
  • 网络The Lender of Last Resort;lender of last resort system
  1. 最后贷款人制度及其在中国的发展研究

    A Research on the Lender of Last Resort and Its Application in China

  2. 最后贷款人制度是金融安全网中的一道有力屏障。

    The lender of last resort is an indispensable part of the financial safety network .

  3. 完善我国央行最后贷款人制度的问题研究

    A Research on the Perfection of Central Bank 's Lender of Last Resort System of China

  4. 简论中央银行最后贷款人制度

    The Last loaner of Central Bank

  5. 为了维持银行业的稳定发展,许多国家建立了由存款保险制度、最后贷款人制度和审慎监管三大要素组成的金融安全网。

    Many countries of the world have developed Deposit Insurance Corporations , Lender of Last Resort System , and Regulatory System to strengthen the Finance stability .

  6. 最后贷款人制度对金融震荡的缓解有利于提高整个金融体系的信誉和稳定性,为维护国家金融安全提供了保证。

    Lender of last resort system mitigates financial shocks so as to improve the credibility and stability of the entire financial system , and guarantee national financial security .

  7. 迄今为止无论是在中央银行立法还是在中央银行的具体操作上各国对于最后贷款人制度尚未形成统一的做法。

    There has not been a consensus with respect to lender of last resort ( LOLR ) across countries , whether in central banking legislation or in central banks practices .

  8. 文章接下来对几个主要发达国家的最后贷款人制度进行了简述,并对最近两起近年来出现的最后贷款人援助重要案例进行了分析,进而总结出来一些对于完善我国最后贷款人制度有用的启示。

    It gives two cases in which the central bank acted as the lender of last resort , and then it carries on the analysis and summarizes some important enlightenment .

  9. 它是在中央银行的制度变迁中逐渐发展起来的。最后贷款人制度可以实现弹性的货币供给,改善存款合约的结构,从而有效地遏制银行恐慌。

    Two of the important roles of a lender of last resort are the provision of an elastic currency and improvement of structure of deposit agreement , which can effectively avoid the banking panics .

  10. 最后贷款人制度的救助虽然会带来道德风险、逆向选择以及通货膨胀等问题,但其在反危机中所起到的作用是毋庸置疑的。

    The assistance of system of lender of last resort will bring moral hazard , adverse selection , as well as inflation and other issues , but the role of its anti-crisis is no doubt .

  11. 最后贷款人制度在西方发达国家已经历数百年的发展历史,最后贷款人制度的相关理论形成了较完整的体系。

    This article firstly combs the related theory on lender of last resort in western developed country , and then it gives a simple description of theoretical development path of lender of last resort system .

  12. 就国外立法看,银行危机救助主要存在三种法律制度安排,即最后贷款人制度、存款保险制度和对陷入危机的银行实行接管制度。

    According to the foreign legislation , there are three main legal aid systems for the banks crises , i.e. , lender of last resort system , deposit insurance system and banking crisis taking-over legal system .

  13. 银行业金融机构市场退出法律制度的内容体系涉及了银行业金融机构的公司治理制度、利益相关人保护制度、最后贷款人制度和存款保险制度。

    These contents include the relevant stakeholder protection system , corporate autonomy , lender of last resort system , deposit insurance system of banking institutions ; all they are the components of the banking institutions market exit legal system .

  14. 第四章为制度完善部分,在基础性市场条件和相关制度建立和完善的基础上提出塑造我国最后贷款人制度的新型构思。

    The fourth chapter is the part for perfecting the system . Establishing and improving the basic market conditions and related systems , then putting forward a new conception of the system of the lender of last resort in China .

  15. 现实中金融安全网还存在许多亟待完善之处,如强化监管机构的风险监管功能,消除存款保险和最后贷款人制度引发的道德风险行为。

    At fact , the current financial safety net has some faults , so it need be improved by strengthening the risk supervision function of supervision organization , eliminating the moral hazard caused by deposit insurance and lender of last resort system .

  16. 第一部分最后贷款人法律制度一般分析。

    The first part is " the lender of last resort legal system general analysis " .

  17. 第二部分我国最后贷款人法律制度存在的问题。

    The second part is " our country a lender of last resort legal problems in the system " .

  18. 银行监管、存款保险、最后贷款人等制度构成的金融安全网能有效维护系统性银行稳定。

    The financial safety net composed of banking supervision , deposit insurance and lender of last resort can effectively keep banking stability .

  19. 其中我国商业银行危机救助的具体法律法规制度不完善,包括最后贷款人法律制度、接管法律制度、市场退出法律制度。

    In China , the legal system of commercial banking crisis salvation is not perfect , including last resort system , the market withdrawal of bank .

  20. 在该部分,主要介绍了最后贷款人法律制度的基本理论,并分析了最后贷款人法律制度的内涵。

    In this part , mainly introduced the lender of last resort the basic theory of legal system , and analyzes the connotation of the lender of last resort legal system .

  21. 防范金融风险的方式有许多种,作为金融安全网三大基石之一的最后贷款人法律制度就是其中之一,其在维护金融安全方面发挥着十分重要的作用。

    There are many way to prevent the financial risk , as one of the three important parts of financial safety net , the lender of last resort plays an important role in financial safety .

  22. 本文从四个方面探讨了外资银行危机处理和救助机制的主要内容,即实施最后贷款人救助制度、建立存款保险制度、完善银行收购制度和完善破产制度。

    The article discusses the main content of crisis management and salvation mechanism of foreign banks from four aspects : actualizing the lender 's last resort system , setting up the deposit insurance system , consummating the bank purchasing system and improving the bankruptcy system .

  23. 最后贷款人法律制度的产生有其相应的理论基础,本文主要从银行体系内在的脆弱性和同业市场失灵两个方面进行了分析。

    A lender of last resort of the legal system shall be produced certain theoretical foundation , this article mainly from the banking system of the vulnerability of the internal market failure and trade , the paper analyzes the lender of last resort legal system theory basis .

  24. 最后贷款人(LLR)制度:香港经验及其启示论金融危机救援中私人机构的最后贷款人功能

    Lender of Last Resort : Experience and Revelation from Hong Kong On Private Institutes ' Function as the LLR in the Bailout of Financial Crisis

  25. 银行监管在广义上还包括金融安全网,即最后贷款人和存款保险制度。

    In the broad sense , bank supervision also includes Financial Safety Net , namely the Lender of Last Resort and the Deposit Insurance System .

  26. 正是基于此,笔者认为,考虑到当前金融环境已与过去大大不同,应结合次贷危机重新探讨最后贷款人的理论基础,梳理总结最后贷款人制度及其实施细则。

    Based on this , I believe that , given the current changing financial environment , should be combined with the subprime crisis lender re-examine the theoretical basis for the final , combing summary Lender of Last Resort system and its implementation mechanisms .