘被赠送和12艘被外销到外国海军。99艘进入PLA海军所有的三个舰队服役。

    A total of10 boast were donated and12 exported to foreign navies.99 boasts were commissioned by all three fleets of the PLA Navy .

  26. 这款笔有望在今年晚些时候上市,公司已经给艺术家们赠送了一些样品让他们创作,作品从3D动物到埃菲尔铁塔应有尽有。

    It is hoped it will go on sale later this year , and the firm has already given prototypes to artists to create everything from 3D animals to reconstructions of the Eiffel tower .

  27. 实际上,自从上世纪80年代初被三位私人收藏者赠送给旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆(AsianArtMuseum)以后,在檀香山展出的这101件展品一直没有展示过。

    The 101 exhibition pieces in Honolulu have , in fact , not been on view since they were given to the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco in the early 1980s by three private collections .

  28. 在最近一次延误的航班降落之后,乘客收到了联合航空主动恢复操作团队(ProactiveRecoveryOperationsTeam)的电子邮件,为了表示感谢,航空公司将为乘客的下一次飞行提供50美元折扣,或赠送额外的奖励里程。

    After the recent delayed flight landed , passengers received e-mails from United 's Proactive Recovery Operations Team , offering $ 50 off their next flight or extra bonus miles , as a gesture of appreciation .

  29. 通过平时赠送礼品和在工作中的协助,CEO或许可以同一位地方银行官员建立起深厚的关系,这种关系给了他机会向那位官员索要虚假的银行对账单和询证函。

    Through regular gifts and business assistance the CEO might build strong guanxi with a local bank manager that would give him the opportunity to ask for fake statements and confirmations .

  30. 现在订购“我曾为黑人投票”的盘子,赠送YoBabyYo头巾,首发价仅19.99美元。

    Order your " I Voted for a Black Person " commemorative plate and Yo Baby Yo headband for the first issue price of only $ 19.99 .