
  • 网络gCC;the Gulf Cooperation Council
  1. 琼迪说,萨利赫总统原则上接受海湾合作委员会的提案,但是这一计划必须要符合宪法,允许总统向议会辞职。

    He says President Saleh accepted the GCC plan in principle , and that this will be in accordance with the constitution , which allows the president to resign to parliament .

  2. 一个众所周知的Linux是开源内核,以及海湾合作委员会编制。

    A well known open source kernel Linux is compiled by gcc as well .

  3. 目前,中国约35%的原油进口均来自海湾合作委员会(GulfCooperationCouncil)的6个成员国。

    About 35 per cent of China 's crude imports now originate in the six states of the Gulf Cooperation Council .

  4. 而在阿拉伯世界看向东方的同时,欧盟(eu)与海湾合作委员会多年来未能成功达成一项自由贸易协定。

    And while the Arab world looks east , the European Union and the GCC have for years been unsuccessfully negotiating a free trade agreement .

  5. 1995年至2005年,海湾合作委员会(GulfCo-operationCouncil)6个成员国和东亚之间的贸易量,增长了约3倍。

    The volume of trade between the six members of the Gulf Co-operation Council and east Asia roughly quadrupled between 1995 and 2005 .

  6. 它还可以对海湾合作委员会(gulfco-operationcouncil)的石油出口国施加巨大的压力,至少要求它们减缓向欧洲提供石油供应的速度。

    And it could put huge pressure on the Gulf Co-operation Council exporters to be , at the very least , slow in offering replacements to Europe .

  7. 事实上,将其货币盯住美元的海湾合作委员会(gulfco-operationcouncil)成员国已承受越来越大的压力,迫使它们放弃其货币与美元的联系。

    Indeed , the members of the Gulf Co-operation Council that peg their currencies to the dollar have come under increasing pressure to ditch their ties with the greenback .

  8. 它可以由拥有大量外汇储备的国家出资,比如中国、沙特阿拉伯和其它海湾合作委员会(gulfcooperationcouncil)成员国,以及印度、韩国和巴西。

    It could be financed by the countries with large foreign exchange reserves , such as China , Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council members , as well as India , South Korea and Brazil .

  9. 美国政府7月份宣布了一笔拟议中的交易,估计价值为200亿美元,合同方是海湾合作委员会(GulfCooperationCouncil)的6个国家,其中包括沙特,以提升该地区的安全。

    Washington announced a proposed arms deal in July , estimated to be worth $ 20bn , with the six countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council , which includes Saudi Arabia , to boost security in the region .

  10. 决定船舶不稳定的海湾合作委员会的版本是由于海合会2.95的糟糕表现对非i386平台,特别是12月阿尔法。

    The decision to ship an unstable GCC version was due to GCC2.95 's bad performance on non-i386 platforms , especially DEC Alpha .

  11. 然而,这波夜间空袭为什叶派的伊朗与沙特及其逊尼派盟友在海湾合作委员会(GCC)展开更广泛、更直接的对抗搭起了舞台。

    However , the overnight strikes set the stage for a broader , more direct confrontation between Shia Iran and Saudi Arabia and its Sunni allies in the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) .

  12. 它们之所以想改变与美元挂钩的汇率机制,一个重要原因是通胀输入。在美元贬值之后,这已成为中国和海湾合作委员会(GCC)6个成员国面临的一大问题。

    An important reason why they want to change the dollar peg is the threat of imported inflation , which has become a problem in China and the six countries of the Gulf Co-Operation Council ( GCC ) after the dollar 's devaluation .

  13. 海湾合作委员会和欧洲共同体联合理事会

    Joint Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the European Community

  14. 海湾合作委员会国家财政部副部长委员会

    Committee of Under-Secretaries at Ministries of Finance in the GCC States

  15. 论中国与海湾合作委员会建立自由贸易区的预期收益及前景分析

    The Benefits and Prospects of GCC-China Free Trade Area

  16. 阿曼苏丹国是海湾合作委员会成员之一。

    Oman is a member of Gulf Cooperation Committee .

  17. 海湾合作委员会国家尿素产业发展现状及对我国的影响

    Status of GCC Urea Industry and Impact on China

  18. 整个海湾合作委员会国家的统一的烟草控制法律也在起草中。

    A unified tobacco control law across the GCC countries is also being drafted .

  19. (第届)海湾合作委员会部长理事会

    Ministerial Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council

  20. 建立海湾合作委员会协定

    Agreement establishing the Gulf Cooperation Council

  21. 素有世界油库之称的海湾合作委员会(简称海合会),是国际能源争夺的主要场所。

    Known as the oil depot of theworld , GCC is the center of international energy contention .

  22. 萨巴还说,总统对海湾合作委员会的领导通过对话的方式解决危机所做的努力表示感谢。

    Saba said the president thanked the GCC leaders for their efforts to solve the crisis through dialogue .

  23. 美国政府称,美方知道海湾合作委员会成员国在考虑派兵。

    The White House said it was aware that other countries from the GCC were considering sending troops .

  24. 官员们说,海湾合作委员会秘书长扎耶尼星期四在也门首都萨那会晤了萨利赫,提出这项建议。

    Officials say the secretary-general of the Gulf Cooperation Council , Abdullatif al-Zayani , presented the plan to Mr.

  25. 而在六国组成的海湾合作委员会中实力最强的沙特早就站出来反对阿萨德了。

    Saudi Arabia , the beefiest member of the six-country Gulf Co-operation Council , long ago turned against him .

  26. 1998年,车辆运往一般出口和海湾合作委员会(海湾合作委员会国家)收到了整容。

    In1998 , vehicles destined for General Export and the GCC ( Gulf Cooperation Council Countries ) received a facelift .

  27. 海湾合作委员会拥有大量的美元资产,价值不及其本国货币。

    The huge stock of dollar assets held in the GCC would be worth less in terms of the home currencies .

  28. 目前,中国正在与海湾合作委员会,新西兰,澳大利亚等国商议自由贸易区协定。

    Currently , China is negotiating on free trade area agreements with the Gulf Cooperation council , new zealand , Australia and etc.

  29. 烟草在线据《卡里时报》报道编译仿效阿联酋的做法,一些海湾合作委员会的国家因健康担忧而考虑禁止电子卷烟。

    Following the UAE example , a number of GCC countries are considering a ban on the electronic cigarette citing health concerns .

  30. 沙特阿拉伯的可再生能源计划就像海湾合作委员会的其他成员国(巴林、科威特、阿曼、卡塔尔和阿拉伯联合酋长国)的那样把重点放在了太阳能与核能上。

    Other member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council ( Bahrain , Kuwait , Oman , Qatar and the United Arab Emirates )