
  • 网络information need;RFI;information requirements
  1. 信息需求、服务提供与农民表达渠道

    Information Need , Service Provision and Farmers ' Expression Channels

  2. 面向危机预警的企业信息需求及其保障机制

    Enterprise Information Need and Its Guarantee Mechanism Oriented to Crisis Early Warning

  3. 通过用户信息需求的表达和信息反馈,形成并训练用户Agent;

    It forms and trains the users Agent through the expression demanded by the users information and information feedback .

  4. 这里使用了一个叫GenerationsVideoStore的虚拟公司来表示一个典型企业的信息需求。

    A virtual firm " Generations Video Store " was considered to illustrate the information needs of a typical enterprise .

  5. 这种模型不仅不能满足用户多粒度的信息需求,而且意味着给不同的Web站点作者规定了不平等的影响权重。

    Such a model not only fails to satisfy user 's multiple-granularity information needs , but also tends to define unjust influence weights for different authors of Websites .

  6. 分析了当前装配建模技术,归纳了装配工艺分析支持子系统对产品模型的信息需求,提出了基于XML的装配信息集成方法。

    Analyzes assembly modeling techniques , summarizes the information requirements towards product model by assembly process analysis system , and presents a XML-based assembly information integration model .

  7. 随着Internet和移动通信技术的快速发展,对图像信息需求量持续增长,对图像压缩技术的研究成为人们广泛关注的热点课题之一。

    With the rapid development of Internet and mobile communication technology . the demands of image information continues to grow and the research on image compression technology becomes one of the hot and widespread concern topics .

  8. 在分析虚拟企业中的信息需求、相关实现方法的基础上,给出了一个基于CORBA的虚拟企业组建与动作原型系统实例。

    Lastly , on the basis of analyzing information requirement and interrelated achievement method of virtual enterprise , this paper gives an example of information system of virtual enterprise creation based on CORBA .

  9. 但是,随着企业经营机制迅速向市场经济转变,从企业全局来看,原有的企业MIS应用已渐渐难以满足日益增长的信息需求。

    But with the quickly changing which from enterprise management mechanism to market economy , see from the whole enterprise , the old enterprise MIS application has been gradually difficult to meet the information demand which increasing daily .

  10. 还对现代军事装备保障中的信息需求进行了分析,提出了KDD技术在军事装备保障中应用新思想,建立了KDD技术在军事装备保障中应用模型。

    Fourthly , the information needs in modern military equipment indemnification are analyzed , then a new idea of the KDD technology 's application in military equipment indemnification is put forward , and an application model of the KDD technology in military equipment indemnification is established .

  11. 图书馆读者服务工作应适应网络环境下的信息需求

    Reader service of library must adapt to information requirements under Network Circumstances

  12. 用户的信息需求情境是一个典型的动态变化的情景。

    User 's information demand situation is a typical dynamically changing situation .

  13. 竞争战略的信息需求博弈

    Analysis of Information Demand of Competitive Strategy with Game Theory

  14. 医疗机构医师对临床药学信息需求状况的调查

    Investigation on demand for information about clinical pharmacy by physicians in hospitals

  15. 晚期癌症患者家庭照顾者的相关信息需求分析

    Analysis of information demands in home-care providers for patients with terminal cancer

  16. 癌症病人健康信息需求研究进展

    Research progress on health information needs of cancer patients

  17. 测量目标和活动确定的信息需求和目标是一致的。

    Measurement objectives and activities are aligned with identified information needs and objectives .

  18. 并探析了分析师的信息需求特点。

    What is also included is that the characteristics of security analysts ' needs .

  19. 在媒介的发展史中,唯一相对不变的是人们的信息需求。

    In the history of media , the only changeless factor is human needs .

  20. 2000-2005年国内图书馆信息需求与服务研究综述

    A Summary on Internal Library Information Requirement and Service Research from 2000 to 2005

  21. 影像分辨率的提高,直接导致遥感数据量的大幅度增加和地理空间信息需求的大幅增加。

    The high resolution leads to data increase greatly and market demands increase greatly .

  22. 信息需求经济模型定量分析

    Quantitative analysis about economic model of information demands

  23. 农村信息需求与城市公共图书馆

    Rural Information Demand and Urban Public Library

  24. 潜在档案信息需求是档案潜在用户产生的最关键的条件。

    Potential information demand is the most important condition of potential users of the archives .

  25. 用户信息需求及其规律性

    User Information Demand and Regularity

  26. 高校图书馆用户信息需求分析与服务探究

    Analysis on the Information Demand of the Users of University Library and the Service of University Library

  27. 现代化图书馆的水平高低更注重馆藏资源的利用率和读者文献信息需求的满足率。

    Modern libraries pay more attention on the using of document and the content of the readers'information need .

  28. 癌症患者的信息需求&《癌症患者信息选择问卷》的编制与评估

    Information Needs of Cancer Patients ( 1 ) Development and Evaluation of Information Preference Questionnaire for Cancer Patients

  29. 联合办学形势下职校读者信息需求分析与服务策略研究

    Reader 's information need analyses and service strategy research in vocational technical schools under the situation of jointly running schools

  30. 在对不同用户群体进行信息需求分析的基础上,构建了新时期国家农业图书馆面向用户的信息服务模式。

    Basing on the analysis of information needs of different user groups , new information service models have been built .