
  1. 这些衡量标准包括经过周期调整的市盈率(考虑10年期间的利润)和托宾Q比率(Tobin'sQ,比较股价与资产重置价值)。

    These are the cyclically adjusted p / e ratio , which looks at profits over a ten-year period , and Tobin 's Q , which compares share prices to the replacement value of assets .

  2. 根据他帮助开发的经周期调整的市盈率(Cape,将10年盈利均值与目前的股价相比),欧洲看上去颇具吸引力。

    Based on the cyclically adjusted price / earnings ratio ( Cape ) he helped develop which compares a 10-year average of earnings to current share prices Europe looks attractive .

  3. 以经周期性调整的长期市盈率作为衡量标准,美国股市目前的点位也比应有水平高出了一倍以上。

    US equity prices are also more than twice the level long term cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratios say they should be .

  4. 然而,最近经周期因素调整后的市盈率是26.5,较其长期均值高出约三分之二。

    The most recent cyclically adjusted p / e ratio , however , is 26.5 , or about two-thirds above its long-run average .