
  • 网络weekend effect;week effect
  1. 至少从之前研究人员给出的一些解释来看,“周末效应”与医院医护人员人手更少、专家人数更少、一些影像检查及介入性治疗无法立即进行有关,而这些医疗资源在工作日时间均可尽快获得。

    At least some of the previous explanations from researchers for the “ weekend effect ” are related to lower staffing levels ( nurses ) , fewer available specialists , as well as lack of readily available imaging and so-called interventional-type services offered during a typical “ work ” day from 9-5 .

  2. 北京市夏季O3、NOx等污染物周末效应研究

    Study of the " Weekend Effect " of O_3 , NO_x and Other Pollutants in Summer of Beijing

  3. 在经过周末效应和GARCH模型调整之后,沪深两市量价之间的非线性因果关系消失了。

    But after filtering weekend and GARCH effects , the nonlinear Granger causality relation disappears .

  4. 周末效应作为一种各国证券市场共有的市场异例现象,在EMH的研究中具较重要的研究价值和地位,受到西方学术界的广泛关注和探讨。

    The weekend effect , together with other market effect is called Market Anomalies .

  5. 横截面自相关的分析表明:在考虑了周末效应和GARCH现象后,A、B股之间不存在领先-滞后现象,A、B股之间是即时正相关的。

    We could not find any lead lag effects using cross autocorrelation , even after controlling the weekend and GARCH phenomena .

  6. 利用非参数方法对上海股市周末效应的研究

    Study on weekend effect of shanghai stock market with non-parameter method

  7. 中国夏季日降水频次的周末效应

    Weekend Effect of Daily Precipitation Frequency in Summer of China

  8. 周末效应是一种各国证券市场共有的异例现象。

    Weekend effect is a market anomaly phenomenon .

  9. 对上海股市建筑业模块的周末效应进行了实证研究。

    This paper makes an empirical study on the weekend effect in the construction field on Shanghai security market .

  10. 臭氧浓度周末效应不明显,工作日臭氧浓度比周末略低,这与大气能见度有关。

    Ozone concentration effect is not obvious at the weekend , weekday ozone concentration was slightly lower than the weekend , it related to the atmospheric visibility .

  11. 用五分钟高频数据对我国股市的周末效应进行检验后,发现我国股市在周一的收益波动率最大。

    After testing on weekday affect using the high frequency data , it is found that in Monday the return volatility of china stock market is the highest .

  12. 以日历或者时间长短来区分,季节效应又可分为周末效应、月份效应、假期效应等。

    According to the calendar or the length of time , the return seasonal effect includes weekend effect , monthly effect , holiday effect , and so on .

  13. 国内外学者对日历效应的研究很多,早期的研究主要集中于研究美国等发达资本主义国家股票市场的周末效应和一月效应。

    The early research are mainly focused on weekend effect and January effect in stock markets of the developed capitalist countries , such as the United States ' .

  14. 这些可预测的模式被称之为市场异象,主要包含周内效应、周末效应、规模效应、市盈率效应、情绪效应、一月份效应、节日效应等等。

    Market vision consists mainly of week effect , weekend effect , scale effect , price-earnings ratio effect , emotional effect , January effect , the holiday effect and so on .

  15. 本文使用标准的计量方法检验上海A、B股和深圳A、B股是否存在周末效应、月份效应和假期效应。

    The weekend effect , monthly effect and holiday effect in Shanghai A-share , B-share stock market and Shenzhen A-share , B-share stock market are studied with standard econometric methods in these thesis .

  16. 各国专家和学者通过研究,发现了周末效应、月份效应和星期效应等现象,证明了各国资本市场均存在着效率缺陷。

    Experts and academics find the " weekend effect ", " monthly effect " and " weekly effect " in most countries ' stock markets , which proves there are deficiencies in capital markets efficiency .

  17. 规律性的工作日和双休日影响了城市气温变化,造成了明显的周末升温、7天周期的显著周末效应。

    The disciplinarian working day and double-rest days affect the change of city temperature , which result in the weekend temperature increasing , that is to say weekend effect of seven days .

  18. 在医疗领域,人们发现周末入院接受治疗的患者死亡率与工作日入院的患者死亡率之间有所差别,这被称为“周末效应”。

    In healthcare , the weekend effect is the finding of a difference in mortality rate for patients admitted to hospital for treatment at the weekend compared to those admitted on a weekday .