
  • 网络Explicit Demand;manifest need;Manifest Demand;Consumer Explicit Demand;Tangible needs
  1. 图书馆信息服务中用户和图书馆员是两个关键因素,从以下五个方面发挥用户与图书馆员以及图书馆员相互之间的互动效应&收集用户信息、建立用户资料库;了解显性需求、开发隐性需求;

    User and librarian are two important factors of information service in the library .

  2. 对人的隐性体育需求善加引导和激励,并提供一定的体育产品与服务,则可以提前过渡到显性需求。

    Implicit human needs to make good sports guide and inspire and provide some sports products and services , people need to advance the sport recessive to dominant transition needs .

  3. 由于隐性需求常常被外部的显性需求所掩盖,因而教师要努力看到学生的隐性需求,并区分学生的需求哪些是良性的和优先的。

    The dominant demand is often overshadowed by the external demand . The teachers should strive to see the hidden needs , and distinguish what is healthy student demand and priority needs .

  4. 其次,针对显性需求和隐性需求消费者的配比样本,进行探索性分析;再次,提出隐性需求与传统品牌资产影响因素的逻辑模型,以及调研样本的选择,进行初步的模型设计。

    Secondly , this chapter brings forward the SEM of influencing factors of implicit demand and traditional brand equity and the choice of research sample . Thirdly this chapter analyzes to explore according explicit and implicit needs of consumers demand ratio samples .

  5. 目前的企业对于产品开发的力度几乎全部集中在用户的显性需求上,使得大多数产品在功能、外观、使用和性能上都极为相似。

    However , most of the enterprises are still concentrating on customers ' extrinsic need so as to develop products . And this causes a big proportion of the products to be extraordinarily similar in function , appearance , usability and performance .

  6. 农民的显性体育需求主要表现在物质、精神、制度三个层面。

    The sports demands of the farmers with a dominant sport demands are mainly in the physical , mental and system three levels .

  7. 学习者词典不应只是关注用户对显性信息的需求,还应该着眼于这些显性信息的认知因素。

    The learners ' dictionaries should not only center on users ' overt information needs but also focus on the cognitive factors of the overt information .

  8. 教育服务是高等教育的主要产品,高等教育质量就是高等教育服务产品的质量,即指高等教育服务产品满足教育需求主体显性或隐性需求的程度。

    Quality of higher education , which in essence equals the quality of higher education service products , refers to the extent to which the higher education service products can meet the implicit and explicit demands of the educational consumers .

  9. 通过分析用户显性及隐性需求,用户心理过程和用户心理效应,以求摸索用户信息需求规律。二、图书馆感知服务及其质量评价修正研究。

    By researching explicit needs and tacit needs , as well as , users ' psychological process and effects , the goal of this is to probe the law of users ' information needs . Second , library perceived service process study .