
  • 网络Government Deposits;Government Saving
  1. 规范化管理;政府储蓄论

    The standardization of management ; On Government Saving

  2. 人力资源管理信息系统政府储蓄论

    Human Resource Management Information System On Government Saving

  3. 过去10年,政府储蓄率也大幅增长。

    Government savings have also increased significantly over the past decade .

  4. 政府储蓄论债务重组浅谈

    On Government Saving Discussion about the reorganization of debt

  5. 政府储蓄的形成:从财政收支角度所作的考察

    The Formation of Governmental Saving : From the Perspective of Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure

  6. 政府储蓄不等于财政结余。

    Government savings is different from fiscal surplus .

  7. 抚养比变化对政府储蓄影响不显著。

    In contrast , the effect of dependency ratio on government savings was insignificant .

  8. 政府储蓄论浅谈所有权保留

    On Government Saving Discussion on Ownership Reservation

  9. 我国居民储蓄与政府储蓄转化效率的实证分析重锤式蓄能器;重力蓄力器;重物锤式储能器

    The Empirical Analysis of the Efficiency of Public and Private Saving-investment Conversion ; weight-loaded accumulator

  10. 政府储蓄与经济增长&对现代经济中政府储蓄必要性的考察

    On Government Deposit and Economy Increase & Observation of Necessity for Government Deposit in Modern Economy

  11. 同时,不仅仅是私人储蓄在减少,政府储蓄同样也在减少。

    Moreover it is not simply private savings that has collapsed but government savings as well .

  12. 财政审计与财政监督辨析(2)政府储蓄不等于财政结余。

    Analysis on Financial Auditing and Supervision ( 2 ) Government savings is different from fiscal surplus .

  13. 政府储蓄是一定时期政府的财政收入减消费性财政支出后的结余。

    Governmental saving is the difference between the fiscal revenue and governmental consumption during a given period .

  14. 与居民储蓄、企业储蓄一样,政府储蓄也是国民储蓄的重要组成部分。

    Like resident and business savings , government savings is also the important component part of national savings .

  15. 也会导致家庭消费、家庭储蓄、政府储蓄、家庭收入、政府收入的增加。

    There will also be an increase in family consumption , deposit and income and governmental deposit and income .

  16. 研究一国的储蓄问题,通常使用国民储蓄概念,国民储蓄一般包括政府储蓄、企业储蓄和居民储蓄。

    Of savings problems , usually uses concepts of national savings that includes government savings , corporate savings and household savings .

  17. 部分政府储蓄用于支持投资,但有些也被用于建立社保体系。

    Some of this has supported investment , but some has also been used to build up the social security system .

  18. 第一章对政府储蓄的内涵进行界定,并联系政府的财政分配活动分别从财政收入和财政支出方面就政府储蓄的形成作了考察。

    In chapter one , the author defines government savings and analyzes its formation in two aspects of fiscal revenue and expenditure .

  19. 基于这一认识,本文分别从财政收入和财政支出两方面对政府储蓄形成过程中的有关问题进行了探讨。

    Thus , this article discusses some issues in the formation of governmental saving from the perspective of both fiscal revenue and fiscal expenditure .

  20. 政府储蓄的形成及其规模,不仅取决于一定时期政府财政收入的状况,也取决于财政支出的结构安排。

    The formation and scale of governmental saving depends not only on the fiscal revenue during that period , but also on the arrangement of fiscal expenditure structure .

  21. 这种预测有它的道理,因为随着消费者逐渐消化税收变化造成的影响,政府储蓄的激增将在一定程度上被家庭储蓄的下降所抵消。

    This makes sense , because a sharp rise in government saving would be partly offset by a fall in household saving , as consumers absorb the tax hit gradually .

  22. 此外,英国还需要增加政府储蓄,以抵消私人储蓄较低的影响,从而在没有更多外资流入的情况下,帮助为更高的国内投资融资。

    In addition , the UK also needs higher government savings , to offset low private savings and so help finance higher domestic investment , without larger inflows of foreign capital .

  23. 今年,西班牙政府要求储蓄银行减记500亿欧元的楼市资产。

    The Spanish government has forced the savings banks to write down € 50bn in their property portfolios this year .

  24. 例如在某些拉丁美洲国家,政府对储蓄金的数额有强制性的要求,但劳动者可以自己选择养老基金。

    For example , In some Latin American countries , the government mandates the amount of money to be saved , but the worker is left to select a pension fund on his own .

  25. 改革以来,我国的国民储蓄大幅度增长的同时,结构发生了深刻变化:居民部门储蓄在国民总储蓄中占比大大提高,政府部门储蓄占比则大为降低。

    Since the beginning of reform , along with the high growth in national savings , its structure changed greatly . The ratio of resident savings to gross national savings grows remarkably , and the government savings ratio dropped notably .

  26. 让政府和企业储蓄率降下来是关键

    Decline of Savings of Government and Enterprise Is the Key

  27. 它的企业、家庭和政府积累的储蓄远远高于其国内投资。

    Its firms , households and government save more than they can invest at home .

  28. 奥巴马和麦凯恩都建议政府把银行储蓄保险金的上限从目前的10万美元提高到25万。

    Obama and McCain both proposed the government increase the limit on bank deposit insurance from the current figure of $ 100,000 to $ 250,000 .

  29. 就导致凯恩斯储蓄悖论和费雪债务型通缩的集体非理性而言,解决之道是政府的负储蓄以及公共部门的债务增加。

    As for the collective action failure implicit in the Keynesian savings paradox and the Fisher debt deflation mechanism , governments solved it by dissaving and debt accumulation by the public sector .

  30. 长期以来,低储蓄利率压低了中国的借款成本。虽然距离政府完全放开储蓄利率尚有时日,但中国的资本成本已经开始上升。

    China 's cost of capital has begun to rise even though the government seems some way from the liberalisation of deposit rates that has held down borrowing costs for so long .