
zuì dī ɡōnɡ zī bǎo zhànɡ zhì dù
  • minimum wage guarantee system
  1. 《劳动法》规定,国家实行最低工资保障制度和带薪年休假制度,并规定了工时标准、劳动安全卫生标准、女职工特殊保护标准、职业培训标准。

    The labor law stipulates that the state implement a minimum wage guarantee system and a paid annual vacation system , in addition to standards for work hours , labor security and health , with special protection for women workers , and standards for professional training .

  2. 《最低工资规定》能够真正得到落实,关键是最低工资保障制度能够逐步在整体机制上得到完善。

    " Minimum wage " will be truly , the key requirement is a minimum wage guarantee system has been able to gradually improve the overall mechanism .

  3. 国家实行最低工资保障制度。

    The State institutes the minimum wage protection system .

  4. 规范市场竞争秩序,强化收入分配制度改革,完善最低工资保障制度等。

    To make the market competition order criterion , to strengthen the income allotment system reform , to perfect the lowest wages guarantee system etc. .

  5. 为贯彻实施《劳动法》,全国各地已基本建立劳动合同制度、最低工资保障制度和劳动监察制度。

    In order to implement the Labor Law , a labor contract system , a minimum-wage system and a labor supervision system have basically been established in the whole country .

  6. 目前,通过制定最低工资立法并实施最低工资保障制度保护低收入群体已成为世界各国的普遍做法。

    At present , through make minimum wage legislate and implement minimum wage ensure system to protect low income employee become general method of countries all over the world already .