
  • 网络ICA
  1. 消费者全球合作社(CCW)是一个国际合作社联盟(ICA),其中汇集了消费合作社内ICA成员部门组织。

    Consumer Co-operatives Worldwide ( CCW ) is a sectoral organisation of the International Co-operative Alliance ( ICA ) which brings together consumer co-operatives within the ICA membership .

  2. 国际合作社联盟东非、中非和南部非洲区域办事处

    Regional Office for East , Central and Southern Africa of the International Cooperative Alliance

  3. 国际合作社联盟对合作社的定义和原则做了明确规定。

    International Cooperative Alliance has given us a clear definition of cooperative and its related principles .

  4. 供销合作社作为中国农民合作社的代表加入国际合作社联盟,成为国际合作的重要力量。

    Supply and marketing cooperatives , as the delegate of Chinese agricultural cooperatives , join the International Cooperative Alliance .

  5. 但是,中国的合作社运动曾经偏离了国际合作社联盟的基本原则,成为了影响效率的一种制度安排。

    However , the Chinese cooperative movement has ever diverged the basic principles of International cooperative league , becoming a kind of system arrangement which influence efficiency .

  6. 《农民专业合作社法》中的原则少于国际合作社联盟的原则,对成员资格限制过多。

    The cooperative principles of " Peasant Specialized Co-operative Law " less than International Cooperative Alliance ' s. There were too many restrictions put on the membership in " Peasant Specialized Co-operative Law " .

  7. 此外,伦敦还是许多国际组织总部的所在地,其中包括国际海事组织、国际合作社联盟等。

    In addition , London is also the home to many international organizations , such as International Maritime Organization , International Cooperation Association .