
duō shì lián yùn jīnɡ yínɡ rén
  • multimodal transport operator
  1. 与以往学者研究的方法不同,本文从多式联运经营人角度出发,将整个多式联运网络构建成一个统一的超网络,并结合最新的GIS技术,将路径优化的结果直观地显示给操作者。

    Differently with previous scholars , this article from the perspective of the multimodal transport operator , builds the whole multimodal transport network into a unified super-network , and combining the latest GIS technology , and intuitively display the path optimization results to the operator .

  2. 论多式联运经营人的法律地位

    Research on the Legal Status of Multimodal Transport Operator

  3. 空运承运人责任期限多式联运经营人免责事项

    Period of Air Carriers Responsibility Exemption of Liability of Multi-modal Transport Operator

  4. 第三部分分析了《鹿特丹规则》下国际多式联运经营人的责任。

    Chapter three analyzes the multimodal transport operators ' responsibility .

  5. 多式联运经营人责任限制

    Limitation of Liability of Multi-modal Transport Operator

  6. 第二部分论述了多式联运经营人在《鹿特丹规则》中的法律地位。

    Chapter two deals with the multimodal transport operators ' legal status under the Rotterdam Rules .

  7. 无船经营多式联运经营人

    Non-Vessel Operating Multi-modal Transport Operators

  8. 但是,本规则没有,也实在不能在法律上对多式联运经营人在商业和金融上的地位作出规定。

    They do not , however-and , indeed , they cannot-legislate for the commercial and financial standing of the CTO .

  9. 但是,此项合同不得影响多式联运经营人对全程运输所承担的责任。

    However , such separate contracts shall not affect the responsibility of the multimodal transport operator with respect to the entire transport .

  10. 由于效益价值取向关注的是经营人的利益,据此所构建的赔偿责任规则自然偏向于多式联运经营人。

    Because effective value concerns the interests of business people , the liability rules build a natural bias in the multimodal transport operator .

  11. 本文通过介绍国际多式联运经营人的责任制度的国际公约并对其加以比较来试图构建我国的相关法律制度。

    This paper tries to build a legal system related by introducing the International Convention of the responsibility system of international multimodal transport operator .

  12. 多式联运经营人应遵守其营业所在国所适用的法律和本公约的规定。

    The multimodal transport operator shall comply with the applicable law of the country in which he operates and with the provisions of this Convention .

  13. 这个问题要根据商业上有没有把任何特定的多式联运经营人签发的多式联运单证视为有价值的单证。

    This will be resolved by commercial willingness or by commercial unwillingness to regard a CT document issued by any particular CTO as a worthwhile document .

  14. 本文的研究是对低碳物流研究的有益补充,而案例的分析使本文的模型更加有实用性,为多式联运经营人决策如何选择运输方案时提供了一定的参考价值。

    Analysis of company cases makes the model more practical , which can provide considerable reference value to freighters when they decide how to choose transport plan .

  15. 在不同的条件下它分别以四种面孔出现,代理人、居间人、无船承运人和国际多式联运经营人。

    They will come forth in four kinds of different roles in different situations , respectively as agent , intermediary , NVOCC and international multimode transportation operator .

  16. 多式联运经营人货物损害赔偿责任限制规则的构建&兼评我国《合同法》与《海商法》的相应规定

    Construction of Rules on Limits of Multimodal Transport Operator Liability for Damaged Goods ── Review concurrently relevant articles of contract law and maritime law of our country

  17. 海上货运代理人随着国际贸易和国际运输的发展,不断扩大其经营范围,从传统意义上的货运代理人发展到无船承运人、多式联运经营人和物流经营人。

    With the development of the international trade and international transportation , Freight Forwarder has enlarged its operating scope and developed NVOCC from traditional Freight Forward whose responsibility is as an agent .

  18. 在现今的货运代理市场中,它已经从传统的单纯的代理人、居间人角色发展到今天的无船承运人、国际多式联运经营人。

    Freight forwarding , in today 's Shipping markets , has been developed from the traditional roles acting as a pure agent or intermediary to today 's NVOCC and international multimode transportation operator .

  19. 第一章首先分析了港口经营人的含义,指出其不同于承运人、多式联运经营人、货运代理人及装卸工人;以及实践中与实际港口经营人的关系。

    Chapter one first analyses the concept of the port operator , pointing out the difference from the carrier , multimodel transport operator , freight forwarder and stevedore and the relations with the actual port operator .

  20. 多式联运中经营人对发生区段不明的货物损害的责任

    Multi-modal Transport Operators Liability for Concealed Cargo Damage

  21. 多式联运单据应由多式联运经营人或经其他授权的人签字。

    The multimodal transport document shall be signed by the multimodal transport operator or by a person having authority from him .

  22. 文中阐明了与多式联运有关的概念&多式联运、多式联运经营人、多式联运实际承运人、多式联运履行辅助人、多式联运单证;

    I clarify the definition of multi-modal transport , actual carrier , fulfil assistant , and multi-modal document .

  23. 第三百二十一条货物的毁损、灭失发生于多式联运的某一运输区段的,多式联运经营人的赔偿责任和责任限额,适用调整该区段运输方式的有关法律规定。

    Where damage to or loss of the cargo occurred within a particular segment of the course of a multi-modal carriage , the multi-modal carriage operator 's liability for damages and any limitation thereon are governed by the applicable transportation law of the jurisdiction which such segment is under .

  24. 我国多式联运立法尽管也采纳该模式,但具体规则设计上仍有待完善:一方面,应赋予多式联运经营人对任何形态的货物损害享有适当的赔偿责任限制的权利;

    Legislation of multimodal transport in our country also has adopted that one , but it needs to be improved in respect of construction of practical rules .

  25. 国际货物多式联运在世界经济发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色,自国际多式联运诞生以来,国际上就一致呼唤着多式联运经营人责任制度的统一。

    Multi-modal transport plays an increasingly important role in the world transport and economy , for which more emphases are put on the unification of the liability system of multi-modal transport operator ( MTO ) .