
  1. 建立循环经济行政激励机制的探讨

    Discussion on Build up Administrative Drive Mechanism of Circular Economy

  2. 第五章研究的是国有企业经营者行政激励制度。

    The fifth chapter studies the administration incentive system of state-owned enterprises managers .

  3. 行政激励及其效应研究

    Study on the Effectiveness of Administrative Stimulation

  4. 并提出多元控制过程中,同时注意行政激励的作用。

    Proposed multivariate control process , while paying attention to the role of executive incentives .

  5. 本文通过讨论在发展循环经济中建立行政激励机制的必要性,行政激励行为的性质以及基本原则,重点探讨合理选择激励工具、行政激励机制的程序制约和救济等问题。

    This article discusses the necessity of the administrative drive mechanism in the development of circular economy , the nature and basic principle . The reasonable selection of drive tools , the procedural restriction and relief of administrative drive mechanism are analyzed emphatically .

  6. 创新农村基层公共行政管理激励机制

    On Public Administrative Management Incentive Mechanism in Rural Grass-root Units

  7. 简论归因理论在行政组织激励中的运用

    On the Function of Ascription Theory in Administrative Incentive

  8. 西北地区高校行政管理人员激励机制研究

    A Study of Motivate Mechanism in University Administrative Staff in Western China

  9. 提升现代行政领导者的激励力

    Promoting of Encouragement Strength of The Modern Administrative Leader

  10. 建立了一个晋升博弈模型,分析了行政官员晋升激励问题的内在原因,并讨论了解决问题的对策。

    This paper sets up a model of political tournaments , analyzes the incentive question of the promotion among the administrative officials , and puts forward a possible solution .

  11. 东北师范大学机关行政人员管理与激励研究

    Management and Motivation Research of Administrative Staff of Northeast Normal University

  12. 第四部分以湖北省若干基层税务局为样本,分析了行政组织面临的激励瓶颈问题并对其原因进行剖析。

    The fourth part takes several tax bureaus in Hubei province as samples to analyze bottleneck problems the administrative organization facing and its reason .

  13. 面对节能减排的重任,世界各国努力采取多种手段和措施,比如政府行政手段、经济激励手段以及其他手段等,来开展节能减排工作。

    Many countries use government command and control methods , and measures of economic incentives in energy saving and emission reduction work in the world .

  14. 主要包括加强思想教育、通过立法进一步明确职责、加强依法管理基础工作、健全各项执法责任制度、建立行政主体行政作为的激励机制、完善水行政执法程序等内容。

    Strengthening ideological education , mainly including legislation to further clarify the duties according to law , strengthen management , improving the system of administrative enforcement responsibility , the administrative body as incentive mechanism , perfect the administrative law enforcement procedures as water content .

  15. 废旧电子电器管理立法的利益实施机制主要可以概括为如下四种:行政强制、行政指导、经济激励和公众参与。

    The implementing mechanisms can be summarized as administrative obligation , administrative guidance , economic encouragement and public participation .

  16. 因此,必须从行政伦理立法、加强行政监督,建立行政道德激励机制入手,实现行政伦理建设的制度化。

    Therefore , the legislation , administrative supervision and administrative moral stimulating system should be developed .

  17. 行政组织正是在不断吸取和借鉴企业组织的经验和方法中不断改革,不断完善自身的,这也使得行政组织在激励机制上向企业组织借鉴具有可能性。

    Administrative organization absorbed and learned from the experience of organization and methods constantly to improve itself , which also makes administrative organization of the incentive mechanism has the potential to be learned .

  18. 由于我国行政事业单位机构众多,深入各行各业,相差比较大,不太便于研究,所以在本文重点对于地堪单位这个行政事业机构进行激励机制研究。

    Because many institutions of administrative institutions , a variety of fields , relatively large difference , not easy to study , so in this manner worthy of focus for the unit of administrative agencies of this incentive mechanism .