
  • 网络Chow Tai Fook;ctf;forevermark
  1. 香港珠宝商周大福(ChowTaiFook)的业绩也不好。

    Hong Kong jeweller Chow Tai Fook had bad numbers , too .

  2. 该公司董事总经理黄绍基(kentwong)表示,周大福并不面对因过快扩张而“稀释”品牌价值的风险。

    Chow Tai Fook was not at risk of diluting its brand value by expanding too quickly , said Kent Wong , managing director .

  3. 周大福董事局主席郑家纯(henrycheng)表示,销售额增长放缓反映去年同期的基数极高。

    Henry Cheng , chairman , said the slowdown reflected the extremely high base last year .

  4. 最近一个由美国乔治华盛顿大学和L2智囊团的分析发现,在中国,周大福的品牌知名度超过劳力士、宝格丽或蒂芙尼。

    A recent analysis by George Washington University and L2 , a think-tank , found the brand is better known in China than Rolex , Bulgari or Tiffany .

  5. “周大福”刚刚与“德比尔斯”(DeBeers)达成一笔交易,在湖南省会长沙零售店推广其品牌。

    CTF has just struck a deal with De Beers to market one of the diamond company 's brands in its outlet in Changsha , the capital of Hunan province .

  6. 上月,周大福在香港君悦酒店(GrandHyatt)的舞厅举办了一场拍卖会,拍卖一些最昂贵的珠宝。

    Last month , Chow Tai Fook hosted an auction of some of its most expensive jewellery in the ballroom of the Grand Hyatt in Hong Kong .

  7. 65岁的郑家纯在今年2月86岁的父亲郑裕彤(ChengYu-tong)决定退休之后,才正式接过郑氏家族两大旗舰上市公司——新世界发展(NewWorldDevelopment)和周大福(ChowTaiFook)——的董事长之职。

    Mr Cheng , 65 , only recently took over the chairmanship of the family 's two listed flagships - New World Development and Chow Tai Fook - when his 86-year father Cheng Yu-tong decided to retire in February .

  8. 主席郑家纯(HenryCheng)表示,周大福计划在3至5年内将非黄金产品销售额的比重从27%扩大到50%以上,这类商品的利润率较高。

    It aimed to increase non-gold sales , which have better margins , from 27 per cent to more than 50 per cent in three to five years , said Henry Cheng , chairman .

  9. 在香港六家占主导地位的大企业中,有三家是由白手起家的大陆移民创办的,分别是:李嘉诚的长江实业(CheungKongHoldingsLtd.),新鸿基地产和周大福。

    Among the city 's six dominant conglomerates , three were started by boot-strapping mainland emigrants : Mr. Li 's Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd. , HK - 1.43 % Sun Hung Kai Properties and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises .

  10. 这种下滑趋势影响了包括历峰(Richemont)、博柏利(Burberry)和豪华珠宝商周大福(ChowTaiFook)在内的企业。周大福称,预计今年将在香港关闭最多6家店。

    The decline has affected businesses including Richemont , Burberry and luxury jeweller Chow Tai Fook , which said this year it expected to close up to six stores in Hong Kong .

  11. 他说,品牌建设对于想在中国蓬勃发展的购物中心来说非常重要。他专门提到了香港珠宝商周大福(ChowTaiFook)投资的K11艺术购物中心品牌。

    He says branding is very important for malls that wish to thrive in China , singling out K11 , an art-themed mall brand backed by Hong Kong jeweller Chow Tai Fook .

  12. 全球市值最大的珠宝商、总部位于香港的周大福(ChowTaiFook)表示,在中国内地光顾最多的地区的部分门店,金条已经售罄。

    Chow Tai Fook - the Hong Kong-based company that is the world 's biggest jeweller by market capitalisation - said some stores in areas popular with mainland Chinese tourists had sold out of gold bars .

  13. 珠宝零售帝国周大福(ChowTaiFook)的继承人郑志刚(AdrianCheng)说,过去五年出现了送圣诞礼物的大热潮。

    Adrian Cheng , heir to the Chow Tai Fook jewellery store empire that has been selling baubles to mainlanders for decades , says the past five years have experienced a big boom in giving Christmas presents .

