
zhōu qī xìnɡ shī yè
  • cyclical unemployment
  1. 美国政府对此做了很多努力,试图解决大规模的周期性失业和通货膨胀问题。

    American federal government made a lot of efforts to conquer the difficulty of cyclical unemployment and inflation .

  2. 通常,经济学家把它分为摩擦性失业、结构性失业、周期性失业和季节性失业几种类型。

    Generally , economists divide it into four types . They are frictional unemployment , structural unemployment , cyclical unemployment and seasonal unemployment .

  3. 为什么说摩擦性失业是高效(有效率的),而周期性失业却不是?

    Why saying attrition sex is unemployed is efficient ( businesslike ), and is periodic unemployment however ?

  4. 中国就业形势严峻,失业的主要原因突出表现为劳动力供大于求、结构性失业以及周期性失业等等。

    The employment situation of our country is severe , the main reason can be shown as : supply exceeding demand , structural unemployment etc.

  5. 把中国的失业分为隐蔽性失业、结构性失业、周期性失业以及人口总量的绝对过量失业四种。

    It divided the unemployment into four types : concealing unemployment , structure unemployment , periodic unemployment and the unemployment caused by the absolute over population .

  6. 建立一个覆盖失业最初6个月的短期周期性失业保险体系,将有助于欧元区在遭遇突发性不对称冲击后稳定经济。

    A short-term cyclical unemployment insurance system , covering , say , the first six months of unemployment , would help stabilise the eurozone economy after a sudden asymmetric shock .

  7. 本文同样按照这一思路分析了消费、投资对劳动力供需的影响,以此推论居民消费对消除周期性失业,实现充分就业的作用,以及居民消费对缓解结构性失业的作用。

    Also by following this approach , this paper analyzes the influence of consumption and investment on the supply and demand of labor forces and the role of Residents ' Consumption in eradicating cyclical unemployment , ensuring full employment and alleviating the structural unemployment .

  8. 一般来说,如果一个国家的产业结构是以资本和技术密集型为主,而且这个国家的失业类型主要是周期性失业,则利率降低的收入效应会大于替代效应,从而有利于增加就业。

    Generally speaking , if capital and technology intensity plays a dominant role in a country 's industrial structure , and unemployment in this country is mainly periodical , when interest rate is lowered , income effect is greater than substitution effect , which helps increase employment .

  9. 2010年大学毕业生达到630万人,而金融危机引起的周期性失业和结构性失业问题日益突出,再加上未实现就业的往届毕业生,解决大学生就业难的问题迫在眉睫。

    The number of University graduates reached 630 million in 2010.Because of cyclical unemployment and structural unemployment caused by the financial crisis , along with the previous graduates not in employment , have become increasingly prominent matter . Solving the difficult problem of graduate employment become the most urgent thing .

  10. 其次,在反周期的宏观经济政策所能调节的周期性失业方面,由于宏观经济政策所引导的投资方向往往是就业密集度较低的行业,进而导致反周期措施拉动就业的能力大为降低。

    Second , the investments driven by expansive macroeconomic policies since 1998 have overwhelmingly concentrated in low employment sectors .