
  • 网络multimodal transport contract
  1. 以上这些差异最终导致了国际货物多式联运合同的法律冲突问题。

    Such difference leads to the conflict of laws in international multimodal transport contract .

  2. 它自诞生之日起,各国学者就对其产生的一系列法律问题加以研究,然而,国际货物多式联运合同的法律冲突问题却很遗憾的被忽略了。

    From its beginning , the scholars of all the countries have researched the legal issues of international multimodal transport .

  3. 由于国际货物多式联运合同本身所具有不同一般合同的复杂性,加之国际立法领域的不统一性、国际私法理论的复杂性以及我国国内立法的不完善,因此其法律适用问题成为一大难点。

    As the contract of international multimodal transport of goods itself is more complex compared with the general contract , as well as the non-uniformity in the international area and the imperfections of domestic legislation , the law application in this aspect becomes a major difficulty .