
  • 网络Cyclical crisis;periodic crisis;Periodic Threat
  1. 其它周期性危机则是规模较大的繁荣-萧条过程中的组成部分。

    The periodic crises were part of a larger boom-bust process .

  2. 另一些人则认为,这显示出正经历周期性危机与长期调整的全球经济的易变性。

    Others see it as indicative of the fluidity of a global economy experiencing cyclical shocks and secular realignments .

  3. 在几乎每一次影响商业经济的周期性危机期间,总会有人站出来说还是马克思说的对。

    During almost every one of the periodic crises that affect mercantile economies , voices are raised saying Marx was right after all .

  4. 另外,该地区可以采取多种措施,减轻自身对外部资金以及容易受周期性危机影响的银行的依赖。

    Moreover , there are plenty of measures that the region can adopt to help free itself of dependence on outside capital and on banks vulnerable to periodic crises .

  5. 现代信用资本主义与周期性金融危机

    On the Modern Credit Capitalism and Cyclical Financial Crisis

  6. 它是迄今为止资本主义世界发生过的最全面、最深刻、最持久的一次周期性经济危机。

    It was the most comprehensive , profound and lasting periodic economic crisis .

  7. 周期性经济危机理论新探

    Research into the Theory of Cyclical Economic Crisis

  8. 周期性的危机破坏着资本主义制度,这种危机的规模在扩大,时间在延长。

    Periodic crises wrack the capitalist system , and they grow in size and duration .

  9. 为何有那麽多企业会遭受周期性的危机,波动的销售额,利润,以及士气?

    Why do many businesses suffer from periodic crises , fluctuating sales , earnings , and morale ?

  10. 资本主义生产方式是以追求利润为最高目的的商品生产,它在造成周期性经济危机的同时,也造成了生态危机。

    The capitalist mode of production is commodity production ; its supreme objective is to seek profit . Along with the periodic economic crisis , it also causes ecological crisis .

  11. 智利国内经济容易受到周期性国际收支危机的影响。

    The domestic economy of Chile was liable to be affected by the periodic crises of balance of payments .

  12. 竹种萌发成林约需10年以上时间,从而导致以此为食的大熊猫发生周期性的食物危机。

    It will take over 10 years for the seed to become adult bamboo . As a result , the Giant Pandas in this area have a periodic food crisis .

  13. 资本有机构成的提高是历史发展的必然趋势,然而资本有机构成的提高也必然会引发周期性的经济危机。

    The enhancing of the capital organic structure is the necessary trend of the development , but the enhancing of the capital organic structure can certainly cause seasonal economic crisis .

  14. 马克思的虚拟资本理论深刻揭示了金融资产所特有的虚拟性质,揭示了经济周期性与金融危机的根源,揭示了货币流通与利率变动的内在规律。

    Marxist theory on virtual capital reveals the specific virtual nature of financial assets , the cyclicity of economy and causes for financial crisis , the internal rule of currency circulation and change of interest rate as well .

  15. 不采取行动,我们的未来将是令人失望的全球增长和周期性的主权债务危机。

    Without action our future will be disappointing global growth and periodic sovereign debt crises .

  16. 德国经济经历了1992&1993年周期性和结构性双重危机的考验,其内在的强弱点都得以充分显露。

    Test of both cyclical and structural crises in 1992-1993 . Now its strong and weak points are fully displayed .

  17. 周期性爆发的经济危机是资本主义制度特有的经济现象,马克思与凯恩斯对此都有深入的研究。

    Periodic outbreak economic crisis is a peculiar economic phenomenon to the capitalist system , which Marx and Keynes had a deep research in .

  18. 韩国企业高比率负债下的海外扩张的战略失误与国内政党纷争及国际市场紧缩交织在一起,被东南亚金融危机触发,终于将周期性的企业财务危机演化成经济体制的全面危机。

    Cyclical Corporation Financial Crisis of Korea Was Turned Into Comprehensive Crisis of National Economic System Because of Mistaken Strategy of Foreign Expansion Initiated by Korea Corporation with High Liability Ratio Accompanied by Domestic Political Dissension and Curtailment of International Market Which Was Triggered by Southeast Asia Crisis .