
  • 网络Explicit Deposit Insurance System
  1. 显性存款保险制度尚未建立;

    Be not explicit deposit insurance system ;

  2. 第三部分对我国显性存款保险制度构建的必要性与可行性进行分析。

    The third part analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the explicit deposit insurance system in China .

  3. 第三章从实务角度出发,对显性存款保险制度的机制设计进行分析。

    Chapter III analyses the mechanism of the deposit insurance system design .

  4. 第四章对显性存款保险制度的实际运行效果进行分析。

    Chapter IV analyses the operating effect .

  5. 仅有显性存款保险制度是不够的&对我国建立存款保险制度的思考

    Only Explicit Deposit Insurance is not Enough

  6. 本文对我国建立显性存款保险制度的现实选择加以探讨。

    This article probes into the actuality selection of the establishment of dominant deposit insurance schemes in our country .

  7. 本文还借鉴存款保险制度的国际经验,对我国显性存款保险制度建设提供了一些思路和建议,并分析了我国显性存款保险制度建设应该注意的一些问题。

    We also provide some suggestions on how to build explicit deposit insurance based on the international practices of deposit insurance .

  8. 随着金融体制改革的深入,建立适合我国国情的显性存款保险制度已经成为社会各界关注的焦点。

    With the reform of financial system , the establishment of explicit deposit insurance has been the focus of the society .

  9. 进一步完善信息披露制度,建立显性存款保险制度,完善市场化的退出机制。

    Fourth , further improve the information disclosure system , establish explicit deposit insurance system and improve the market exit mechanism .

  10. 本文是围绕从隐性存款保险制度向显性存款保险制度是否可行这个问题展开分析讨论。

    This article is from the implicit deposit insurance system around the explicit deposit insurance system to the feasibility of the issues discussed .

  11. 第五章从宏观、中观、微观三个方面对我国引入显性存款保险制度的环境作了分析。

    Chapter from the macro , macro and micro aspects of the introduction of the three explicit deposit insurance system environment are analyzed .

  12. 本章从存款保险制度的产生与发展、存款保险制度的理论基础和存款保险制度的分类三个方面全面介绍了存款保险制度,笔者认为显性存款保险制度是我国建立存款保险制度的最佳选择。

    This chapter introduces the legal deposit insurance system fully from three aspects-the formation and development , the foundation of theory and classification .

  13. 显性存款保险制度作为金融安全网的有机组成部分,得到了政策制定者的认可和推行。

    As an integral part of the financial security nets , explicit deposit insurance system has been widely recognized and implemented by policy makers .

  14. 而我国防范与应对当前金融危机的迫切需求更是呼唤着显性存款保险制度的尽快出台。

    In China , the urgent needs of preventing and responding to the current financial crisis calls for the quick appearance of explicit deposit insurance system .

  15. 第二章对显性存款保险制度的理论基础进行分析,归纳出显性存款保险制度实施的若干理论条件,并对应中国的实际情况进行相关对比分析。

    Chapter II analyses the theoretical basis of the explicit deposit insurance system and sums up several conditions which are used to analysis the actual situation of China .

  16. 在没有评估和改善信息并且存在监管环境缺陷基础上提倡采纳显性存款保险制度,从长期来看是危险的。

    It will be perilous to import the explicit insurance without adequate assessment or improvements in terms of both information inadequacy and supervision inefficiency from a long-term perspective .

  17. 因此,近年来国际上越来越多的国家建立了显性存款保险制度,我国也将该制度的建立纳入了议事日程。

    Therefore , in recent years , more and more countries have established explicit deposit insurance system . China has also set up the system into the agenda .

  18. 然后结合实证分析论证了当前我国银行业的风险状况及其发展前景,得出我国建立显性存款保险制度的必要性及其面临的问题。

    Then combining empirical analysis to demonstrate the risks and development prospects of Chinese banking system and analyze the need of establishing explicit deposit insurance system and its problems .

  19. 文章通过上述几章对显性存款保险制度在我国的建立进行了探讨,实证得到了我国部分商业银行的存款保险费率。

    This article analyzes the establishment of the explicit deposit insurance system in China , and obtained the premium rates of some of the commercial banks in China by empirical research .

  20. 本文的主要任务是探讨建立显性存款保险制度的必要性,并对如何建立显性存款保险制度提出一些建议。

    The tasks of this paper are to discuss the necessity of the establishment of explicit deposit insurance and to provide some policy suggestions on how to establish explicit deposit insurance .

  21. 一方面,美国、日本、德国三个国家依据各自国情所建立的不同模式的显性存款保险制度,具有鲜明的代表性。

    On the one hand , Different modes of explicit deposit insurance system established , in accordance with their national conditions , by the United States , Japan , Germany , has distinct representation .

  22. 但是显性存款保险制度也是一把双刃剑,在维护金融稳定的同时,也带来了道德风险等一系列问题。

    However , explicit deposit insurance system is also a double-edged sword . Besides the function of maintaining financial stability , it also brings a range of issues such as moral hazard and so on .

  23. 由于银行业固有风险的存在,必然要建立存款保险制度。作者认为,目前在我国建立显性存款保险制度是必要的。

    The author believes that it is necessary to establish a savings insurance system in China because of existence of the inherent risk in banking , and puts forward some suggestions on method of establishing the system .

  24. 在金融监管变迁的过程中,要逐步完善多元化金融监管体系、审慎金融监管、监管者激励与监督机制、公开信息披露制度、显性存款保险制度及金融监管法制体系等相关内容。

    In the course of financial supervision change , there is still much to be improved such as the pluralistic supervision system , risky supervision , information disclosure , the explicit deposit insurance system and legal system of financial supervision , etc.

  25. 在实行显性存款保险制度的前提下,商业银行的损失实际上是由商业银行的股东和存款保险机构共同承担的,损失准备金、风险资本和存款保险构成了商业银行风险管理的三道防线。

    Under the explicit deposit insurance system , commercial bank 's loss is actually paid by bank 's shareholders and deposit insurance companies . Loss provision , risk capital and deposit insurance fund are three cushions against the commercial banks ' risk .

  26. 分别将显性存款保险制度和政府隐性担保制度引入次级债利差模型中,研究次级债的市场约束作用,并对比分析政府隐性担保是否弱化次级债的市场约束作用。

    And we introduce the explicit deposit insurance system and the implicit state guarantee system respectively into the yield spreads model to study the market discipline of subordinated debts , and comparatively analyze the weaken effect of implicit state guarantee on the market discipline effect of subordinated debts .

  27. 此外,也从法制环境、经济环境、监管环境和社会环境四个方面提出了优化措施,以期为显性存款保险制度的出台与运行提供有效的外部环境保障。

    In addition , this section , from the four aspects of the legal environment , economic environment , regulatory environment and social environment , presents four optimization , with a view to provide the introduction and operation of the explicit deposit insurance system with effective external environment .

  28. 我国需要完善的市场退出安排,建立显性存款保险制度,应该先着手存款保险制度的建设,再着手市场约束和银行退出制度安排的建设。

    China needs to improve banks ' market exit arrangements , and establish a explicit deposit insurance system . To do that , we should first build up a deposit insurance system , and then proceed to strengthen the market discipline mechanism and improve banks ' market exit arrangements .

  29. 从隐性到显性&存款保险制度的变革之路

    China 's Deposit Insurance System : From Implicit to Explicit

  30. 目前条件下,加快市场退出机制建设并建立与之相配套的显性部分存款保险制度是一个上佳的选择。

    Under current circumstance , accelerating establishment of market exit mechanism and adaptive partial explicit deposit insurance system is a advisable choice .