  14. 中国最大的珠宝连锁店周大福(ChowTaiFook)本月表示,预计利润将因为“大中华区消费者意愿减弱”而下滑40%到50%。

    Chow Tai Fook , the largest Chinese jewellery chain , said this month that it expects profits to be down 40-50 per cent on " weaker consumer sentiment in [ the ] Greater China region . "

  15. 举例来说,香港另外一家珠宝商“六福”(LukFook)是另外一家在中国内地迅速扩张的公司,但其战略主要是连锁经营,而“周大福”则是确保高品质、通过直接控制广泛的零售店打出自己的品牌。

    Luk Fook , for example , is another Hong Kong jeweller expanding rapidly on the mainland - but its strategy relies chiefly on using franchisees , whereas CTF ensures high quality and branding by directly controlling its far-flung outlets .

  16. 正如其产品一样,周大福股价不便宜。

    Like its product , Chow Tai Fook is not cheap .

  17. 各单位注意,周大福金行警报响了。

    Attention all units , alarm at the Kowloon City jewellery shop .

  18. 周大福表示,自上世纪80年代末以来,对黄金产品的需求从未这样强劲过。

    It said demand had not been this strong for gold products since the late 1980s .

  19. 实际上,如果为全球竞争对手在偏远地区提供一个分销渠道,“周大福”会获利更多。

    Indeed , CTF could even profit by offering global rivals a distribution channel in remote regions .

  20. 没错,“周大福”是有竞争对手,不过在赢得中国市场方面它似乎更有优势。

    It is true that CTF has rivals , but it seems better positioned to conquer China .

  21. 去年周大福在大陆地区的同店销售额也从去年4月份到9月份期间快速增长了45%。

    CTF saw same-store sales on the mainland shoot up by 45 % from April to September last year .

  22. 市场传闻表明,“周大福”将在下月发行价值30到40亿美元的股票。

    Market rumours now suggest it will float about $ 3 billion - $ 4 billion-worth of shares next month .

  23. 有数据表明,到目前为止,周大福已从中获益:在截至3月底的财年中,周大福的销售额和利润均上涨超过五分之三。

    Numbers suggest it is benefiting so far : sales and profits rose more than three-fifths in the year to end-March .

  24. 今夏,周大福公告第一季度同店销售额增长4%,公司股价随即大幅下挫。

    This summer Chow Tai Fook shares fell sharply after it reported a 4 per cent rise in same-store sales for the first quarter .

  25. 那或许没有“周大福”期望的那么有利可图,但不要为其亿万富翁老板郑裕彤掉一滴眼泪。

    That may be less lucrative than it hoped for , but do not shed any tears for Cheng Yu-tung , the firm 's billionaire boss .

  26. 想一想“周大福”近1500家左右零售店大多位于中国这一繁荣市场,其未来确实一片光明。

    Considering the booming market in China , where most of the firm 's 1500 or so outlets are located , the future positively glisters for CTF .

  27. 人称“张大师”的张志荣(音)是周大福的设计师之一,他既能设计珠宝,也能制作他自己的首饰。

    Zhang Zhi Rong , or Master Zhang as he is known , is one of the company 's artists who can both design and make his own jewelry .

  28. 当周大福的生意主要专注在亚洲市场,源自上海的“老凤祥”金饰则希望西方人也会喜欢这种亚洲风格。

    While Chow Tai Fook 's business is focused on Asia , the Shanghai-based gold company Lao Feng Xiang is betting that Westerners can learn to love the Asian style .

  29. 9月14日,在内蒙古自治区包头市王府井百货周大福店,一位售货员在向顾客展示黄金月饼。

    On September14th , in a Chow Tai Fook chain store located in Baotou City , Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , a shop assistant was demonstrating a gold mooncake to customers .

  30. 周大福表示,在占总营收约二分之一的香港和澳门两地,4-6月季度同店销售额较上年同期下降1%。

    The chain said same-store sales in Hong Kong and Macau , where it generates about half its revenue , fell 1 per cent year on year in the April-June quarter .