
  • 网络MFN;Most-favored-nation Treatment;most favored nation treatment;Most Favoured Nation Treatment
  1. 因此,在国际层面,我国要坚持《联合国气候变化框架公约》中的共同但有区别的责任原则,坚持世界贸易组织的自由贸易原则和最惠国待遇原则。

    Therefore , at the international level , China should adhere to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities of the UNFCC , as well as the principle of free trade and the MFN .

  2. 文章从制度经济学的层面,运用博弈论的方法来分析WTO,指出最惠国待遇原则和多边争端解决机制是WTO规则体系中最重要的制度安排;

    The paper makes analysis of the WTO on the basis of the game theory and the new institutional economics . It holds that MFN and DSM are the most important institutions of the WTO ;

  3. 自由贸易区等区域性贸易安排是作为WTO规则中最惠国待遇原则的例外而自始合法地存在于GATT/WTO体系之中的。

    Regional trading arrangements , such as FTAs , have legally consisted in the GATT / WTO system from the start as an exception to the principl of MFN .

  4. 然而由于WTO区域规则的存在,虽然这种区域经济安排与WTO的最惠国待遇原则不相符,但仍在WTO体制下蓬勃发展起来。

    Because of the region regulation of the WTO , regional economic arrangement develops greatly under the WTO , although regional economic arrangement does not agree with the MFN ( most-favored-nation ) treatment principle .

  5. 本文首先探讨了WTO在国际贸易运行中的五项基本原则,即最惠国待遇原则、国民待遇原则、透明度原则、市场准入原则和例外原则。

    The paper first talks about the five basic principles , the principle of most favored nation treatment , the principle of national treatment , transparent principle , market admittance principle and the principle of exception , which work in the international businesses .

  6. 最惠国待遇原则是GATT/WTO多边贸易体制的基石,关于区域贸易协定规定的GATT第24条则作为最惠国待遇原则的例外而存在。

    Although most-favored-nation treatment principle is considered as the foundation of GATT / WTO multilateral trade system , Article 24 of GATT on regional trade agreement exits as the exception of most-favored-nation treatment principle .

  7. 区域贸易协定(RegionalTradeAgreementsRTAs)作为WTO最惠国待遇原则的例外,早在GATT时代就确立了其合法地位,制定了相关的规则,以规范引导此类协议的签订和发展。

    RTAs ( Regional trade Agreements ) , as the exception to the most favored nation treatment rules of WTO , established their status in the times of GATT and made the relevant rules to regulate and steer the signing and developing of the kind of agreements .

  8. 最惠国待遇原则会给国内经济带来哪些冲击?

    What concussion can most-favoured-nation treatment principle bring to domestic economy ?

  9. 最惠国待遇原则的经济学分析及应用策略

    Economic Analysis and Application Tactics for Most-favored-nation Treatment Principle

  10. 最惠国待遇原则及其搭便车问题

    The Free Rider Problem of the Most-Favored-Nation Clause

  11. 无条件最惠国待遇原则

    Rule of unconditional most-favoured-nation treatment

  12. 服务原产地规则的原则包括最惠国待遇原则、国民待遇原则和透明度原则。

    Principle of MFN treatment , principle of national treatment and principle of transparency are dealt with first .

  13. 而1934年贸易法所创立的原则,如最惠国待遇原则,被多边贸易体制所采纳并沿用至今。其所建立的贸易代表机构,现今仍是确立和执行美国对外贸易政策的重要机构。

    The principles created by 1934 Act , such as Most-Favored Nation Treatment , have been adopted by multilateral trade system and still in effect .

  14. 即使碳关税的征收违反了国民待遇原则和最惠国待遇原则,碳关税还可以从GATT1994第20条例外来寻找合法性依据。

    Even if carbon tariff is not consistent with the principle of national treatment or the principle of most-favoured-nation treatment , it may be also legitimate under Article XX of GATT 1994 .

  15. 正当环境措施首先应该符合最惠国待遇原则、国民待遇原则,对来自所有国家的相同或类似产品一视同仁,给予进口产品以不低于国内产品的待遇。

    Rational environment protection measure should conform to the most-favored nation treatment principle and national treatment principle , and treat all the like product from any other countries equally without discrimination and no less favorable to domestic like product .

  16. 根据世界贸易组织对金融服务贸易的规定,在银行业完全开放之后,中国必须遵守金融服务贸易的基本原则,即最惠国待遇原则、透明度原则和市场准入原则。

    According to the rules of WTO for financial service trade , China has to obey the basic principles that the financial service trades , namely most-favored nation treatment principle , transparency principle and market access principle , after totally opening up to foreign countries .

  17. 以规则和法制为基础的世贸组织有几个基本的规则如最惠国待遇原则、国民待遇原则、市场开放原则、公平竞争原则、透明度原则等等。

    The WTO based on rules and administration by law has several basic rules , such as the most-favored nation principle , the principle of national treatment , the market opening principle , the principle of competition on an equal footing , and the principle of transparency .

  18. 《服务贸易总协定》把最惠国待遇和国民待遇原则运用到服务贸易领域,并山各缔约方在市场准入方面提出各自的减让表。

    General Agreement on Trade in Services applied the MFN and national treatment principles to the field of trade in services , and all Parties present their schedules on market access .